Maybe a filter re-call button that you set what bot(s) to recall. Let's say all Logistic Mk2 bots to come to this port immoderately, since version 3 just came out

So all bots in that robo-ports network will come to that port.
Moderator: ickputzdirwech
I thought that it works like that but it doesn't.darkfrei wrote:You can also use the chunk iterator and search entities/tiles (what you need) on only one of them per tick.
can you even limit a map search by Logistic network?steinio wrote:Well you need to limit it to a given force and logistic network...
And the problem with doing that, is how long do you wait between checks? a few ticks between checking a chunk and it's neighbour is enough to have the bot move from one chunk to the next, and be missed by both scans.darkfrei wrote:You can also use the chunk iterator and search entities/tiles (what you need) on only one of them per tick.
yes, but then you have to wait for them to dock to the apropriate roboports.bobucles wrote:Can't you use filter inserters to rip out low tier bots? The only recall option that I really need is to return bots to the personal roboport when I rip them out of the armor, but that can be fixed by putting a power switch on the damn things.
You can also use on_chunk_generated, but one chunk later. Some cache in global and the performance will be fast same.orzelek wrote:I thought that it works like that but it doesn't.darkfrei wrote:You can also use the chunk iterator and search entities/tiles (what you need) on only one of them per tick.
You can't keep the iterator between ticks. So you would basically need to go through it and build your own chunk list. Then you could use that list to process them one by one.
what about situations where you have too many Logistic/construction bots? A method to monitor and remove excess of certain types between these two could be just as important as removing MK2 to replace with MK4 fusion. and then it would be a vanilla problem.bobucles wrote:It has no direct importance for vanilla.
If you have to many then they settle in a roboport and you can remove them with an inserter. There is also a mod for removing older bots form any roboport. The problem with upgrading bots are the bots that are busy doing something. As long as there are logistic or construction jobs the bots will stay out of the roboports and can't be easily grabbed.bobingabout wrote:what about situations where you have too many Logistic/construction bots? A method to monitor and remove excess of certain types between these two could be just as important as removing MK2 to replace with MK4 fusion. and then it would be a vanilla problem.bobucles wrote:It has no direct importance for vanilla.