Here's a suggestion where and how fields have to added in order to allow dependent ingredient and product probabilities in recipes.What?
I suggest expanding the ability of modders to work with volatile values in recipes. Currently, it is possible to have products in a recipe that vary between minimum and maximum values and only appear with a certain probability. This does not work with recipe ingredients nor is it possible to have multiple products that are dependent of one another. As a Lua user I can only guess how the hard-coded data flow works, but I think with the following additional fields, the problem might be solved. (If not, feel free to correct me.)What modders do when adding recipes, is expanding data.raw with a new instance of LuaRecipePrototype. This is where we should store the dependent probabilities in a triple array. A corresponding Lua code could look something like this:
As soon as a recipe is executed, a LuaRecipe instance gets created. When doing so, the given double values are checked against math.random() and transferred into boolean values. The cruial point here is that in each section, only one value becomes true, while each section is independent of the others. It will be saved like this (in pseudocode):
In the case that this doesn’t represent a problem, I suggest either making the current probability field additionally supporting a string type or adding a separate field for dependent_probability only accepting string values. This string value is used to load the corresponding double value from the recipe prototype for the tooltip and to load the boolean value from the recipe instance to calculate the resulting count of ingredients and products for this recipe execution.
Why ?
With these additions, modders of Factorio would a have lots of new potential to design interesting manufacturing processes. The first big issue I would like to address is the wear of tools during crafting processes. Let’s say, a saw that is used to cut trees shall break with a 5% chance and create debris items that can be recycled. Right now, you could add the same saw with a 95% probability to the output and re-insert it every time it is not consumed or just scale up the recipe by a factor of 20. But both workarounds are far from being a pleasant solution. And after all, after such a recipe execution, you can end up with both a saw and debris items or none of it. Not really an ideal solution.Here’s an example how this problem could be avoided with my suggestion implemented:
With my suggestion implemented, this problem wouldn’t arise anymore (and you could even split an item into three or more products this way). So, the uranium recipe might look like this:
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=47739&p=281168&hili ... ty#p275350
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=60145&p=361046&hili ... ty#p361046
The content of both wasn’t commented by the devs. Maybe because they weren’t posted in the API suggestions thread? Maybe because I didn’t use the fancy yellow headline template? (Yes, the second thread was created by me – but it contained just a small part of this idea and this is just a too burning issue for me )
For everyone who read trough all of this: excuse the length of this thread, but I didn’t want to leave any ambiguity. I’m looking forward to reading your thoughts about this issue