[0.16] The Blueprint Lab 0.2.4

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Re: [0.16] The Blueprint Lab 0.2.4

Post by canisin »

Visione wrote:what a great mod! keep up the work!
Thanks a lot! Glad you are enjoying it!
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Re: [0.16] The Blueprint Lab 0.2.4

Post by tehfreek »

Great work so far. If I could make a suggestion though, it would be awesome if the mod saved quickbar filters on exit and restored them on enter. Compatibility with Quickbar Switcher would be a plus.
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Re: [0.16] The Blueprint Lab 0.2.4

Post by canisin »

Thank you for both the compliment and the suggestion. I think I could do something about preserving the players inventory in general for subsequent visits to the lab.
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Re: [0.16] The Blueprint Lab 0.2.4

Post by steinio »


your progress is amazing.

I changed some blueprints yesterday and it worked nice.
Sadly we need to transmit blueprints via the library in upper right corner (don't know the exact name).

Also we need to create a new blueprint.

Really nice would be, if i enter the lab with a blueprint and change it, the changes are saved back into the blueprint after leaving.

Also if you roam far out on the surface, biter got generated. Is this intended?
maybe related to RSO?

Cu, steinio.

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Re: [0.16] The Blueprint Lab 0.2.4

Post by j570ne4d »

I really like this mod. But I'm currently having issues with it killing my hosted MP game. I'm running 0.16.36 Factorio. When I try to enter the lab, it completely shuts the game down. I didn't have this issue when running a MP game that was self-hosted, just on an external server.
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Re: [0.16] The Blueprint Lab 0.2.4

Post by orzelek »

steinio wrote:Hi,

your progress is amazing.

I changed some blueprints yesterday and it worked nice.
Sadly we need to transmit blueprints via the library in upper right corner (don't know the exact name).

Also we need to create a new blueprint.

Really nice would be, if i enter the lab with a blueprint and change it, the changes are saved back into the blueprint after leaving.

Also if you roam far out on the surface, biter got generated. Is this intended?
maybe related to RSO?

Cu, steinio.
If lab is using separate surface to play around it will need to report it to RSO with ignore interface or it will get ore spawns.. I think. Haven't looked at multi surface code from some time. I know that Factorissimo 2 does that since I added interface for it's use.
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Re: [0.16] The Blueprint Lab 0.2.4

Post by j570ne4d »

Ok, I believe I found the culprit. We have the Player Evolution mod installed. Apparently the 2 mods don't play well together. I saved my server game and fired it up in single player and it output a nice stack trace. I'm not sure it's something you can fix. If I can find the time, I may dig into the code and see if I can't come up with a fix for you if you don't get there first ;)

Code: Select all

Error while running event TheBlueprintLab_bud::BPL_LabButtonHotkey (ID 102)
Error while running event PlayerEvolution::on_player_changed_position (ID 81)
No character.
stack traceback:
	__PlayerEvolution__/control.lua:112: in function 'increase_running_speed'
	__PlayerEvolution__/control.lua:196: in function <__PlayerEvolution__/control.lua:195>
stack traceback:
	__TheBlueprintLab_bud__/scripts/logic.lua:31: in function 'ToTheLab'
	__TheBlueprintLab_bud__/scripts/logic.lua:12: in function 'OnLabButton'
	__TheBlueprintLab_bud__/scripts/gui.lua:39: in function <__TheBlueprintLab_bud__/scripts/gui.lua:38>
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Re: [0.16] The Blueprint Lab 0.2.4

Post by canisin »

steinio wrote: Hi,

your progress is amazing.

I changed some blueprints yesterday and it worked nice.
Sadly we need to transmit blueprints via the library in upper right corner (don't know the exact name).

Also we need to create a new blueprint.

Really nice would be, if i enter the lab with a blueprint and change it, the changes are saved back into the blueprint after leaving.
I have recently implemented a feature where if you go into the lab while holding a blueprint* you will keep it on your cursor as you arrive into the lab. And if you do the same while exiting the lab, you will also keep it. This behavior should be quite similar to what you have suggested, with the only caveat being that this will actually duplicate the blueprint. Your original blueprint will be preserved. Please try this feature out and let me know if you like it.
(*) You can either click the lab button with the blueprint or press the lab hotkey while you are holding the bp.
j570ne4d wrote:Ok, I believe I found the culprit. We have the Player Evolution mod installed. Apparently the 2 mods don't play well together. I saved my server game and fired it up in single player and it output a nice stack trace. I'm not sure it's something you can fix. If I can find the time, I may dig into the code and see if I can't come up with a fix for you if you don't get there first ;)

Code: Select all

Error while running event TheBlueprintLab_bud::BPL_LabButtonHotkey (ID 102)
Error while running event PlayerEvolution::on_player_changed_position (ID 81)
No character.
stack traceback:
	__PlayerEvolution__/control.lua:112: in function 'increase_running_speed'
	__PlayerEvolution__/control.lua:196: in function <__PlayerEvolution__/control.lua:195>
stack traceback:
	__TheBlueprintLab_bud__/scripts/logic.lua:31: in function 'ToTheLab'
	__TheBlueprintLab_bud__/scripts/logic.lua:12: in function 'OnLabButton'
	__TheBlueprintLab_bud__/scripts/gui.lua:39: in function <__TheBlueprintLab_bud__/scripts/gui.lua:38>
The stack trace helps a lot. Unfortunately it is something that you will need to ask the PlayerEvolution developer to fix. The thing is your player exists without a character in the lab, i.e. bodyless. It seems that the PlayerEvolution mod tries to increase your running speed, which fails when you are bodyless.
steinio wrote: Also if you roam far out on the surface, biter got generated. Is this intended?
maybe related to RSO?

Cu, steinio.
orzelek wrote: If lab is using separate surface to play around it will need to report it to RSO with ignore interface or it will get ore spawns.. I think. Haven't looked at multi surface code from some time. I know that Factorissimo 2 does that since I added interface for it's use.
I am playing with RSO myself and I did not see any ore spawns. What I am doing is to create a tiny surface and then expand it to 512 x 512 while telling the game that map gen for the expanded chunks has already completed. This code mimics behavior from Factorissimo. @steinio, can you clarify how you roamed out far on the surface to run into biters? The lab is quite limited in size and there is a black area beyond its borders. I am not sure if I tried hard enough but afaik you cannot even move out from those black areas. They are the edge of the map.
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Re: [0.16] The Blueprint Lab 0.2.4

Post by SqFKYo »

Any chance for alternate background? The high contrast tight pattern makes me unable to use the mod since I can't look at it without feeling physically sick.
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Re: [0.16] The Blueprint Lab 0.2.4

Post by minno »

SqFKYo wrote:Any chance for alternate background? The high contrast tight pattern makes me unable to use the mod since I can't look at it without feeling physically sick.
If you use the landfill painting mod (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/LandfillPainting) you can paint over it with normal terrain.
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Re: [0.16] The Blueprint Lab 0.2.4

Post by eradicator »

SqFKYo wrote:Any chance for alternate background? The high contrast tight pattern makes me unable to use the mod since I can't look at it without feeling physically sick.
Is that some specific medical condition? (I.e. like color blindness, elepsy, etc). Would making the pattern larger (i.e. 4x4 squares) solve the problem?
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Re: [0.16] The Blueprint Lab 0.2.4

Post by mrvn »

When I try to enter the lab the surface changes and then I get:

173.860 Error MainLoop.cpp:1029: Exception at tick 321: Error while running event TheBlueprintLab_bud::on_gui_click (ID 1)
__TheBlueprintLab_bud__/scripts/logic.lua:35: attempt to index field 'character' (a nil value)

I'm playing in the sandbox so the player has no character.

Similar when leaving the lab when looking for the surface.
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Re: [0.16] The Blueprint Lab 0.2.4

Post by mrvn »

Code: Select all

diff --git a/TheBlueprintLab_bud_0.2.4/scripts/logic.lua b/TheBlueprintLab_bud_0
index 7bde79b..a2b6479 100644
--- a/TheBlueprintLab_bud_0.2.4/scripts/logic.lua
+++ b/TheBlueprintLab_bud_0.2.4/scripts/logic.lua
@@ -27,12 +27,15 @@ function ToTheLab(player_index)
     --player.print "teleporting to the lab"
     playerData.character = player.character
+    playerData.surface = player.surface
     player.character = nil
     player.teleport({0, 0}, LabName(player.force))
-    BringBlueprint(player, playerData.character.cursor_stack)
+    if playerData.character then
+       BringBlueprint(player, playerData.character.cursor_stack)
+    end
     player.cheat_mode = true
@@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ function ToTheWorld(player_index)
     DropBlueprints(player, player.get_quickbar())
     local blueprint = ReturnBlueprintExport(player)
-    player.teleport({0, 0}, playerData.character.surface)
+    player.teleport({0, 0}, playerData.surface)
     player.character = playerData.character
     playerData.character = nil
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Blueprint Lab 0.2. - Feature request

Post by mrvn »

Some things I found irritating while using the Lab:

- entering the Lab my tool belt filter is removed (should be copied from the player)
- blueprint (books) should be transfered from/to the Lab
- player should enter lab at last known location (I have a few blueprints in the lab and now I have to scroll a bit every time I enter)
- pumps can only be placed if one has waterfill

Features that could be nice:

- In the lab have placeable gateways to reach different levels
+ a gateway allows entering (leaving) another level of the Lab
+ allows items to be placed in the gateway to show what gateway it is
+ allows setting a name (maybe use a trainstation?) that shows in the map
- convert blueprint books into a level with gateways leading to the blueprints
- allow taking a blueprint of a level (take name and icons from gateway leaving the level), remove power and infinity chest
- allow taking a blueprint book from a level with gateways (take name and icons from gateway leaving the level)
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Re: [0.16] The Blueprint Lab 0.2.4

Post by canisin »

Hello @mrvn,

First of all thanks for solving your own issue and sharing the fix. Also thanks for your suggestions, they seem to be some very useful but difficult to implement ideas :) Well, not all of them, some of them are much easier to implement and are actually somewhat necessary qol changes. But the blueprint-to-levels idea seems to be something that would be somewhat difficult to implement in a consistent and intuitive way. I went with the way that I did to keep it as simple as possible.

Unfortunately, I currently do not have the time to play factorio, so for the time being I will not be able to implement any of your cool ideas or to provide any improvements. I think I should have more time in a couple of months.
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Re: [0.16] The Blueprint Lab 0.2.4

Post by mrvn »

Another idea I had:

When playing multiplayer maps it could be nice if areas in the lab would be dedicated to each player. It would probably need a mod settings for max number of players to reserve space for.

The background of the lab could be colored by the color of each player like a pie chart with no-mans land between players. So with 4 players that would be 8 slices with the area for the players going N, S, W and E. NW, SW, NE and SE would be no-mans land. Nothing would be enforced but the colors would help keeping each players project out of the way of other players.
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Re: [0.16] The Blueprint Lab 0.2.4

Post by Splicer9 »

Sequence of events:
1. Have blueprint in hand
2. Enter the lab
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Re: [0.16] The Blueprint Lab 0.2.4

Post by mrvn »

Splicer9 wrote:Bug:
Sequence of events:
1. Have blueprint in hand
2. Enter the lab
Nothing to do with the blueprint but all to do with being in a sandbox. Scroll up.
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Re: [0.16] The Blueprint Lab 0.2.4

Post by mrvn »

mrvn wrote:Another idea I had:

When playing multiplayer maps it could be nice if areas in the lab would be dedicated to each player. It would probably need a mod settings for max number of players to reserve space for.

The background of the lab could be colored by the color of each player like a pie chart with no-mans land between players. So with 4 players that would be 8 slices with the area for the players going N, S, W and E. NW, SW, NE and SE would be no-mans land. Nothing would be enforced but the colors would help keeping each players project out of the way of other players.
On deeper thought it might be better to simply have a shared (per force) lab and per player labs.
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Re: [0.16] The Blueprint Lab 0.2.4

Post by canisin »

It's been some time, but as far as i can remember, the labs are currently force specific. :)
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