Code: Select all
@@ -34,6 +34,17 @@
return false
+-- is any entity in the list that's belt-ish facing toward the loader
+function are_belt_facing(entities, direction)
+ for _,entity in pairs(entities) do
+ if (entity.type == "transport-belt" or
+ entity.type == "underground-belt" or
+ entity.type == "splitter") and
+ entity.direction == direction
+ then return true end
+ end
+ return false
-- if there's a loadable thing behind but not ahead, turn around
-- if there's a loadable thing ahead but not behind, turn around and switch mode
@@ -44,12 +55,18 @@
if event.revived then return end
local snap2back = settings.get_player_settings(game.players[event.player_index])["deadlock-loaders-snap-to-back"].value
local snap2front = settings.get_player_settings(game.players[event.player_index])["deadlock-loaders-snap-to-front"].value
+ -- needs a setting
+ local snap2belt = true
-- no need to check anything if all configs are off
- if not snap2back and not snap2front then return end
+ if not snap2back and not snap2front and not snap2belt then return end
-- check neighbours and snap if necessary
local belt_end = get_neighbour_entities(built, built.direction)
local loading_end = get_neighbour_entities(built, opposite[built.direction])
- if snap2back and not are_loadable(belt_end) and are_loadable(loading_end) then
+ if snap2belt and are_belt_facing(belt_end, opposite[built.direction]) then
+ built.rotate( {by_player = event.player_index} )
+ elseif snap2belt and are_belt_facing(belt_end, built.direction) then
+ -- there's a belt facing away from the belt-end, do nothing and skip any potential inventory snapping
+ elseif snap2back and not are_loadable(belt_end) and are_loadable(loading_end) then
built.rotate( {by_player = event.player_index} )
elseif snap2front and are_loadable(belt_end) and not are_loadable(loading_end) then
built.direction = opposite[built.direction]