Game will not even start to load

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Game will not even start to load

Post by Legoman165 »

My laptop will not even launch the game recently I didn't do anything (as far as i know) it just stopped being able to launch. I tried reinstalling and still had this problem.

Even the log is super short and i dont really know what to make of it.

Pastebin link:

Code: Select all

0.003 2018-08-11 17:46:17; Factorio 0.16.51 (build 36654, win64, steam)
   0.003 Operating system: Windows 10 (version 1803) 
   0.004 Program arguments: "D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe" 
   0.004 Read data path: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data
   0.004 Write data path: C:/Users/Kevin/AppData/Roaming/Factorio [26711/79039MB]
   0.004 Binaries path: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin
   0.027 System info: [CPU:        Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3337U CPU @ 1.80GHz, 4 cores, RAM: 2817/12166 MB, page: 2688/14022 MB, virtual: 4317/134217727 MB, extended virtual: 0 MB]
   0.034 Display options: [FullScreen: 0] [VSync: 0] [UIScale: system (100.0%)] [MultiSampling: OFF] [Screen: 255] [Lang: en]
   0.037 Available display adapters: 1
   0.037  [0]: \\.\DISPLAY1 - Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 {0x05, [0,0], 1920x1080, 32bit, 60Hz}
   0.038 Create display on adapter 0. Size 1280x720 at position [310, 162].
   0.493 Initialised Direct3D:[0] NVIDIA GeForce GT 735M; driver: nvd3dumx.dll
   0.806   Video memory size (dedicated video/dedicated system/shared system/available): 975/0/6083/4092 MB
   0.908 DSound: Starting _dsound_update thread
   0.908 DSound: Enter _dsound_update; tid=6124
   0.909 Device reset internal.
   0.915 Desktop composition is active.
   0.915 Graphics settings preset: medium-with-low-vram
   0.916 Graphics options: [Graphics quality: normal] [Video memory usage: all] [Light scale: 63.9503%] [DXT: false] [Shader: 1]
   0.916                   [Parallel sprite loading: 1] [Max texture size: 0/4096] [Bmp cache: 0] [Sprite slicing: 1] [Low quality rotation: 1]
   1.075 Error CrashHandler.cpp:373: Exception Code: c0000005, Address: 0x00007fff411d2807
ModuleBase: 0x00007ff7195f0000, ImageSize: 013d9000, RelativeAddress: 27be2807
   1.075 Error CrashHandler.cpp:379: Access Violation: Read at address 0000000000000000
   1.075 Error CrashHandler.cpp:393: Exception Context:
rax=0000000000000000, rbx=000001ca5bfd55b0, rcx=0000000000000000,
rdx=0000000000000000, rsi=000001ca55e38800, rdi=0000000000000000,
rip=00007fff411d2807, rsp=0000007864d7e660, rbp=0000007864d7e820,
 r8=000001ca5c06e320,  r9=000001ca539d6f20, r10=000001ca55edfdf0,
r11=000001ca55ed76c0, r12=0000000000000000, r13=0000000000000000,
r14=000001ca53981998, r15=000001ca55fe71b0
   1.075 Crashed in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\nvd3dumx.dll (0x00007fff40b10000 - 0x00007fff41b9b000)
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...

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Re: Game will not even start to load

Post by Loewchen »

Update your graphics driver.

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Re: Game will not even start to load

Post by Legoman165 »

Loewchen wrote:Update your graphics driver.
That did it thanks!

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