[0.16.51] Trains instant brake upon fuel depletion

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Long Handed Inserter
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[0.16.51] Trains instant brake upon fuel depletion

Post by Allaizn »

How to reproduce:
1. Load up attached save file:
1000x1000 preset.zip
(1.64 MiB) Downloaded 219 times
2. Notice that within one turn of the rail loop, the current nuclear fuel depletes and speed instantly drops to 259.2 kmh
3. Notice that this happens even if further nuclear fuel is in the fuel inventory

The game is slowed down to 0.1 by commands for better visualization

What I expect to happen:
Acceleration should stop for at most a single tick, ideally none at all.
If the remaining fuel value is not enough to last the full tick, the next fuel should be consumed.
I think it's acceptable if the new fuel overwrites the acceleration and topspeed.

In summary, only acceleration should obey the top speed limit.

Edit: I found this bug while designing a dense rail layout, using my recently published dense loader (no instant brake yet!). This bug is catastophic for any such design, since a train that slows down this hard upon the basically unpredicatable fuel consumption is immediately obliterated :(
Log for completeness
(4.21 KiB) Downloaded 239 times
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Re: [0.16.51] Trains instant brake upon fuel depletion

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. It's now fixed for 0.17.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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