[0.16.51] item-request-proxy collides with trains

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Smart Inserter
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[0.16.51] item-request-proxy collides with trains

Post by DaveMcW »

I made a flying car by removing the collision_mask.

Code: Select all

data.raw["car"]["car"].collision_mask = {}
data.raw["item-request-proxy"]["item-request-proxy"].collision_mask = {}
It works great, it doesn't collide with anything. Even if I run out of fuel while on top of a railroad.

I also made a mod to request fuel when the car runs out.

Code: Select all

car.surface.create_entity{ name = "item-request-proxy", position = car.position, target = car, force = car.force, modules = {["nuclear-fuel"] = 1} }
Unfortunately the train collides with the item-request-proxy. :cry:
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Re: [0.16.51] item-request-proxy collides with trains

Post by posila »

Lol, that's pretty hilarious, if you ask me :D :D :D

Thanks for the report.
Fixed for 0.17
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