Tochs Automatic Factory Kit mk.2

Clever and beautiful constructions, bigger than two chunks
- Defense: killing biters as an art
- Castles, Throne Rooms, Decorations (comfortable living in the Factorio World)
- Main Bus Concepts
- Modular Systems, Factory Streets, show how all works together
- Megabases
Please provide us with blueprints or saves, if that makes sense of course.
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Clever and beautiful constructions, bigger than two chunks
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Tochs Automatic Factory Kit mk.2

Post by Toch »

TAFK mk.2
SAVES and commentary video
Tochs Automatic Factory Kit mk.2
Self unfolding self replicating stormborn* infinite fully beaconed nuclear Megabase.
*yes there was like at least one storm during those 4 months i did this :)



While i was finishing TAFK (my first self unfolding factory), i already knew i can go bigger and better but i wanted to finish at least something. So after TAFK mk.1 was done we were still in 0.14 so i made designs for TAFK mk.2 and started some prep work while waiting for 0.15

My goals and thought process pre and after 0.15

pre 0.15
I wanted to go as vanilla as possible i love playing with mods, but i kinda felt that for maximum cool effect i have to be close to vanilla as possible, so i wanted to get rid of coal-> oil mod. This was kind of a challenge but i designed square based factory and decided to check square by square for resources, as i do in final product. And i checked every square if it contains oil by spamming pump jack blueprint all over it, than i compared PJ before and after spam and if any were missing-> there was oil so i added slopes and pipes. So basically my whole design was based around this feature.
My pre 0.15 goal was to build a self replicating base to speedrun first rocket, than build bootstrap base and spam rocket base modules to infinity, to get as much RPM as UPS allow.

Post 0.15
Than 0.15 dropped, and i could scratch most of my work. With introduction of infinite science i felt it would be waste to send all those rockets wasting that precious white stuff. So i decided i'll go for infinite science builds. Also roboport area size changed so i had to redo all of my stuff. My starter base was almost done so i decided to leave it at former size, i “just” redone science packs.
Than i got to point where i was finally testing factory as whole, and i confirmed my fears that my pipe build will kill my UPS too fast. So feature i built this whole thing upon, and i was most proud of had to go :/ and i redid all my refineries to coal->oil now luckily implemented in vanilla.
Start conditions
Zero research
Used builds
You can see them in gallery attached.
Starter base
Purpose: Get necessary science, oil bootstrap, U-235
Purpose: Main logic of whole build, initial all items base.
Nuclear build
Purpose: Moar powaaa
Modules bootstrap
Purpose: lvl3 speed and productivity modules to fill upcoming beaconed module builds
Modules beaconed
Purpose: lvl3 speed and productivity modules
Purpose: 100s /m
Purpose: 100 white s/m
Purpose: Make item supply line shorter and faster all items required to expand

Order of builds
Start base ->Brain ->Nuclear ->Module bootstrap 3x -> Nuclear ->Science ->Rocket ->Beaconed speed ->Beaconed productivity ->Items ->Nuclear ->..... Science than Rocket every 6th Nuclear every 12th item base….
Future plan
My initial thoughts i had in mind were that base will be like snake, after outer ring depletes one of main resources, it shuts the midle factory deletes it and replace with another miners and start sharing what is left of resources to adjected tiles, after that would be done whole tile would be removed. Iam not that far from being able to implement this, but when i get to stages where it would be interesting to watch and work, UPS is so low, that it would be living hell to test and play on. Another feature that is in build but not active is analyzing the spot before choosing proper base, based on available resources.

There is still things that i would love to implement but brain “code” (more like combinator spaghetti) is so complicated and really poorly documented (there are parts that i am not even exactly sure how they work since it's like months since i designed and finished them. So ill rather start fresh new TAFK mk.3 and probably switch to ConMan for more options. So this is not last time you hear of me :)

If this project will get enough attention, I will make second video with more details on logic and working of factory, as well as commentary base tour.
Shout out

Xterminator5 + his crew Madzury, Mojo, Hope + rest.. For all the Factorio knowledge in his streams and videos i soaked by watching his vids.
justarandomgeek for converting recursive blueprints for new version for me even tho he abandoned it to ConMan (even before Dave overtook it)
trooniee For his ingame devil device allowing me to calculate with square roots :)
Nexela! for picker

Must have
Recursive blueprints alpha and omega of everything
Water fill - to blueprint water tiles
Aircraft - for thematic start
Auto research- for auto research
QOL + mods used for creation
Creative mode - Absolute necessity
Nixxie tubes - useful info
PickerExtended - THANK YOU !
CTLM - for screenshots
Cut and Paste- Qol

TLDR: It was hell of job to pull this like 600h, i'll make another even better one, if you want see more, upvote to let me know you like this kind of stuff and i'll make base tour video with commentary
front.jpg (3.61 MiB) Viewed 19688 times
Last edited by Toch on Thu Jan 18, 2018 11:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tochs Automatic Factory Kit mk.2

Post by Jap2.0 »


I am completely and utterly amazed.

Now for a few questions:
  • 1. How will this work with lower resource settings? It looks like you have it on fairly high sizes and frequencies. With lower resources would it completely fail, simply expand slower, or place blueprints before it had enough materials? Does it check to make sure it has enough materials before expanding?
    2. You say zero research - how is that possible, when you use robots and other advanced things at the start? Is it that the only things you had before they were researched were things you brought in your airplane?
    3. I can't like this, but let's pretend I did.
    4. Wow.
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Re: Tochs Automatic Factory Kit mk.2

Post by Toch »

1. Lower the resources you will have harder it will be to find that sweet spot where you have all ores and oil in starting base. Also on lower resources it can expand aslong as you have enough till you get to next patches so it depends also on richnes. Unfortunatly its not build to be played on normal map.

Also yes after i build outer ring of miners/solars i send signal how much resources it have but i didnt implemented any action based on this data but it is there :)

2. yes there is link in starting conditions where you can see what i carry with myself in ship. so i have some adveance items but none research.

3.4. :) Thank you.

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Re: Tochs Automatic Factory Kit mk.2

Post by acidfire52 »

That looks awesome.
Any chance of getting the initial blueprints?


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Re: Tochs Automatic Factory Kit mk.2

Post by Jap2.0 »

From his Reddit post, it sounds like he is going to do a few minor tweaks first.
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Re: Tochs Automatic Factory Kit mk.2

Post by Toch »

Yop iam still alive :) just bit busy public save is basicly rdy, i just wanna release it with base tour video and i cant find free time to record that but should be within month.

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Re: Tochs Automatic Factory Kit mk.2

Post by acidfire52 »

Thanks Toch, i look forward to the tour and saves. Looks like a lot of fun to play with.

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Re: Tochs Automatic Factory Kit mk.2

Post by olafthecat »

Another super powerful mega factory.
Pretty nice :)
Gonna start playing again with 0.16 build.
That's all.

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Re: Tochs Automatic Factory Kit mk.2

Post by DerGraue »

Really nice!
I just wish you would show off a bit more, for example more details, maybe stuff that gave you a hard time or stuff that you are really proud of.

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Re: Tochs Automatic Factory Kit mk.2

Post by Dragonisser »

Any news? I would really love to play with it.

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Re: Tochs Automatic Factory Kit mk.2

Post by Toch »

Half of video done if ill find some energy tomorow, i want to finish this before full 0.16 will roll out cos i doubt it will be compatible.

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Re: Tochs Automatic Factory Kit mk.2

Post by Toch »

Here it is commentary video of TAFK 2, fully automated fully beaconed, megabase, its bit longer than i expected but i still had to skip some interesting parts and logic pieces.

As well as save games.Three of them
1) Start just observe, i recommend set speed to something like 10)
2) Save 32h in after one problematic oparation
3) Save 49h in where my UPS drops to 10

Known issues:
1) Some times you can see "Toch" (screen), instead of regular drill/solar field it means that for to me unknow reason signal delay got somewhere in and instead of 11 it printed 1, load last save this is ussualy deadlock
2) Deleting old base have issue due to limit of 4 cables on high el pole, so if poles are build in wrong order (random) smal part is not constructed and might deadlock it thats why i provide save 32h in after this issue just for case it happens.

Mod list
Factorio version
modlisttafk2.png (34.92 KiB) Viewed 17651 times
(59.27 MiB) Downloaded 711 times
(28.39 MiB) Downloaded 505 times
(13.75 MiB) Downloaded 1052 times

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Re: Tochs Automatic Factory Kit mk.2

Post by m4ssl4gg »

Known issues:
1) Some times you can see "Toch" (screen), instead of regular drill/solar field it means that for to me unknow reason signal delay got somewhere in and instead of 11 it printed 1, load last save this is ussualy deadlock
It looks like I run into this problem. However, whenever I load the last save, I always get the "Toch" tiles in the same positions, and then the deadlock occurs. Do you have any tips how could it be solved?
Thanks in advance!

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Re: Tochs Automatic Factory Kit mk.2

Post by Toch »

Can you provide screen ?

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Re: Tochs Automatic Factory Kit mk.2

Post by m4ssl4gg »

Certainly! I attached two screens, one before the first tile is planned, the second when the ghosts appear. If it helps, I can share the save file.
Normal operation
Normal operation
Toch1.jpg (3.09 MiB) Viewed 16117 times
The first tile is planned
The first tile is planned
Toch2.jpg (2.99 MiB) Viewed 16117 times

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Re: Tochs Automatic Factory Kit mk.2

Post by Toch »

yeah i had some issues with this tile as well, if iam right its the one that have to wait after last pieces of old base are razed. And than reboot building of tiles, this "bug" happend few times but not alll the time and i didnt have enough patience to hunt it down, if you load svae number 2 i provided that should push you to roughly same time but after this wierd bug.

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Re: Tochs Automatic Factory Kit mk.2

Post by m4ssl4gg »

Thank you, I will try that.

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Re: Tochs Automatic Factory Kit mk.2

Post by c0rupted »

Just wondering if this will be updated for 0.16.41?

Especially considering some of the mods are outdated.

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Re: Tochs Automatic Factory Kit mk.2

Post by Toch »

Unfortunatly not but iam working on .mk3 which will take slightly different approach but is like 10x times more complex and awsome :)

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Re: Tochs Automatic Factory Kit mk.2

Post by bengenie »

can you leave just the blueprint book and starter base pls

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