Bulldog 1: A solid Startup Base to build your main base.

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Bulldog 1: A solid Startup Base to build your main base.

Post by zOldBulldog »

v3 is a complete overhaul and massive expansion. Redesigned for Factorio 0.17.

The v3 Bulldog 1 Freedom Base speeds up and simplifies the process of getting to the point where you can build "what you want". Use all of the Blueprints or only the ones that suit your play style.

Can produce Bots and Nuclear Power quite early, and trickle the research all the way through yellow if you have no desire to setup the usual big smelting and science build. You do those at your pace. Sorry, it will not serve coffee or deliver pizza :)

Useful to beginners and experts alike. Should be an ideal start for railworld, megabase and other play styles.

The full description, usage instructions and blueprint can be seen on factorioprints as it exceeds the Factorio Forum message size: https://factorioprints.com/view/-LBLVHe1Xk2_ghVGn8Se
0.17base.2019.04.10.jpg (1.07 MiB) Viewed 14859 times
Last edited by zOldBulldog on Thu Apr 11, 2019 4:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Bulldog 1: A solid Startup Base to build your main base.

Post by steinio »

Nice writing but i would recommend to disable the grid but enable the alt-info.

Transport Belt Repair Man

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Re: Bulldog 1: A solid Startup Base to build your main base.

Post by zOldBulldog »

Thank you steinio. Image replaced with a better one.

I didn't notice when Alt-PrtScn caused the item icons to disappear, so I fixed that. The grid still shows, as I want to show the positioning relative to the chunks.

Positioning is not critical for the startup base placement, but since I am using Serenity's idea to borrow the space of 3 "built later" smelter line's space... and those are chunk-aligned in my layout I wanted to show the positioning. If you focus on the ghost to left of the starter base you can see how the regular smelter line aligns with the top of the chunk.
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Re: Bulldog 1: A solid Startup Base to build your main base.

Post by Serenity »

You're a bit light on green circuits. If you do the standard 2 green + 3 copper cable and maybe build two of those, you won't need a proper green circuit line for a while. There is some stuff here I'd leave out for that. But it's a matter of taste and play style of course.
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Re: Bulldog 1: A solid Startup Base to build your main base.

Post by zOldBulldog »

Serenity wrote:You're a bit light on green circuits. If you do the standard 2 green + 3 copper cable and maybe build two of those, you won't need a proper green circuit line for a while. There is some stuff here I'd leave out for that. But it's a matter of taste and play style of course.
Those plate/coal/stone/GC lines coming out of the startup base are just there to make use of any excess, not to really supply the bus.

What you suggest is handled by the couple of steel furnace/red belt full smelter lines that can be placed to the right of the starter base. Those provide the initial supply for the bus and the iron/copper plate mini-bus that feeds the GC. The starting portion of the main base GC assembly line is the first (or very near so) assembly line I start. I start it small and add capacity as needed.

The same goes for the steel furnace assembly lines. One iron and one copper might be enough, depending on playstyle, but if they are not... Just add some capacity to the steam power plant and build another smelter line :). In my play through I got away - barely - with those two before I could start my solar arrays and could build the rest of the smelters using electric furnaces. Wait, I lie... I also had built a tiny ore to steel smelter using just 16 steel furnaces. Steel also had to be the first new electric full smelter line.
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Re: Bulldog 1: A solid Startup Base to build your main base.

Post by zOldBulldog »

Redesigned and massively enhanced version 3. I updated the original post of this thread or Factorioprints (https://factorioprints.com/view/-LBLVHe1Xk2_ghVGn8Se) for details and blueprint download.
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Re: Bulldog 1: A solid Startup Base to build your main base.

Post by zOldBulldog »


Can we move this thread to the medium/big/gigantic subforum?
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Re: Bulldog 1: A solid Startup Base to build your main base.

Post by tengumai »

Thanks for the great design of this factory. Very fun.

BTW: Factorio release 0.17.60 broke the v3 freedom mall:
  • Blue science now requires a sulfur input instead of a solid fuel input.
  • Rocket fuel now requires an additional input: light oil.
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Re: Bulldog 1: A solid Startup Base to build your main base.

Post by zOldBulldog »

tengumai wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:19 pm Thanks for the great design of this factory. Very fun.

BTW: Factorio release 0.17.60 broke the v3 freedom mall:
  • Blue science now requires a sulfur input instead of a solid fuel input.
  • Rocket fuel now requires an additional input: light oil.
I have been playing something else, but when I get back to Factorio I will fix it. Thanks for the info.

In the meantime feel free to post the updated/fixed version if you wish.
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Re: Bulldog 1: A solid Startup Base to build your main base.

Post by tengumai »

Using this base for the third time now. I love it. It's the little things and attention to detail that really impress me.

This quote from The Fountainhead came to mind, in which a client is speaking to Roark, the architect who designed his house:
And, incidentally, thank you for all the thought you seem to have taken about my comfort. There are so many things I notice that had never occurred to me before, but you've planned them as if you knew all my needs...You were very considerate of me."

"You know," said Roark. "I haven't thought of you at all. I thought of the house." He added: "Perhaps that’s why I knew how to be considerate of you."
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Re: Bulldog 1: A solid Startup Base to build your main base.

Post by zOldBulldog »

tengumai wrote: Thu Nov 28, 2019 1:50 pm Using this base for the third time now. I love it. It's the little things and attention to detail that really impress me.

This quote from The Fountainhead came to mind, in which a client is speaking to Roark, the architect who designed his house:
And, incidentally, thank you for all the thought you seem to have taken about my comfort. There are so many things I notice that had never occurred to me before, but you've planned them as if you knew all my needs...You were very considerate of me."

"You know," said Roark. "I haven't thought of you at all. I thought of the house." He added: "Perhaps that’s why I knew how to be considerate of you."
Thank you, and I am glad you noticed. It took an enormous amount of effort to come up with this. From positioning, to feeding one thing into the other, to balance, early vs later game, and more. It took easily 10-20 complete redesigns to end up here.
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Re: Bulldog 1: A solid Startup Base to build your main base.

Post by booter »


Thank you very much for this fantastic design.

I stopped playing factorio for a while and a few days ago I feeled its time to play again. I thought I'll give your Starter Base a try and I am still really enjoying it.

I do not have the patience to create such a space-efficent base. So I really appreciate that you share yours with us.

I realized (like others mentioned here also) that the base needs a tiny tweak to produce blue sience again. I just made a botched fix (don't know if that is the correct word: in german I would say "pfusch") for this problem.

I will post a small screenshot and also a blueprint if anyone wants. Problem for the BP is that I didnt research everything and a complete BP will be kinda useless. I will provide a small BP for the oil-area.


BP only oil-area:

Again thanks for your BP-book and I am looking forward for your new version of it ;).

so far

[EDIT: I made it to rocket fuel and noticed, that my botched fix won't be good anymore. I botched even more and fixed it. I will post my 2nd botch version tomorrow]
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Re: Bulldog 1: A solid Startup Base to build your main base.

Post by booter »

Hey again,

I think I could make a very botched fix with the power of OCD-triggers and spaghetti-magic. I had to change the outer left side of the Mall so that blue sience-, rocket fuel- and low density-sience (for yellow sience f.ex.) recpies are working again. I think I really made a beautiful mess but it works until you'll fix it by yourself.

So if anyone wants to use this layout after the recipe-changes in 0.17 feel free to use my botched fix.

here some screenshots (yellow sience is not researched yet, so the assembler on the lower right is empty):





Have a nice day.

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