When I started, I loved the "being presented with a problem (how to make a xxx colour science for example, or rockets, etc), and spending ages/hours coming up with a design how, and then hours more on how to do it most efficiently.
I've now played for 1400 hours. I've got a couple gigawatt bases now, with automated everything. And i'm now playing my 6th or 7th game (and a couple with Bobs Mods).
My new games go likes this:
- Import my Blueprint Book
- Drop my BPs everywhere
- Build (or use bots to build) an exact replica of base(s) i've already built.
- get bored within a few hours.
The only thing thats kept me interested, has been:
- New versions (recipes all change)
- Mods
The whole thing I enjoyed about this game, of solving a design problem (which i think is the thing EVERYONE enjoys about this game), is gone after the first play.
And the whole reason is, because you can Import previous designs.
So, if you couldnt Import Blueprints, or blueprint books, would it make it more enjoyable?
Be constructive please