[0.13.X - 0.16.X] Advanced Factorio

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Re: [0.13.X, 0.14.X] Advanced Factorio

Post by madasi »

Any chance that there could be a config option to disable the easy belt laying? I love the pipes and belts but the belt laying changes drive me nuts more often than they help out. I'd love it if I could just change a setting in the config file to disable just that piece of the mod.

Thanks for providing and maintaining the awesome mods!
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Re: [0.13.X, 0.14.X] Advanced Factorio

Post by Neomore »

madasi wrote:Any chance that there could be a config option to disable the easy belt laying? I love the pipes and belts but the belt laying changes drive me nuts more often than they help out. I'd love it if I could just change a setting in the config file to disable just that piece of the mod.

Thanks for providing and maintaining the awesome mods!

Unfortunately, I do not know enough about modding to add config options to mods.

That said, if you do not want the belt laying option, all you need to do is open up the mod and delete the control.lua. That controls the belt laying, and deleting it makes the mod work "normally".

i may end up separating the two, but until then, that should fix the belt laying for you and anyone else that would prefer it to not exist

UPDATE: I have decided to just separate the two mods, since the belt layer mod really is a separate thing. It will now be found on the mod portal as "Advanced Belt Laying".
Author of Advanced Factorio, a set of mods that add small bits of Advanced functionality to your gameplay

Check it out here: https://mods.factorio.com/user/neomore
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Re: [0.13.X, 0.14.X] Advanced Factorio

Post by Wiking »

Considering we got Advanced Electric and Advanced Drills, I'm surprised no one made Advanced Steam yet for T1-4 Steam Engines and Boilers like the previous two mods do.
Would love a more compact version of those at an extra cost per item and 10x previous tier ofc for balancing.

p.s. thanks for maintaining these mods, love them!
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Re: [0.13.X, 0.14.X] Advanced Factorio

Post by keryja »

I've taken the time to change the advanced drills mod to use recoloured vanilla miner graphics, and also improved (recoloured) icons based on the Better Icons mod. I've attached the edited advanced drills mod.
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Re: [0.13.X, 0.14.X] Advanced Factorio

Post by Philip017 »

Update for 0.15 Please?

request update for Advanced Electric mod
i have tried but can not update with out crash by just changing info.json v14 to v15
error accumulator signals-a is not recognized but editing out this for each accumulator will allow usage, just have to assign a output signal manually for circuit usage
hope this helps
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Re: [0.13.X, 0.14.X] Advanced Factorio

Post by Neomore »

Philip017 wrote:Update for 0.15 Please?

request update for Advanced Electric mod
i have tried but can not update with out crash by just changing info.json v14 to v15
error accumulator signals-a is not recognized but editing out this for each accumulator will allow usage, just have to assign a output signal manually for circuit usage
hope this helps
I'm currently unable to update the mod to .15, as I have other life priorities. I'm also considering not doing modding for Factorio anymore, as I haven't really been playing it for months. I've been much more into Stardew Valley recently. That said, if I have the time, I'll look into updating it

Sorry that this doesn't help you much right now. Keep an eye out for some kind of update in the future.
Author of Advanced Factorio, a set of mods that add small bits of Advanced functionality to your gameplay

Check it out here: https://mods.factorio.com/user/neomore
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Re: [0.13.X, 0.14.X] Advanced Factorio

Post by Nebbeh »


So I made an update to Advanced Electric. Did a few changes to technology names to Solar 2, 3 and 4, same for accumulators since I thought that would fix unknown key "entity-name-advanced-solar".
Changed science to Production Science for lvl 3 and production and high tech for lvl 4 research and fixed the Signal-A error.

Again, not to knowledgable when it comes to modding so I cannot figure out how to fix the unknown key "entity-name-advanced-solar". in the research tree.
Solars and accumulators are working on my end atleast. Hope this helps.

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Re: [0.13.X, 0.14.X] Advanced Factorio

Post by nagapito »

I picked Nebbeh changes, and finished the update.

Was going to do it already, might as well, use the 'most recent' version.

  • Reverted your technology names to the original since if a player upgrades from v14 and already has the technology researched, it would look like a new research. (And, your solar 2, 3, 4 was just simple luck by this resource names already existing in vanilla)
  • Fixed the resource names (tip: no spaces on locale files or it fails to detect the key)
  • Updated graphics for recipes/items/technology with the new v15 graphics and a more lighter and less aggressive tint on the solars/accumulators.
  • Added migration script, so research science requirements gets properly updated if upgraded from v14
  • Fixed sorting of solar and accumulator, so now they show in the correct order on crafting buttons

Neomore, if you want, just pick this version and uploaded it to the portal. If not and you dont mind, I will update under a slight new name referring the original mod and giving you the deserved credits but I would rather prefer to prevent 'mod duplication'

And thanks too, to Nebbeh for the other changes.
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Re: [0.13.X, 0.14.X] Advanced Factorio

Post by nagapito »

Seems I managed to upload a zip with a corrupted info....
Fixed now
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Re: [0.13.X, 0.14.X] Advanced Factorio

Post by Nebbeh »

Thanks nagapito for fixing my changes. And thanks for updating the mod completely :)
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Re: [0.13.X, 0.14.X] Advanced Factorio

Post by nagapito »

Well, Neomore didnt reply, so I uploaded the mod to the portal.

If he show up and decides to upload, I will take down my version.

In case you want to change to the portal version, replacing one mod for the other has no issues and all items will keep working. Althought, I dont see a lot of reasons to do it. The mod seems super stable, no bugs to fix and I dont plan to add any new features.
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Re: [0.13.X, 0.14.X] Advanced Factorio

Post by glofort »

Advanced drills for v0.15
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Re: [0.13.X, 0.14.X] Advanced Factorio

Post by Xerus »

just wanted to stop by and note that I created a new mod which could be an alternative to the advanced drills mod:
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Re: [0.13.X, 0.14.X] Advanced Factorio

Post by Frozz »

Updated Advanced Belt Laying to 0.16: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Advanced-Belt-Laying-0-16
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Re: [0.13.X, 0.14.X] Advanced Factorio

Post by Neomore »

Heelllooo everyone. I can honestly say I have returned from the void and am returning to Factorio modding, so anyone looking for some of these mods to be updated will not need to wait too long. I'm surprised to find that apparently, I've left a bit of a legacy in Factorio modding unbeknownst to me, which I find surprising and hilarious.

I'll be looking in on the files you all posted over the months and see what all has changed. For those who were willing to remove their versions, I'll post when I've patched everything, but if you made alterations, feel free to keep them as separate mods. You could also donate them at your discretion
Xerus wrote:just wanted to stop by and note that I created a new mod which could be an alternative to the advanced drills mod:
So, funny story, I was literally about to message you about upkeeping this mod before realizing that you made is as an alternative to mine :P
Let me know if you are planning to upkeep the mod at all. if not, I may upkeep it myself
Author of Advanced Factorio, a set of mods that add small bits of Advanced functionality to your gameplay

Check it out here: https://mods.factorio.com/user/neomore
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Re: [0.13.X, 0.14.X] Advanced Factorio

Post by sparr »

Advanced Belt Laying, control.lua line 86-87

Code: Select all

if item then item=item.name else item=toplace[e.name] end
if item and p.get_item_count(item)>0 then
needs to be

Code: Select all

if item.valid_for_read then item=item.name else item=toplace[e.name] end
if item.valid_for_read and p.get_item_count(item)>0 then
bug found by me, fix suggested by Nexela. this deals with your cursor stack being empty when the event fires, which can happen after you place your last belt, or when a script is using create_entity() to make the belts
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Re: [0.13.X, 0.14.X] Advanced Factorio

Post by Neomore »

sparr wrote:Advanced Belt Laying, control.lua line 86-87

Code: Select all

if item then item=item.name else item=toplace[e.name] end
if item and p.get_item_count(item)>0 then
needs to be

Code: Select all

if item.valid_for_read then item=item.name else item=toplace[e.name] end
if item.valid_for_read and p.get_item_count(item)>0 then
bug found by me, fix suggested by Nexela. this deals with your cursor stack being empty when the event fires, which can happen after you place your last belt, or when a script is using create_entity() to make the belts
The change has been made in the version by Neomore (me), which was just updated for versions 0.15 and 0.16.
Author of Advanced Factorio, a set of mods that add small bits of Advanced functionality to your gameplay

Check it out here: https://mods.factorio.com/user/neomore
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Re: [0.13.X - 0.16.X] Advanced Factorio

Post by Amunidae »

Hey :)
Will you update the Drill-Mod?
Used them in all my previous games but now, i updated and cant use these :(

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Re: [0.13.X - 0.16.X] Advanced Factorio

Post by Neomore »

Amunidae wrote:Hey :)
Will you update the Drill-Mod?
Used them in all my previous games but now, i updated and cant use these :(

it's currently in progress, but it'll probably take awhile, as i don't have as much time to work on it as I'd like. I'll try to get to it by the end of the month
Author of Advanced Factorio, a set of mods that add small bits of Advanced functionality to your gameplay

Check it out here: https://mods.factorio.com/user/neomore
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Re: [0.13.X - 0.16.X] Advanced Factorio

Post by Scavandari »

Here is a quick-and-dirty 0.17 update for Advanced-Electric-Revamped for anyone who cant wait for an official update ;)
This is a must have mod for me for lategame so I can't live without it.
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