- potentialThumbnail3_large.png (35.93 KiB) Viewed 18257 times
Less turret logistics, more dead aliens. This mod adds chests to automatically fill turrets and vehicles with ammo/fuel.
- Name: ammo-loader
- Latest Release: 0.16.23, May 4, 2018
- Factorio Version: 0.16
- Download: Mod Portal
- License: GNU GPL v3 with some graphical assets governed by the Creative Commons License
- Tags: turret, load, ammo, auto, fuel, autofill, car
- Author: SilentCrim
Long Description
This mod provides 2 new entities: the Ammo Loader Chest and Fuel Loader Chest. These entities load Ammo and Fuel respectively into entities that need them.
Ammo Loader
- 2018-05-05-1048-51.gif (4.39 MiB) Viewed 18234 times
Ammo Loader
- Will load ammo-turrets and weapon-mounted vehicles with its contents.
- Simply put ammo inside the chest and it will do the rest.
- Optionally upgrades ammo making ammunition technology transitions a piece of cake.
- Customizable effective radius: give yourself a challenge or have chests fill turrets from across the map.
- Will load vehicles with fuel.
- Optionally load burner structures as well (burner inserter, AAI Industries burner buildings, etc.).
- Allows you to explore the map without worrying about having fuel for your vehicles.
Should function with all other mods, though may not support all custom turrets/vehicles/structures.
Long Answer:
This mod works by checking for compatible inventories of every placed entity and tracking them internally when found. This approach allows the mod to scale reasonably well to larger factories, but does have some disadvantages. Namely, this algorithm assumes that:
Should function with all other mods, though may not support all custom turrets/vehicles/structures.
Long Answer:
This mod works by checking for compatible inventories of every placed entity and tracking them internally when found. This approach allows the mod to scale reasonably well to larger factories, but does have some disadvantages. Namely, this algorithm assumes that:
- All relevant entities can be identified immediately upon being placed, and
- Entities of a certain type can always be identified in the same way.
- Mods that destroy/replace entities programmatically after they are placed.
- Mods with prototypes that have an unconventional structure (i.e. a turret that uses a separate chest as its source of ammo, rather than a built-in inventory).
Version: 0.16.21
Date: 29. 04. 2018
Version: 0.16.20
Date: 29. 04. 2018
Version: 0.16.19
Date: 10. 02. 2018
Version: 0.16.18
Date: 10. 02. 2018
Version: 0.16.17
Date: 04. 02. 2018
Version: 0.16.16
Date: 04. 02. 2018
Version: 0.16.15
Date: 04. 02. 2018
Version: 0.16.14
Date: 05. 01. 2018
Version: 0.16.13
Date: 04. 1. 2018
Version: 0.16.12
Date: 03. 01. 2018
Version: 0.16.11
Date: 02. 01. 2018
Version: 0.15.10
Date: 22. 08. 2017
Version: 0.15.9
Date: 21. 08. 2017
Version: 0.14.8
Date: 29. 03. 2017
Version: 0.14.7
Date: 28. 03. 2017
Version: 0.14.6
Date: 27. 03. 2017
Version: 0.14.5
Date: 26. 03. 2017
Version: 0.14.4
Date: 25. 03. 2017
Version: 0.14.3
Date: 24. 03. 2017
Version: 0.14.2
Date: 23. 03. 2017
Version: 0.14.1
Date: 22. 03. 2017
Date: 29. 04. 2018
- Fixed bug causing crash on load.
Version: 0.16.20
Date: 29. 04. 2018
- Fixed infinite ammo bug.
- Improved compatibility with some mods.
- Code cleanup to reduce spaghetti.
- Implemented distance restriction on chests (accessible in mod options, defaults to zero).
- Added Fuel Loader Chest into the game, separating chests that load ammo from those that load fuel.
- Restructured data models to make quote easier to understand.
- Revised main looping algorithm, resulting in more steady performance.
- Revised ammo upgrade algorithm, greatly reducing the number of turrets that fail to get the best ammo.
- New icons.
Version: 0.16.19
Date: 10. 02. 2018
- Performance update, approx. ~30% improvement (on my personal machine).
Version: 0.16.18
Date: 10. 02. 2018
- fixed chests would stop working after load game.
Version: 0.16.17
Date: 04. 02. 2018
- fixed turret would stop being loaded if ammo was taken out by player.
Version: 0.16.16
Date: 04. 02. 2018
- fixed crash when starting new game.
Version: 0.16.15
Date: 04. 02. 2018
- added "finished" queue for turrets that are already full of the best ammo, roughly ~50% performance increase when there are lots of gun turrets (500+).
- added setting to control the number of new entities that will be scanned per tick when placing large blueprints, etc.
- added explanations to all settings.
- set min/max values for integer settings.
- fixed locale file so settings will be named properly.
Version: 0.16.14
Date: 05. 01. 2018
- added limit to number of entities that can be added per tick (50 at the moment) for performance issues with blueprints.
- fixed bug where turrets already on map when mod was installed not being recognized.
- added check to remove invalid items when mods change.
Version: 0.16.13
Date: 04. 1. 2018
- made ammo loader chest available from the start of the game, since it's actually useless before turret research anyway.
Version: 0.16.12
Date: 03. 01. 2018
- small bugfix for crash due to incorrect file name.
Version: 0.16.11
Date: 02. 01. 2018
- update to factorio v16
- rewritten once again.
- performance improvements.
- add support for vehicles with multiple guns.
- hopefully improved compatibility.
Version: 0.15.10
Date: 22. 08. 2017
- empty inventories will now be loaded first, this may come at a cost to performance, so please let me know if you have any issues.
- improved support for aai programmable vehicles mod, multiple bugs that occurred when using this mod should be fixed.
- fixed recipe not becoming available when mod was added to game in progress.
Version: 0.15.9
Date: 21. 08. 2017
- update to factorio v15.
- rewritten from the ground up, performance should now be stable regardless of the amount of chests/turrets.
- should now be multiplayer compatible.
- options now available through menu.
- fixed entity sprite selection offset.
Version: 0.14.8
Date: 29. 03. 2017
- fixed a bug where picking up chests would cause a crash.
Version: 0.14.7
Date: 28. 03. 2017
- added support for loading fuel into vehicles.
- more optimizations that will hopefully improve performance when the number of turrets gets very high.
- fixed a bug with some vehicle mods where new vehicles were taking too long to start receiving ammo and fuel.
Version: 0.14.6
Date: 27. 03. 2017
- changed how main loop iterates chests and turrets.
- fixed several bugs causing program to "stick" to one turret if specific conditions were met, as a result, should be fully compatible with bob's mods (tested with bob's+additional+predictabowl) and more compatible with others.
Version: 0.14.5
Date: 26. 03. 2017
- temporary fix for compatibility with some mods.
- Added ignore list to config.
Version: 0.14.4
Date: 25. 03. 2017
- fixed bug causing crash when lists were not properly purged of invalid entities.
Version: 0.14.3
Date: 24. 03. 2017
- included several optimizations that should increase performace.
- max_rounds_per_stack and upgrades are now both configurable by individual ammo type, see config for more info, by default it is set to upgrade firearm mags with piercing and cannon shells with explosive cannon shells.
- Support for vehicles added, fully tested with aai-programmable-vehicles suite, should work with any modded vehicles that use defines,inventory,car_ammo
- added config options max_turrets_per_cycle and max_chests_per_cycle, Leaving these both at 1 greatly improves performance at the cost of insertion speed, bumped max_ammo_per_turret up to 5 to compensate.
Version: 0.14.2
Date: 23. 03. 2017
- added option to limit max ammo in a single turret.
- Moved editable variables to config file.
Version: 0.14.1
Date: 22. 03. 2017
- first release.
Feel free to post any comments/suggestions/bug reports as a reply to this topic.The graphics in this mod are a combination of base game graphics and other custom graphics that are not my own work. These custom graphics are published under the Creative Commons License and here I credit the authors with their work. They include:
- Author: Madebyoliver | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: Treasure | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: Iconnice | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: Freepik | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: money | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: money | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: Bullet | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: Freepik | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: money | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: money | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: book | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: weapons | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: security | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: security | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: security | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: security | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: security | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: security | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: Closet | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: sports | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: sports | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: Ammo | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: Bullets | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Author: money | Website: Flaticon | License: Creative Commons BY 3.0