Actually, Reverse Factory doesn't actually do anything about the recipe list; it specifically pulls the item names from the items themselves, then checks if a recipe exists with the same name as the item. Your big recipes probably use a different internal name (just like the reverse recipes my mod creates have "rf-" at the beginning), so Reverse Factory will never see it.Avacado wrote: I think we might be fine for the moment in terms of neither one of our mods needing to set up a dependency as my mod's new logic now should hopefully avoid all recycling recipes by just only affecting recipes that can be built in a chemical plant, assembly machine, or furnace. How about we agree I don't touch your recipes and you don't touch mine. Right now by excluding your recipes it should be fine. Is your mode going to try to make big 50x recycling versions though?
I'm relieved to hear that our mods will accept each other's existence for now lol.
As for the normal/expensive recipe split, I've actually had issues with other mods and Reverse Factory; they can actually define a normal recipe, and no expensive recipe, and the game will load up just fine. But when you try to do anything based on the assumption that every recipe that has a normal, has an expensive, it will cause a crash from your mod, not the other mod. It's a problem that the other mod author should fix, and I think in my Reverse Factory mod, I have an error handler specifically to catch things like this, pointing to the item that has been made incorrectly.
Although that was at the beginning of the normal/expensive split version, so maybe it's changed by now? Dunno.
Just as a side note, the mod that was causing the issue was Production Scrap 2, which I forgot I was testing for Reverse Factory compatibility, and hadn't noticed I still had it enabled. There's probably just an error in the logic of their mod, that results in a normal recipe being made without an expensive counterpart.