[MOD 0.16.x, 0.17.x, 0.18.x, 1.1.x] SCTM

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[MOD 0.16.x, 0.17.x, 0.18.x, 1.1.x] SCTM

Post by mexmer »

I decided to create separate topic instead of continuing in [MOD 0.12.x] Science Overhaul Mod A.K.A Science Cost Tweaker, so i can post updates in first post.

This mod is direct continuation of UberWaffe Scient Cost Tweaker
Science pack graphic and labs by @Daemoria

Current version: 1.1.6
Latest version for 0.18/1.0: 0.18.5
Latest version for 0.17: 0.17.10
Latest version for 0.16: 0.16.49
Source code
Mod page

Supported/tested mod pack:
bobs (@bobingabout)
angels (@arch666angel)
py industries (@pyanodon, @nexela) - last test on 0.18
seablock (@trainwreck) - 1.1 not fully tested yet, but should work
omnimatter (@emperorzelos) - 0.16 only
Xander mod (@Repofme1) - 0.16 only

Latest changes 1.1:
- 1.1 compatibility (@kingarthur)
- angel modules fix (@kingarthur)
- t2 lab recipe change
- t3 lab recipe and science pack change (new intermerdiate)
- fixed research multiplier not applying to all technologies (@saienai)
- fixed compatibility issue when AAI and bobtech steam phase is enabled at same time

Latest changes 0.18:
- 0.18 compatibility (@TrainWreck)
- vanilla oil change fix (@TrainWreck)
- angel modules fix (@kingarthur)
- fixed research multiplier not applying to all technologies (@saienai)
changelog 1.1
changelog 0.18,1.0
changelog 0.17
changelog 0.16
Future plans
- add compatibility and tweaks for more mod sets (this also includes py, while i fixed unresearchable tech chain, it still requires tweaking of cost and some overrides)
- rework for bobs logistic pack, to be more similar to rest of SCT. - done
- add custom intermediates for labs - done
- add module slots to top tier lab (most likely as optional toggle) - done
- add tier 5 lab for space science (just idea, atm. all tiers have own lab, so why not "space tier")
- put science unlocks into separate tech tree (with dependencies) - done
- add lab components to bobs labs and enable mk2 as hightest tier
- add space science pack components (ingredients will be from space)
- add more intermediates to vanilla version
- py intermediates integration - done - 0.16 only
- aai t0 integration - done
- more waste products for different mod (copper/iron come from vanilla, but are not suitable for more complex mods)
- make use of some science packs intermediates also in labs
- configurable science pack connector (all tech, relevant tech, unconnected tech )
- will see what else

- currently there is no translation in SCT, i removed german one, because i'm not well versed in german. feel free to post complete translation here or on github, and i will add them in next release.
- all sct related items have sct- in name (i mean internal name), in case you use search in FNEI or mods like that, exception is lab (basic lab), and science packs, which retain their original base game internal names
- japanese localization made by Shelaf

while i listed supported mod packs, it doesn't mean, you can't play this with other mod packs, it just means, those i have tested it with/play with.
Last edited by mexmer on Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:32 pm, edited 73 times in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] SCTM

Post by cartmen180 »

Good job man! I can't imagine playing this game without this mod.
Check out my mods
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] SCTM

Post by Trainwreck »

It looks like bobtech data-updates is adding extra items to SCTM recipes. With SCTM version 0.16.9 blue science packs now also need bronze plates. Yellow science also needs silicon nitride and lithium ion batteries.
I guess this is a result of the recent data-final-fixes->data reorganization.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] SCTM

Post by mexmer »

Trainwreck wrote:It looks like bobtech data-updates is adding extra items to SCTM recipes. With SCTM version 0.16.9 blue science packs now also need bronze plates. Yellow science also needs silicon nitride and lithium ion batteries.
I guess this is a result of the recent data-final-fixes->data reorganization.
thanks, i will recheck that, when i have time

although reorganization might be reason, since now all recipes are processed in data phase (prototype processing), and fixes are done in final update, so any mod, that alters science pack, can eventually alter them. while before recipes for science pack were processed in final-fix phase.

i planed to do this reorganization, when i started on mod, since it should have better interaction with other mods ... eg. prototypes should be for vanilla (and ultimatelly no need for "vanilla" tweaks. then if mod does to recipe something i don't like/want, i will change it in final fix.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] SCTM

Post by mexmer »

Trainwreck wrote:It looks like bobtech data-updates is adding extra items to SCTM recipes. With SCTM version 0.16.9 blue science packs now also need bronze plates. Yellow science also needs silicon nitride and lithium ion batteries.
I guess this is a result of the recent data-final-fixes->data reorganization.
should be fixed now
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] SCTM

Post by mexmer »

@bilka thanks for your input and PR regarding sorting in SCTM, it helped me a lot.
while i gave you response there, i just want to point out some things

order in inventory and signal menu, is decided by subgroup/order in prototype
order in handcraft/assembler/chemlab menu is deciced by subgroup/order field on recipe - subgroup and order doesn't need to be specified in recipe, unless it has multiple output. if it's missing, it's copied from result prototype.

i dediced to use same layout for both for simple reason, most people remember layout from "craft" and can easily find items in signals.

if i use layout, that is appealing for inventory (like science packs grouped together, intermediates grouped together, and so on), signal menu will become mess again, as pointed out by @steinio. Since i use a lot logistic network, for me is more important to find items in signal menu, than appealing order in inventory.

i might do some change in future, but i will try as much as possible for items to have same order in craft menu and logistic (signal menu)

btw. i use manual sort in inventory, don't like automatic sorting, because it moves items from place to place :D
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] SCTM

Post by Bilka »

mexmer wrote:order in handcraft/assembler/chemlab menu is deciced by subgroup/order field on recipe - subgroup and order doesn't need to be specified in recipe, unless it has multiple output. if it's missing, it's copied from result prototype.
Small note: If you specify a main_product for a recipe with more than one product, it will use the order/subgroup and icon from that main_product unless it gets overwritten by the recipe's properties.
I'm an admin over at https://wiki.factorio.com. Feel free to contact me if there's anything wrong (or right) with it.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] SCTM

Post by mexmer »

Bilka wrote:
mexmer wrote:order in handcraft/assembler/chemlab menu is deciced by subgroup/order field on recipe - subgroup and order doesn't need to be specified in recipe, unless it has multiple output. if it's missing, it's copied from result prototype.
Small note: If you specify a main_product for a recipe with more than one product, it will use the order/subgroup and icon from that main_product unless it gets overwritten by the recipe's properties.
thanks, i didn't know that.

wish there is some comprehensive guide to all recipe and prototype attributes, one can use factorio lua wiki, but that still doesn't cover everything.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] SCTM

Post by Bilka »

mexmer wrote:wish there is some comprehensive guide to all recipe and prototype attributes, one can use factorio lua wiki, but that still doesn't cover everything.
I am working on extending this documentation: https://wiki.factorio.com/Prototype_definitions which at least partially covers recipes: https://wiki.factorio.com/Prototype/Recipe
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] SCTM

Post by mexmer »

for example what i want to know, how is made, that some recipes show "made in", i suspect it might be only for recipes, that cannot be handracrafted, there are 3 items that are made in furnace, which is kinda not obvious, if i could set, that it shows "made in furnace", that would help.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] SCTM

Post by Bilka »

mexmer wrote:for example what i want to know, how is made, that some recipes show "made in", i suspect it might be only for recipes, that cannot be handracrafted, there are 3 items that are made in furnace, which is kinda not obvious, if i could set, that it shows "made in furnace", that would help.
There is a property for that :P I updated that specific page I linked, have fun with all the previously undocumented properties :D https://wiki.factorio.com/Prototype/Recipe
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] SCTM

Post by mexmer »

since there was issue with overrides in intermediate recipe, i reordered loading again,

intermediate recipes load in initial phase (0)
while science pack and labs load in final phase (2)

i moved all recipes into phase 2 to prevent overrides, but this causes problem with some mods, that disable or replace stuff, so moving them to initial phase should allow other mods to do so, even for sct intermediates.

i don't want neither science packs or labs to be overriden, that's why they are in phase 2.

i plan for labs to create intermediates (like there are for science packs), which will be loaded in phase 0, and therefore overrides from other mods will apply. this should allow for compatibility with more mods.

not sure how exactly it will look, possibly something like
lab computing device
lab construction frame
and so on, they will be tiered

while some people might not like this, this change will not be optional(eg. toggle), it will also most likely increase price of labs somewhat.

i also plan to add module slots to T4 labs, while i'm not exactly fan of modules, i can understand, that in late/endgame, just scaling by making more labs, is not solution, so adding module slots into quantum lab should help with further upgrades using space science.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] SCTM

Post by mexmer »

for those interested beta of SCT with lab components is available on github, it will take few days, before it's completed. but so far seems to work with bobs and angels without problems.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] SCTM

Post by mexmer »

i did some playtest with omnimatter, and seems it works, no dead ends or unattainable technologies with 0.16.13

but omnifluid totally messes up research, and i have yet to figure, how to prevent this. fixed now
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] SCTM

Post by mexmer »

atm. working slowly on this


i was also thinking about new graphic for lab and lab icon, but my graphic skill is paintbrush level ... so nope :mrgreen:
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] SCTM

Post by mexmer »

and yes, this should also work, you can download current version from github, use at own risk, tho'

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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] SCTM

Post by mexmer »

just side note, while i'm working on labs, i also plan to rebalance science pack intermediates little, so it will be easier to integrate them with other mods.

there will be no huge changes, but they might disrupt your current production and logistic chains. since you will need to redo your production for new labs anyways, i think it's better to have both changes at same time, although i have most science pack rebalancing already complete. as part of rebalanacing, also customized recipes for bob mods will have increased cost for some high tier science components.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] SCTM

Post by jodokus31 »

Sounds good to me.

Something I thought of while im progressing in seablock:
Before yellow science (plastic III), I have a huge amounts of butane/benzene, which cannot be used properly. However it could be turned into explosive via tolune. What about adding explosives as ingredient somewhere (f.e. military science). There are also simpler recipes, which could be used in earlier stages.

And purple science uses a tiny amount of rubber for insulated wire, which can be created easily by smelting resin. What about increasing this, to encourage setting up the angels petrochem rubber chain. If someone sticks with greenhouse -> wood -> resin -> rubber, it should be huge :P
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] SCTM

Post by mexmer »

jodokus31 wrote:Sounds good to me.

Something I thought of while im progressing in seablock:
Before yellow science (plastic III), I have a huge amounts of butane/benzene, which cannot be used properly. However it could be turned into explosive via tolune. What about adding explosives as ingredient somewhere (f.e. military science). There are also simpler recipes, which could be used in earlier stages.

And purple science uses a tiny amount of rubber for insulated wire, which can be created easily by smelting resin. What about increasing this, to encourage setting up the angels petrochem rubber chain. If someone sticks with greenhouse -> wood -> resin -> rubber, it should be huge :P
insulated cable is already replacing copper cable in some new intermediate recipes.

i first need to draft some stuff for bob, then might later add also for angels.

although, optimization for seablock will be on @TrainWreck, seablock has rather specific conditions and set of technologies, but after i'm done with reordering and cleanup, should not be problem for any mod to customize SCT intermediates.

also all of SCT recipes will get expensive version, that will have 150% average increase in cost, and roughly same increase in craft time compared to normal recipe (so expensive recipe cost/time will be 2.5 of normal)
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] SCTM

Post by mexmer »

version 0.16.20 has just been published, keep in mind, there are lot of changes, and will require you to do changes in logistic (for science pack production), and since labs got overhaul, and tier 3 and 4 is now more expensive, you can expect even more fun :mrgreen:
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