[0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

The raillayer; must have, if you want to play with railway.

Moderator: Choumiko

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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Optera »

There seems to be a left over debug log in 1.1.7.

Code: Select all

Script FARL.lua:285: max :1.5
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Boogieman14 »

It appears FARL doesn't agree with me wanting to build one center track without signals :)

This is my blueprint:
blueprint string
This is what FARL builds:

Using FARL 1.1.7

As you can see, the signal-less track is shifted. In earlier tests, I ran into a similar problem when the chain signal was on the 4th track from left (in that case the 5th track didn't have a signal).

(in case anyone's interested in the use case: the center track is for my personal transport, so I can zip past the slow bulk trains more easily :) it doesn't need signals except near junctions)
I don't have OCD, I have CDO. It's the same, but with the letters in the correct order.
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by torne »

FARL 1.1.7 seems to have trouble placing poles close enough together in blueprint mode with certain patterns of curve: here's a blueprint for the ghost rails that reproduce the issue:
Blueprint string
In the default no-blueprint mode it works fine, but with any blueprint I've tried (including the default one that gets generated when you press the buttons in the config dialog) a couple of the poles end up placed one square out of range of the last pole and fail to connect.

I guess this is a bug since it manages to place the poles in the default mode..
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by HOSH »

Getting an error when trying to pick up any train, car, or farl from the tracks... got it in both 0.15.33 and 0.15.34. So if I place anything on the rails it stays, and I have to move it round, as I cannot remove it. Maybe has to deal with my mod list. I attached the mod list and the screenshot to this post.

ERROR box:
Error while running event
FARL::on_preplayer_mined_item (ID 11)
__FARL__/FARL.lue:315 table index is nil

Update: It seems to have something to due with train color or vehicle wagon. I toggled just those two off and back on, now it works.

Crash screenshot.
Crash screenshot.
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by cid0rz »

Hello all, Thank you Choumiko for keeping this amazing one of my most loved mods! I wanted to ask you if it would be possible to lay concreted rails:


I get the error "out of rails" since I think FARL does not understand that concreted rails are rails. Thank you and keep it up!
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by MoiAimeBien »

Start Autopilot with ghost rail in the wrong way.

Hi, I made ghost rail and place the FARL with wagon and another FARL on the opposite way.
When I get int the front loco and start a window appear, who tell me "Ghost rail detected, start autopilot" and a checkbox with "Drive without me".
I check the box click on Yes.
But the loco start ont the opposite way of the ghost, and when I stop it I can no longer get into it nor pick it up.

I'm on LHD but it does the same with a single track.
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by steinio »

cid0rz wrote:Hello all, Thank you Choumiko for keeping this amazing one of my most loved mods! I wanted to ask you if it would be possible to lay concreted rails:


I get the error "out of rails" since I think FARL does not understand that concreted rails are rails. Thank you and keep it up!
Hey, try Naked Rails (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/naked-rails). You just build vanilla rails and change it with the converting tool afterwards in milliseconds.

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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Choumiko »

cid0rz wrote:Hello all, Thank you Choumiko for keeping this amazing one of my most loved mods! I wanted to ask you if it would be possible to lay concreted rails:


I get the error "out of rails" since I think FARL does not understand that concreted rails are rails. Thank you and keep it up!
This should work without problems. You just have to change the rail type in the FARL settings
MoiAimeBien wrote:Start Autopilot with ghost rail in the wrong way.

Hi, I made ghost rail and place the FARL with wagon and another FARL on the opposite way.
When I get int the front loco and start a window appear, who tell me "Ghost rail detected, start autopilot" and a checkbox with "Drive without me".
I check the box click on Yes.
But the loco start ont the opposite way of the ghost, and when I stop it I can no longer get into it nor pick it up.

I'm on LHD but it does the same with a single track.
This should be fixed in the next update (will upload it in the next hour or so)
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by CzBuCHi »

Hello, great mod. Im having issues with manual driving: locomotive seems not to react to 'brake' key (forward nor backward - depends on current moving direction). brakes work as expected in automatic mode and when player is in wagon / loco without farl module
quick fix is jumping out of loco and jumping back into wagon but that is ... wrong (not sure if u can do that with better fuels) and works only when moving forward :)

any idea what could cause this?

TL;DR: Brakes not work when player in farl locomotive / locomotive with farl module.
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Steven_McWayne »

somehow we get this error:

Junk Train 0.0.903 from dexor
Farl 2.1.2 by Choumiko

and some other stuff but its pointing between farl and junk trains.
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Steven_McWayne »

Scrap that...
Why the hell are there 2 Junk Rail mods where one isn't compatible to Farl but both are 0.16? -.-
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Wakaba-chan »


Is it possible to hope FARL would support Bob's Big Electric Poles? There are MK2 in cargo, but FARL reports with "Out of Big electric pole"...
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Optera »

Wakaba-chan wrote: Mon Nov 19, 2018 5:06 am Hello,

Is it possible to hope FARL would support Bob's Big Electric Poles? There are MK2 in cargo, but FARL reports with "Out of Big electric pole"...
I'm using my lighted poles with farl without any problem.
Did you make a farl blueprint using Mk2 poles and read that bp back into farl?
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Wakaba-chan »

Optera wrote: Wed Nov 21, 2018 8:21 pm
Wakaba-chan wrote: Mon Nov 19, 2018 5:06 am Hello,

Is it possible to hope FARL would support Bob's Big Electric Poles? There are MK2 in cargo, but FARL reports with "Out of Big electric pole"...
I'm using my lighted poles with farl without any problem.
Did you make a farl blueprint using Mk2 poles and read that bp back into farl?
Oh, you right. That time I was trying to do it with default settings, but now I made proper blueprints and FARL actually uses them fine and place electric poles at maximum distance. Thank you! :D Now the only issue left with it is bulldozer mode... Is there some hidden technique to make it work? It just says "can't place rail".
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Cadde »

I have encountered something weird on my game.
When i place locomotives that have farl modules in them in the same chest, one locomotive disappears.
Happened twice to me now on separate games.

Could be related to chest sorting though. (picker extended and manual inventory sorting mods)

Just making a note of it incase others have experienced the same or would run into the same problem by accident.
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Nexela »

That is probably related to inventory sorting, I'll add an issue on picker to take a peek at it
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crash on delete of curved rail

Post by Spatula »

Crash report from deleting curved rail .. i have tried different angles and even stand alone with out connection to others.
same error.
crash.jpg (606.09 KiB) Viewed 9718 times
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Re: crash on delete of curved rail

Post by orzelek »

Spatula wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 1:57 pm Crash report from deleting curved rail .. i have tried different angles and even stand alone with out connection to others.
same error.
I do think you have wrong thread - it's not a FARL error - it's Rail Power System mod that errored out.
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Spatula »

understood. . . i will look that direction. . .
thank you
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by bernd »

Since few days starting any game, regardless if it was from 0.16 or a current 0.17, I get the following crash:

Die Mod Fully Automated Rail Layer hat einen nichtbehebbaren Fehler verursacht.
Bitte informiere den Modautor über diesen Fehler.

Error while running event FARL::on_configuration_changed
LuaEntity API call when LuaEntity was invalid.
stack traceback:
__FARL__/FARL.lua:2995: in function 'flyingText'
__FARL__/FARL.lua:2989: in function 'print'
__FARL__/FARL.lua:1668: in function 'deactivate'
__FARL__/control.lua:407: in function <__FARL__/control.lua:211>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function '__index'
__FARL__/FARL.lua:2995: in function 'flyingText'
__FARL__/FARL.lua:2989: in function 'print'
__FARL__/FARL.lua:1668: in function 'deactivate'
__FARL__/control.lua:407: in function <__FARL__/control.lua:211>

I run Factorio 0.17.24 and FARL 3.1.3.
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