Try to get the iron, and ... surprise! you could get everything you want and does not decrease.

Did you try filling your player's inventory with these iron plates at least 14000 times? Because you can only hold 7168 iron plates at a time (plus a couple in the quickbar slots), it will be a while until the change is guaranteed to show up in the rounded number.sword2410 wrote:Try to get the iron, and ... surprise! you could get everything you want and does not decrease. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I have not tried yet, but I will recreate the situation and I'll see if the bug repeats.slpwnd wrote:Are you able to reproduce this?
My money's on this.wrtlprnft wrote:On a perhaps more helpful note: 4.3G looks a lot like a 32-bit integer underflow.
Yeahn9103 wrote:My money's on this.wrtlprnft wrote:On a perhaps more helpful note: 4.3G looks a lot like a 32-bit integer underflow.
Code: Select all
type = "technology",
name = "miner-6",
icon = "__DyTech-Mining__/graphics/technology/miner.png",
effects =
type = "unlock-recipe",
recipe = "basic-mining-drill-mk6"
prerequisites = {"miner-5"},
unit =
count = 1000,
ingredients =
{"science-pack-2", 10},
{"science-pack-2", 10},
{"alien-science-pack", 10},
-- {"science-pack-4", 10}, to be added in a future version!
time = 150
order = "m-6",
upgrade = true,
Thanks for the info, it is fixed for 0.10.4, the game will show an error message on start when there are duplicates inputs in the technology.Jinmago wrote:I think i figured it out:
With a lab with 0 Science Pack 2 in it, I started researchingWhich has 2 times {"science-pack-2", 10} as ingredients - not intended i guess.Code: Select all
{ type = "technology", name = "miner-6", icon = "__DyTech-Mining__/graphics/technology/miner.png", effects = { { type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "basic-mining-drill-mk6" }, }, prerequisites = {"miner-5"}, unit = { count = 1000, ingredients = { {"science-pack-2", 10}, {"science-pack-2", 10}, {"alien-science-pack", 10}, -- {"science-pack-4", 10}, to be added in a future version! }, time = 150 }, order = "m-6", upgrade = true, }
When there are 11 to 19 packs in the lab upon starting a research step, the bug occurs, as 20 packs get subtracted I think. It does neither happen with 10 or less nor with 20 or more.
Interesting as well : If there are 10 packs in there, 10 get subtracted, if there are more, 20 get subtracted. In both cases the research goes on successfully.
Here's the savefile and my mod folder:
You can test it in the bottom right lab.