I'm hoping someone could please re-skin or create me some wooden pipes.
I would like the pipes the have copper bands around them as structural support.
I closest images I could get are below.
Any would probably work, how aboutthis one.darkfrei wrote:Which texture?
https://www.google.com/search?q=wood+te ... s&tbm=isch
Here is only two pictures, they are rendered in 300% from HR vanilla graphics.TheSAguy wrote:Anyone?
I don't think so. The default iron should be fine.darkfrei wrote:So, pipes are complete, are you need covers too?
3D model and pictures
Not corrupted, are you use en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7z?TheSAguy wrote:zip seems corrupt. please re-post.
WinZip faild, but RAR worked.darkfrei wrote:Not corrupted, are you use en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7z?TheSAguy wrote:zip seems corrupt. please re-post.
Yes, but it must be also named as "wood-pipe" and "pipe-to-ground-wood".BuilderOfAges wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:01 pm Awesome!
I'm working on a mod that also has wood pipes. Would it be okay if I also use these?