[MOD 0.16.x] Whistle Stop Factories

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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Whistle Stop Factories

Post by Avacado »

Rodon26 wrote:Edit: is it possible that you set the loaders to detect the factory being turned, but not specify the factory, so they triger of everything, and then aren't replaced, because that the factory's function?
Yup, that is exactly what happened. It'll be fixed in the next patch, thank you for finding that!
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Whistle Stop Factories

Post by Crazy_Adept1797 »

Got a crash:

Code: Select all

failed to load mods: Error while loading entity prototype 'big-furnace" (assembling-machine)): Prototype "big-furnace" registered twice
Modifications: Whistle Stop Factories
I'm no expert(in truth, not even a n00b), but it looks like its conflicting with itself, If that is a thing that can happen
I'm running factorio 0.16.51 (steam)
with Bob's, Angel's, MadClown's, and Omnimatter mods
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Whistle Stop Factories

Post by eradicator »

Crazy_Adept1797 wrote:Got a crash:

Code: Select all

failed to load mods: Error while loading entity prototype 'big-furnace" (assembling-machine)): Prototype "big-furnace" registered twice
Modifications: Whistle Stop Factories
I'm no expert(in truth, not even a n00b), but it looks like its conflicting with itself, If that is a thing that can happen
I'm running factorio 0.16.51 (steam)
with Bob's, Angel's, MadClown's, and Omnimatter mods
Either that or some other mod has a "big-furnace" too, not exactly a very unique name.
@OP: You should prefix your entities, "wsf-big-furnace" etc. to reduce the chance of possible naming conflicts. (Because every mod should do that. :P)
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Whistle Stop Factories

Post by mrvn »

Fyredup wrote:@Avacado Mine is running with a crafting speed of 150 AND has 5 prod 3 modules in it, which should be 300 plastic/sec base and then 150 bonus from the productivity modules, putting it at 450 plastic per second, and its not saturating belts. I'm convinced the overfilling of output slots causes problems. If you wanna check it out I can send you the details to the server its on. Quite a bit of factory using whistle stop factories here, hopefully you'd be proud of us :D
When it gets a productivity bonus near the end of a cycle that will fill the output slots with 2 recipes worth of output. Could it be that that prevents the factory from starting with the next cycle right away?
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Whistle Stop Factories

Post by TheGamingTrucker »

Will there be further support for processing Angel's Ores? At the moment I can only crush Saph., and Stira., with no refining or sorting options through Whistle Stop Factories. Also do not have the option to smelt advanced metals like Bronze, Brass, Nickel, Cobalt Steel, Etc...
Love the mod for Vanilla though!! :D
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Whistle Stop Factories

Post by Fyredup »

mrvn wrote:When it gets a productivity bonus near the end of a cycle that will fill the output slots with 2 recipes worth of output. Could it be that that prevents the factory from starting with the next cycle right away?
I'm almost certain that's the case, it hasn't hurt us, yet, so I'm not worried about it, but I do think that's the issue
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Whistle Stop Factories

Post by comwarrior »

Greetings, I think I've found a bug...

Code: Select all

  10.843 Crop bitmaps.
  10.888 Error AtlasSystem.cpp:1088: File not found: __skan-advanced-mining__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/assembling-machine-3-pipe-E.png
  10.913 Initial atlas bitmap size is 2048
  10.914 Created atlas bitmap 231x5 [none]
  10.914 Created atlas bitmap 132x24 [no-crop, trilinear-filtering, icon, light]
  10.936 Sprites loaded
  10.936 Convert atlas 132x24 to: trilinear-filtering 
  10.943 Custom inputs active: 6
  10.947 Factorio initialised
  10.949 Mods to disable:Failed to load mods: File not found: __skan-advanced-mining__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/assembling-machine-3-pipe-E.png

Mods to be disabled:
• WhistleStopFactories

I have Skan's advanced mining installed. the two won't work together, I believe WSF is looking for a texture in SAM that no-longer exists.
If i disable WSF then no error...
If I disable SAM then no error...
Having both enabled = error...
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Whistle Stop Factories

Post by awm23 »

I'm playing with bunch of mods which core is Rampant and RSO. So i wanted to have your WSF mod as a goal to fight endless biters waves for. For 14 hours of gameplay i didn't discover any bigassemblies or furnaces... so i went exploring on car and found those buildings very fragile, common party of bugs demolish them in less than 1 second :( Seems they cleared map from your BigBuildings before i could even reach them.
I read this thread and saw one other guy who plays Rampant too. I have a suggestion: if you want give players choice about removing BIGbuildings or make them indesctructable (that's why i'm here actually) you may do like Rampant did about rails/poles/rail signals — before start you may choose them indestructable and/or neutral.

Meanwhile is there any way how can i make your bigbuildings invulnerable or indesctructable (like entity.destructible = false) ? I've spent dozen hours in this game and would like to stay here instead of reconfiguring new game.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Whistle Stop Factories

Post by Rodon26 »

so, i just had an idea (not sure how viable that is), that maybe instead of spawning factories, the mod would spawn "slots" (like oil patches) of valid ground, on which player could put a building of their choice, or none.
you know, since big buildngs usualy require solid foundations, and its one tech the player seems to be missing...
if not by default, i sugest a few setting options.
-buildings only (no craft)
-building on slot (posible to craft)
-some slots have buildings, others are empty (posible to craft)
-empty slots (have to craft)
-craft only (doesn't require slots)

actually, its probably could be done in two separate settings, though it might make things rather more complicated to program.
not sure how easy, or difficult, it would be to code, but here is my sugestion.

it would be a solution to losing before finding on rampant, without taking away the railworld challange.
and, you woud know for sure it actualy spawned.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Whistle Stop Factories

Post by mrvn »

You could also have different places for different factories.

For example there could be fissures with molten lava that allow placing mega furnaces. Bedrock for placing assemblers. And so on.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Whistle Stop Factories

Post by Avacado »

@Crazy_Adept1797 and @eradicator

Yes, looks like I'll need to prefix my prototypes, something I should've done from the start. I'm running into a few issues:
  • First is the question of which prototypes to prefix. My mod uses entities, items for tags, items for entities, recipes, item-groups, item-subgroups, and crafting categories. My plan was to prefix them all, but I'm running into some issues.
  • Migrating prototypes and renaming them seems to be only possible in a json migration file, but I can't simply list out all my migrations because, for example, the recipe list is generated dynamically. So I need to use a lua migration file, but I haven't been able to figure out what the syntax is for doing that (if it even exists)
  • Also, I'm a bit worried that migrations may struggle to even resolve the conflicts. Like if you add my mod to a mod that already has a "big-furnace" and it runs my migration file to migrate entities called "big-furnace" to "wsf-big-furnace" won't it convert all of the other mod's entities into my mod's entities? Which would mean that despite migrating, the mods would never be compatible since the migration file is always going to be run.
Will there be further support for processing Angel's Ores? At the moment I can only crush Saph., and Stira., with no refining or sorting options through Whistle Stop Factories. Also do not have the option to smelt advanced metals like Bronze, Brass, Nickel, Cobalt Steel, Etc...
Love the mod for Vanilla though!! :D
@TheGamingTrucker, I believe those are all things done in mod specific buildings. My mod currently is specifically excluding recipes from mod specific buildings (and centrifuges and rocket silos). In fact, I had to add specific code so that my buildings only take recipes from furnaces, assembling machines, chemical plants, and refineries. If I just let my machines do all recipes (which is possible) then they'd be able to act as centrifuge, crusher, crystalizer, etc. Seems a bit too overpowered, especially if a mod were to introduce a way to craft something where the only machine that could do it has a .02 speed or takes a lot of power. I guess I don't really like the idea of just letting my machines perform all recipes, but I'm open to other suggestions of how to make my mod more compatible with angles+bobs from a gameplay perspective. I could, for example, take the recipes for a few mod specific angels buildings and add them to the assembler. But that seems to me to make the assembler overpowered and undermine the part of angels where you have to make a ton of different buildings, which may not be the worst thing if that is the goal of people who would want to play WhistleStop + Angles in the same mod pack. I could also also making big-crushers, big-crystallizers, etc also spawn around the map, but first, that would be a lot of work, and second, it would potentially be problematic since so many different buildings spawning everywhere seems like it'd make it hard to find the buildings you need. Thoughts? If WhistleStop + Angels currently isn't worth playing, then we have a lot more flexibility to do more overpowered things to get the game to wherever players playing those two mods together would expect them to be. So ultimately I'm not really sure what I should do to fix this issue.
I have Skan's advanced mining installed. the two won't work together, I believe WSF is looking for a texture in SAM that no-longer exists.
If i disable WSF then no error...
If I disable SAM then no error...
Having both enabled = error...
@comwarrior, thank you for the report, I'll take a look and see if I can track down the issue that is causing this.
Meanwhile is there any way how can i make your bigbuildings invulnerable or indesctructable (like entity.destructible = false) ? I've spent dozen hours in this game and would like to stay here instead of reconfiguring new game.
@awm23, See my response here to someone else having the same issue. The short of it is that my next version I plan to increase the health by at least around 4x, but also increase the resistances. This would allow players to still destroy ones that they have found are in their way. Once I release the mod I would much appreciate your feedback at that point to see if indestructible is still needed at which point I could probably add it as an option, but I'm hoping a health increase and resistances will do the trick, which makes sense because currently they have way too little life.
so, i just had an idea (not sure how viable that is), that maybe instead of spawning factories, the mod would spawn "slots" (like oil patches) of valid ground, on which player could put a building of their choice, or none.
@Rodon26, There is actually a mod similar to that called building platform. I was considering something like this when I was originally developing my mod, but ended up doing the random spawning instead. Currently, my plan is to not allow the big-factories to be built by the player in WhistleStopFactories, but I'm planning on forking my mod to make another mod where they are buildable. It may be worth investigating if I could add an option or compatibility in that mod for buildings to be restricted to those platforms, but one of my concerns is how to ensure the platforms are big enough and the right size and shape for my big factories, which may be difficult depending on how building-platforms generates their platforms.
For example there could be fissures with molten lava that allow placing mega furnaces. Bedrock for placing assemblers. And so on.
@mrvn, that is a fun variation, though a big part about making that fun would be getting nice graphics in there, which isn't something I really know how to do. Currently all the graphics in my mod are taken from the base game or other mods. There might be mod out there that already has molten lava that may have a license which would allow me to use it in my mod though.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Whistle Stop Factories

Post by Rodon26 »

Also, I'm a bit worried that migrations may struggle to even resolve the conflicts. Like if you add my mod to a mod that already has a "big-furnace" and it runs my migration file to migrate entities called "big-furnace" to "wsf-big-furnace" won't it convert all of the other mod's entities into my mod's entities? Which would mean that despite migrating, the mods would never be compatible since the migration file is always going to be run.
that's should only be a worry the first time. you could make a patch mod, that upon loading the game migrates the file, then you can disable the patch mod and activate whatever was incompatible before.
but one of my concerns is how to ensure the platforms are big enough and the right size and shape for my big factories, which may be difficult depending on how building-platforms generates their platforms.
Well, that's why i said slots... you just force them to be x/x sized al the time, and that would be enough. altohugh if you are going with platforms, you could make them just a little bit bigger, to allow wiggle room.

Also, i would like to report another "odd but ultimately irrelevant behaviour".
Normally, if you hit something, the green bar shortens, and gray is left behind.
WSF however, green bar instead "moves to the left", over the far bigger gray, like a slider. apparently the healthbar leangth exceds some texture or something.
if you want to see it, just shoot the factory, or drive into it, and watch the health bar.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Whistle Stop Factories

Post by Avacado »

that's should only be a worry the first time. you could make a patch mod, that upon loading the game migrates the file, then you can disable the patch mod and activate whatever was incompatible before.
Wouldn't that have to rely on everyone first upgrading to the patch mod and then upgrading to the final mod? I was thinking about doing something similar too to fix my recipe issue because there apparently is NO way to migrate my recipes (it's a dynamic list of recipes based on current mods, and renaming prototypes must be fully listed in a json file), but luckily I've been storing the recipe names for each factory in the global table since v0.1.0 which will mean I could make a migration which keeps machines pointed at the right recipes, but that only works if people are migrating from v0.1.0+, but would break if people migrate from <v0.1.0 directly to the current patch (would wipe out their machine's recipes)

My only idea of how to handle that is to detect people making too much of an upgrade jump and displaying a warning, "Machines recipes have all been cleared. To avoid this first upgrade to 0.1.2 and then save and then upgrade to the current version". But that seems both tedious and annoying and not really achievable for people who install mods through the in-game portal browser anyway. I could do something similar for removing the big-furnace to wsf-big-furnace migration file with a similar warning and advising a similar way to fix it, though the issue that would be created in that instance is having all of your big-furnaces and big-assembling machines simply disappear. It probably makes sense to do them both at the same time and for the same period to ensure nobody has to do that awful patch method twice. I still don't feel great about potentially dropping that kind of manual adjustment on people.
Well, that's why i said slots... you just force them to be x/x sized al the time, and that would be enough. although if you are going with platforms, you could make them just a little bit bigger, to allow wiggle room.
This might be a decent framework for how my mod might have better gameplay under angels. If I added scaled up angel's buildings, I feel like random spawning them would be too chaotic based on the number of different buildings, but having slots could make that much more manageable. My current plan is to only make them buildable in new mod I'm going to build, and maybe I'll make an option there to restrict spawning to a special ground type. And yeah, it probably makes sense to make each ground type just large enough to fit my largest building with maybe a little wiggle room, but not large enough to build two buildings, and just have that same shape come up for each instance of that spawned ground. Looks like I have no shortage of additional features to work on adding!
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Whistle Stop Factories

Post by dutchuss2016 »

fresh map bobs and wsf ... bobs isnt causing the issue wsf is
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Whistle Stop Factories

Post by Avacado »

fresh map bobs and wsf ... bobs isnt causing the issue wsf is
Could you maybe explain a little more what issue you're having? The only things weird I see about that screenshot is the lack of ores outside your starting area, which I'm assuming is your RSO or ore settings and also the odd fog reveal pattern, but that looks like you typed a game.player.force.chart command. What issue am I supposed to be seeing?
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Whistle Stop Factories

Post by dutchuss2016 »

rso is default and i generated a new map with default settings and no ore that is precicely the porblem theres no ore at all on the map
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Whistle Stop Factories

Post by Avacado »

I'm really not sure what in my mod would cause this issue because, as far as I know, I don't interact at all with ore generating or RSO. I'm also not able to reproduce your issue (my current game is RSO + bobs + WSF and it works fine).

I do make my buildings collide with the resource layer, but I make sure that RSO acts first (which is the only reason why my mod has RSO as an optional dependency to control that order). But I can't imagine how that would stop ALL ores and also there is the fact that I've tested that particular mod combination and don't have any issues when I run it.

And if you keep everything the same except just disabling WSF, the ores generate just fine?
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Whistle Stop Factories

Post by dutchuss2016 »

yep if i only disable wsf and generate a new map ores generate again
my save in question
(10.82 MiB) Downloaded 143 times
my mods folder
(86.59 MiB) Downloaded 161 times
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Whistle Stop Factories

Post by Avacado »

I downloaded your mods.zip and launched the game and confirmed your issue.

Then I disabled WSF, and was still experiencing the issue. So it appears that WSF isn't the issue to me. Is that not what you're seeing?
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Whistle Stop Factories

Post by dutchuss2016 »

after further testing i found that my copy of rso is broken im going to attempt a reinstall of it
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