Moded furnaces reset every time a mod is updated

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Long Handed Inserter
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Moded furnaces reset every time a mod is updated

Post by Villfuk02 »

My mod - Food Industry adds multiple new entities of type furnace. Every time the mod is updated, the recipe inside the entity is lost (but not the progress)

How to reproduce:
0. Make sure you don't have the newest version of the mod
1. Use any furnace from the mod ie. Basic Farmland
2. Start some recipe inside it and make sure nothing is left in the input slot
3. Save the game
4. Update the mod
5. Load the game
6. Thre is nothing in progress in the entity

7. Place items inside the machine to start a new recipe
8. The new recipe is started, but continues in the progress of the previous recipe and doesn't consume the input items

Edit: It also happens when not updating the mod, but the base game
Last edited by Villfuk02 on Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Moded fornaces every time a mod is updated

Post by Klonan »

The mod is doing something wrong, using on data changed to reset the furnaces or something

You should report it to the mod author
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Re: Moded furnaces every time a mod is updated

Post by Villfuk02 »

I'm the mod author and i know for sure I'm not doung anything special with the entities:

Code: Select all

    type = "furnace",
    name = "basic-farmland",
    icon = "__FoodIndustry__/graphics/icons/entities/basic-farmland.png",
    icon_size = 32,
    flags = {"placeable-neutral", "placeable-player", "player-creation", "not-repairable"},
    minable = {hardness = 0.2, mining_time = 0.5},
    max_health = 100,
    resistances =
        type = "physical",
        percent = 10
    selection_box = {{-2.75, -2.75}, {2.75, 2.75}}, 
    collision_box = {{-2.75, -2.75}, {2.75, 2.75}},    
	collision_mask = {"item-layer", "object-layer", "water-tile", "resource-layer", "player-layer", "layer-15"},
	animation =
      layers =
			filename = "__FoodIndustry__/graphics/entity/farms/basic-farmland.png",
			priority = "high",
			width = 559,
			height = 467,
			scale = 0.4,
			frame_count = 1,
			line_length = 1,
			shift = {0.45, 0.0},
    open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/machine-open.ogg", volume = 0.85 },
    close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/machine-close.ogg", volume = 0.75 },
    working_sound =
      sound = {
          filename = "__base__/sound/assembling-machine-t2-1.ogg",
          volume = 0.0
      idle_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/idle1.ogg", volume = 0.0 },
      apparent_volume = 0.0,
    crafting_categories = {"basic-crop-growth"},
    crafting_speed = 0.6,
	energy_source =
		type = "burner",
		usage_priority = "secondary-input",
		fuel_categories = {"chemical"},		
		fuel_inventory_size = 0,
		emissions = -0.02,
		light_flicker = { intensity = 0, size = 0}, color = { r = 0.0, g = 0.0, b = 0.0 },
    energy_usage = "500W",    
	source_inventory_size = 1,
	result_inventory_size = 3,
    module_specification =
      module_slots = 0,
      module_info_icon_shift = {0, 0.5},
      module_info_multi_row_initial_height_modifier = -0.3
    order = "d-a",
    allowed_effects = {}
the only thing about them is this code in control.lua

Code: Select all

script.on_event(, function(event)
	local entity = event.created_entity
		if ( == "basic-farmland") and entity.burner and entity.burner.remaining_burning_fuel then 
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Re: Moded fornaces every time a mod is updated

Post by Klonan »

Can you attach the mod?
Long Handed Inserter
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Re: Moded fornaces every time a mod is updated

Post by Villfuk02 »

You can just download the any version of the mod here
Long Handed Inserter
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Re: Moded furnaces reset every time a mod is updated

Post by Villfuk02 »

Are you Investigating the Issue, or do you need more help?
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