I am currently working on a mod to add Uranium deposits, uranium processing technologies, civil and military application etc!
Basically; the mod adds uranium ore deposits
Don't worry, the balance will be kept, the nuke will be something really hard to get, so it will be devastating and must be used VERY carefuly.
Features :
New ores (Uraninite and Fluorite)
New items : Uranium ore, Uranium bar, Empty canister, Hexafluoride canister, Enriched uranium, Depleted uranium, Radioactive waste
New machines : Uranium processing unit, Tesla coil
New recipe category
New technologies : Radioactivity, Civil nuclear exploitation, Atomic weaponry, Advanced ballistics
Uranium isotopes
Nuclear powerplant
ICBM v1, Upgraded missile launcher, ICBM v2
A playable version should be released soon (maybe tomorrow) with placeholders in lieu of the actual 2D art.
If you wish to help, feel free to send a PM, I REALLY need someone to make the 2D art, to help with the sound effects.