[16.36] Splitter Priority Not Working as Intended

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[16.36] Splitter Priority Not Working as Intended

Post by Gebus »

See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRcBW-pTzYA

This may be intentional, but I don't think so. I have recreated the situation with creative mode mods to more clearly illustrate it.

It came about when I was attempting to drain an old belt while having the new belt ready to go by using splitter input priority. I was only lifting off of one side of the output as shown.

Instead of first draining the priority input, it only used one half of the belt it then began taking from low priority input.

I expected it to completely empty the priority input before taking resources from the low priority side, regardless of which half of the belt materials are on.

Thanks! :)
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impetus maximus
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Re: [16.36] Splitter Priority Not Working as Intended

Post by impetus maximus »

yup working as intended. there is no iron that side of the priority belt, so it takes from the other.
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Re: [16.36] Splitter Priority Not Working as Intended

Post by Bilka »

You have a drain on the left lane of the belt. The top belt only supplies items on the right lane, so it's not getting drained. It will work that way regardless of splitter priority, sicne that does not switch the belt lanes. NaB.
I'm an admin over at https://wiki.factorio.com. Feel free to contact me if there's anything wrong (or right) with it.
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