Trains attempt pickup at requester.

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Why are trains being sent to a requester station to pickup?

Post by equitime77 »

I have seen quite a few trains being sent to a requester station as if it were acting as a provider station. It has no provider tags in the constant combinator. I cannot understand why it should do this?
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Re: Why are trains being sent to a requester station to pickup?

Post by DaleStan »

What signals are you sending to the LTN input? I'm guessing you're sending more than 1k (by default) of the resource in question. Doing that makes it a provider station. You should be able to fix this with any of: Filtering out that signal before it gets to the station, Making sure that you never over-deliver to the station, or Setting a large provide threshold.
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Re: Why are trains being sent to a requester station to pickup?

Post by equitime77 »

Thanks, it seemed to stop after the amount in it went way down again. I will see if I can adopt your suggestions too.
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Re: Why are trains being sent to a requester station to pickup?

Post by Dergonic »

I had the same issue, Requesting station becomes providing station as soon as ressources stocked are over the request.

I solved it via setting up a "provide threshold" to 1G ressources so that it can never become a provider station
Inspired by this post (4th image) :
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Re: Why are trains being sent to a requester station to pickup?

Post by mrvn »

My blueprints all have both requester and povider amounts and priority in them for that reason. I also increased the game wide default to 1G just to be save.
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Trains attempt pickup at requester.

Post by hechang27 »

I have a factory making solar panels, which has a station requesting green circuits. Instead of sending green circuits from my two provider stations for green circuits, LTN decides to send trains to the REQUESTER station for my electric engines, which has green circuits in its station. Of course the train won't load any green circuits since it is a requester station. My LTN system has been working fine so far. I use the same designs for requesters and providers.
Here are the blueprints (The middle two entities are warehouses from the warehousing mod):
Requester: ... X2bUhcb5SU

Code: Select all

Provider: ... KWhvm2Nczg

Code: Select all

My configurations of the constant combinator only contains the provider/requester threshold, the limit to the number of trains (only 1 train per station at the same time), and the requested among of items for requesters. Since I have been using these designs for quite a while (and it worked fine), I don't know where could the problem be.
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Re: Strange incorrect "deliveries" between two requesters

Post by DaleStan »

A provider station is any station where the station-light input is a positive number greater than or equal to the provider threshold. If it's a requester-only station, raise the provider threshold at that station to something absurd (2,000,000,000 should do it). If it's a dual-purpose requester-provider, add some circuitry that only passes negative values for the requested cargoes.
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Re: Strange incorrect "deliveries" between two requesters

Post by Gloweye »

Easiest fix is to give a 100k Provider threshold for each requester station.
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Trains going to requestor stations to attempt loading.

Post by Arcani_Victus »

I have had this issue ever since I have started using this mod around the first part of this year. I am still learning this mod and I am trying to figure out if it is something I am doing wrong or something else. I have tried searching for other people with the same issue and either missed it or couldn't find anything on it.

As you can see in the picture above, I have set up the station, Main Copper Plate 3, to request 150k copper plates with a threshold of 10k. The train currently at the station is attempting to pick up 1.7k copper plates to deliver to "EC Copper Plate 1" So it sits there until the 300 seconds have passed. Trains do deliver to the stations correctly; however, from time to time I get trains attempting to load at a requestor station. It happens to requestor stations of all types, not only this one.

Thanks in advance for any and all assistance. Let me know if there is any other information I can provide to assist in resolving this issue.
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Re: Trains going to requestor stations to attempt loading.

Post by Optera »

I recommend always setting Provide and Request Thresholds for every station and not rely on global threshold settings.

Each station with item > provide threshold will be used as provider and similarly each station with item < request threshold will be requesting.
To prevent stations flipping use large numbers for Thresholds. e.g. 1M Provide Threshold on Main Copper Plate 3.
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Re: Trains going to requestor stations to attempt loading.

Post by Arcani_Victus »

Optera wrote:I recommend always setting Provide and Request Thresholds for every station and not rely on global threshold settings.

Each station with item > provide threshold will be used as provider and similarly each station with item < request threshold will be requesting.
To prevent stations flipping use large numbers for Thresholds. e.g. 1M Provide Threshold on Main Copper Plate 3.

Okay, I will do that from now on. Thanks again for the quick response.
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Re: Trains going to requestor stations to attempt loading.

Post by seePyou »

now that makes SO MUCH SENSE now!
I had that and I thought it was going temporarily insane as it did not do it often enough, and only "seemingly" after I had changed something.
Thank you for this. We may want to make this a feature request? That stations with no request threshold cannot be requesters and stations with no provider threshold cannot be providers?
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Re: Trains going to requestor stations to attempt loading.

Post by Optera »

seePyou wrote:We may want to make this a feature request? That stations with no request threshold cannot be requesters and stations with no provider threshold cannot be providers?
Stations ALWAYS have provide and request threshold. If none are given they default to global settings.
Changing global defaults to 1M would result in even more new players complaining about trains doing nothing.
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Re: Trains going to requestor stations to attempt loading.

Post by steinio »

Optera I have such big respect for your patience.
I would be annoyed really quickly by all this pals not reading the introduction of this mod.

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Re: Trains going to requestor stations to attempt loading.

Post by Optera »

You give me too much credit. :lol:
I can take it since there's only one of those per week.
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Re: Strange incorrect "deliveries" between two requesters

Post by hechang27 »

I see. Thx for replies.
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Re: Strange incorrect "deliveries" between two requesters

Post by melancoleeca »

my current request setup looks like this:

gather info from warehouses (ie. 50k).
send into arithmetic combinator which substracts the target request amount (ie. 50k - 30k -> 20k)
then i check with a decider if the amount is less then 0. if not i dont output anything.

this avoids your problem.
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Pickup trains arriving at drop-off station

Post by lobf »

Hi folks-

I have a setup that's designed to offload a train's contents quickly into storage containers so that chests don't get backed up, leaving items on trains. Here's a photo of the setup:

This setup (normally using active providers, passive were just installed to see if that fixed the issue) works across my entire 2kspm base, apparently because every other station only has one drop-off station. This station has two drop-offs, and this, for some reason, leads to trains coming to the bottom drop-off station to pick up advanced circuits sitting in storage.

Why are trains coming to a requester station to pick up? Why doesn't the requester setting disable pickups at that station? Is there any way to fix this?

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Re: Pickup trains arriving at drop-off station

Post by Ackos »

Add a provide threshold command, and set it to something high like 10 million.
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Re: Strange incorrect "deliveries" between two requesters

Post by Optera »

Merged all recent Trains attempt pickup from requester threads.

Please search the forum before opening a new thread.
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