In fairness, it sounds like you're not abusing poison capsules which is by far the best scaling weapon with number of enemies. Firstly it eliminates all worms from far out of their spitting range (3 poison capsules will reliably kill Big Worms), additionally, when using the Tank you can just throw down a half dozen poison capsules and park in the cloud while the biters (smaller than Behemoths) die in seconds. Tank and poison capsules are the basis of my Marathon Deathworld w/ enhanced biter anti-nest assaults, I just slowly cruise around (slowly: to avoid collision damage and let the bots keep up), and throw lots of poison capsules around while machine gunning the things that don't die to poison (spawners). Poison is arguably grossly overpowered against large nests, though another way of looking at it is it levels the playing field.thereaverofdarkness wrote: It's stupid and frustrating being forced to cheese the enemies by out-driving them, having to re-load every time I crash into a pile of rocks (which happens way too often for fun) because I get instantly swarmed by biters, and basically having a narrow sliver of un-fun gameplay options for dealing with the spawners that cover so much of the map that I can't possibly not kill them and expect to advance out past the starting area.
It's only when somewhat into the Behemoth Biter era that I have to start resorting to out-maneuvering the biters and killing their nests while they are chasing me. Tip: drive through spawners, spawner barely slow the tank, while hitting a behemoth greatly slows the tank, so spawners become the ideal thing to drive through, there are definitely no behemoths under a spawner. So my behemoth era strategy is to first drive around poisoning to clear out the worms, then drive through the now de-wormed nest machine gunning and plowing through all the spawners. Once everything is destroyed I get out of my tank and flamethrower my behemoth biter fan club.
Anyway, back on the topic of the thread. The super tough enemies and super weak spawners is kind of a strange interaction. Part of mastering combat involves learning to simply ignore the biters while focusing on destroying the spawners (possibly suppressing biters with flamethrower or poison, which are basically free actions), then once the spawners are gone kill the biters. There is just no incentive at all to kill the defenders of a nest until the spawners are gone, being able to outrun the biters (exos or tank) or tank the damage (shields or tank+repair bots) is critical to clearing out large nests - and it's by no means impossible, I have very workable strategies both in the Tank (Poison Tank) and on foot (2x Exos, lots of shields and batteries, flamethrower) against even the toughest biter settings, it's just a bit of a weird way to play.
I don't really know what the solution would be. One possibility might be to have spawners gain hitpoints as the game progresses (either continually with evolution factor, or upgrading spawners to advanced versions along the same lines as biter evolution), once the spawners are tougher, the spawn rate could be lowered (doesn't have to be anything fancy). If you have to stay put for a few moments while killing spawners (at the moment they die about as fast as you can move the mouse, with respectable weapons), then you would be incentivized to clear out the defenders before destroying the nests. Note that for a "pro" player the rate of respawning is totally irrelevant because the optimal strategy is to ignore the defenders and obliterate the spawners either with hand held weapons, mounted weapons, artillery or nukes. Since the defenders are being ignored anyway it makes literally no difference if they respawn in 1s or 100s, by the time they are dead there will be nothing left standing to spawn replacements.
Maybe a high evolution nest guardian unit could be added that has the special ability of what is equivalent to throwing a slowdown capsule, snaring the player or vehicle and causing a -50% movement penalty. Not being able to leave the biters in your dust would incentivize killing them, of course this is meant to be combined with lowered spawn rates so it's actually feasible to kill the defenders then the spawners. Nest guardians wouldn't come attack, so you'd only get the annoying slow debuff if you go out and bother the biters. It could also have pretty good resists, especially laser, fire and small arms, flat resists good enough to provide serious incentive to take them down with weapons like Tank Cannon or Rocket Launcher.