The game is about to be released and thats great! However it wont have some of the features that i read about way back when it wasn't even on steam. Will this game maybe get expansions to add these? if so here is my suggestion on how that could work. !WARNING THIS POST WILL NOT BE SHORT!Small pre story
When i first read about this game and the lore was: You are sendt ahead as part of a crew to make the planet ready for colonization. Of course this goes wrong and you are on your own. But the colonists are still coming, no warning was given or because the distances are so large in space they where sendt a few years behind you even tho you still haven't gotten there yet. Regardless, you are alone, and a whole slew of people will be coming and die if you dont get the planet ready. and this is where one of the features come into play that haven't been made (or i made up. i dont know, its been a while since i backed this game). You had to get the surface ready, but you needed a way to receive the colonists as well. And here is where the feature that has been never added was mentioned i'm pretty sure. A Space platform. This wont be added but it would make a heck of an expansion pack if the ever where to be a thing (or a mod if someone has that kinda skill).What ?
What i think is nifty about my idea is how it can be done. It is basically just a reverse planet i terms of game coding. The entire map would just be water re-textured as space and land mass re-textured as space platform.And it would maybe start like this. You have your rocket, but instead of a satellite you put in a starter platform pack. Once its launched and you get in the second rocket to get up there you end up with something like this?
Marine representing you, and command center representing a basic workshop\smelter\storage or interaction point to see the limitations of the platform (such as power and\or other limitations you would like to add to make building on the platform a challenge, like CPU? some buildings needing CPU power to operate sorta like the eve online fitting of ships mini-game?).
so, you have built all that you can on the platform and need more space. You go back to the planet (with the rocket you came on being docked on the side of the platform or something) and make another platform but you cant make the same starter platform since you can only have one of those per player. Also i feel the new platform should connect up to the old one rather than just make the original platform larger since that's hows today's platforms are built. sorta like this?
Now however you can build more specialized platforms that have different perks. Just to name a few could be a production platform (faster production on all buildings placed on this platform) solar farm platform (small building space but large solar panels on the side that produce more power than the average platform) orbital bombardment platform (wonder what this does) and of course a docking platform for the colonists (this will be way end game tho and i can elaborate on this later if you wish. but the post would be massive if i went to much into detail.)
at some point you maybe can get a platform that sends out a drone to collect an asteroid to grind up at the station for materials, maybe even some exotic materials? Also have a general idea how aliens would interact with the station. something like this?
Why ?
Once you have sendt up a rocket and researched everything you just maintain what you have and build it larger, this expands the end game even further an just doing those endless research's currently in the game.I feel this could work well since you could get new tech that can only be researched in space and have some items not being able to create unless you are in zero G, as well as a myriade of other functions.
It also open the game up for a lot of other paths the game could take to grow even more.