Legal (License, etc)

DyWorld, the successor of DyTech. Adding new systems, items, fluids, machines and enemies! The Material System gives items like pipes and transport a real life feeling (Material property specific capacity/speed/range) and the Metallurgic System gives a new way to smelt ores. The Attribute System governs you! This means whatever you do, you get stronger from it!

Moderators: MagicLegend, Dysoch

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Legal (License, etc)

Post by Dysoch »

DyWorld has the GNU GPL v3 license (since v0.7.0). This has been changed from the Apache license in order to allow Dysoch, and others, to share content more freely between each other.
Creator of:
- DyTech
- DyWorld
- DyWorld-Dynamics
- DyWorld-Dynamics 2
Active since Factorio 0.6

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Post by Dysoch »

--- Original --- made by Deadlock989. This is an alteration of his work

--- Permissions ---
Permission given by Deadlock989 on April 11 2018.

--- Assets taken ---
Graphical assets for Transport Belts, Underground Belts and Loader Entities and Icons
Script to snap Loaders to entities with inventories

--- Changes Made ---
Graphical assets are unchanged, script to color the masks are made by Dysoch.
Scripting code was taken entirely, and altered to fit the use inside DyWorld. This includes new strings for settings, and the renaming of functions.
Alteration were made on April 2018 (12th and 13th)

--- Original Links ---
Forum Post DeadLockLoaders: viewtopic.php?f=94&t=57264
Factorio Mod Portal DeadLockLoaders:
Deadlock989: memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=11295

All credits from scripts and graphical assets go to him.
Many thanks for providing the assets
Creator of:
- DyTech
- DyWorld
- DyWorld-Dynamics
- DyWorld-Dynamics 2
Active since Factorio 0.6


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