Factorio popularity

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Factorio popularity

Post by greglefox »

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Re: Factorio popularity

Post by Jap2.0 »

See also this (note that most are DLCs and stuff), or my personal favorite, this.
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Re: Factorio popularity

Post by olafthecat »

Welp...we're done here!
Gonna start playing again with 0.16 build.
That's all.
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Re: Factorio popularity

Post by MeduSalem »

Factorio has been in the top list ever since it has been on Steam.

Wait what... Eurotruck Simulator 2 is on the 7th place? o_O

Maybe it is just me but I have the general assumption that all of those "<you-name-it> Simulator" games are usually crap.

Ahh... well the list reminds me that I wanted to give RimWorld a try at some point. Has anyone exprience with that one and can tell if it is already worth the 30 bucks on Steam? As far as I can remember the devs of RimWorld have a similar "No Steam Deals" attidue like wube so I don't think it will ever be in one anyway.
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Re: Factorio popularity

Post by aka13 »

MeduSalem wrote:Factorio has been in the top list ever since it has been on Steam.

Wait what... Eurotruck Simulator 2 is on the 7th place? o_O

Maybe it is just me but I have the general assumption that all of those "<you-name-it> Simulator" games are usually crap.

Ahh... well the list reminds me that I wanted to give RimWorld a try at some point. Has anyone exprience with that one and can tell if it is already worth the 30 bucks on Steam? As far as I can remember the devs of RimWorld have a similar "No Steam Deals" attidue like wube so I don't think it will ever be in one anyway.
You can get it on g2a for 22 bucks, if you want to save some shekels.
Rimworld is VERY good, but it depends on what you expect from it. I played and enjoyed it very much.
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Re: Factorio popularity

Post by MeduSalem »

aka13 wrote:You can get it on g2a for 22 bucks, if you want to save some shekels.
Rimworld is VERY good, but it depends on what you expect from it. I played and enjoyed it very much.
Ah well...

I expect it to be largely like Dwarf Fortress/Gnormoria and consortia.
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Re: Factorio popularity

Post by aka13 »

MeduSalem wrote:
aka13 wrote:You can get it on g2a for 22 bucks, if you want to save some shekels.
Rimworld is VERY good, but it depends on what you expect from it. I played and enjoyed it very much.
Ah well...

I expect it to be largely like Dwarf Fortress/Gnormoria and consortia.
Yeah, than you propably will not be disappointed. I'd get it.
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Re: Factorio popularity

Post by Adeon Hawkwood »

MeduSalem wrote:Wait what... Eurotruck Simulator 2 is on the 7th place? o_O

Maybe it is just me but I have the general assumption that all of those "<you-name-it> Simulator" games are usually crap.
A lot of the simulator games are designed to appeal to a very niche audience. So games like Eutotruck Simulator have high review scores because the people who like those games REALLY like them and people who don't like them don't bother to play them.

I think the reason the "<you-name-it> Simulator" get a bad rep is that they don't really appeal to most people. So if you or I played one we'd probably be bored out of our minds. But they aren't made for us, they are made for people who want to spend 1000 hours making a map of Broxton to farm in. That's not a made up example by the way, the current top review for Faming Simulator 17 says he did just that.

I think with review scores in general it's important to remember that they reflect how well the games appeals to it's target audience more than anything.
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Re: Factorio popularity

Post by MeduSalem »

aka13 wrote:Yeah, than you propably will not be disappointed. I'd get it.
I will look into it soon.
Adeon Hawkwood wrote:A lot of the simulator games are designed to appeal to a very niche audience. So games like Eutotruck Simulator have high review scores because the people who like those games REALLY like them and people who don't like them don't bother to play them.

I think the reason the "<you-name-it> Simulator" get a bad rep is that they don't really appeal to most people. So if you or I played one we'd probably be bored out of our minds. But they aren't made for us, they are made for people who want to spend 1000 hours making a map of Broxton to farm in. That's not a made up example by the way, the current top review for Faming Simulator 17 says he did just that.

I think with review scores in general it's important to remember that they reflect how well the games appeals to it's target audience more than anything.
Well... My experience with that stuff is that those kind of games are usually bug-ridden beyond playabillity and often bland and featureless with graphics from 10-15 years ago. Low quality stuff that only serves one purpose of defining the bottom end of the rating scale... all while making a quick buck with people who have no clue about what an acceptible standard in the industry is.

May have changed though in the last 10 years, but that's probably because I am slowly growing out of touch with computer/video games anyway. I can only say what they felt like back then.

But looking at the steam ratings there is not really any other simulator game that high ranked in the list, which in my opinion to some extend proves my point, hence why I was surprised that Eurotruck Simulator made it that far.

So it may be that Eurotruck Simulator actually is the one flower standing out of the shitswamp. Happens.
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Re: Factorio popularity

Post by lovewyrm »

Probably weird as the first post in a "promote Factorio" subforum, but Eurotruck Sim is really comfy, especially with a wheel.

Not all "simulator" games are good, though. It seems Euro(and US)Truck and the Farming simulator are the cream of the otherwise mediocre to crap crop.

But on topic: The fact that the game has a native Linux version was the deciding factor, hehe, for me to buy it.
The first game I bought in almost a decade.

Not that I sail the seven seas much, but I don't play many games these days and if I do then it's old stuff I already own or free software like Wesnoth and co.
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Re: Factorio popularity

Post by Glitterspin »

I'm surprised that wesnoth still exists! I must have played that game at least five years ago, if not ten.
Looking for people to play with! Not sure the ettiquette or things. Ideally, I'd like peeps that can play fairly often, and with voicechat.
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