Friday Facts #236 - Building a rollup

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Re: Friday Facts #236 - Building a rollup

Post by Cleany »

"Is that a city builder?"
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Re: Friday Facts #236 - Building a rollup

Post by barryington »

OMG I want all these factories as posters for my wall! Can someone make some high quality prints (for purchase)? :D
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Re: Friday Facts #236 - Building a rollup

Post by Panderturtle »

This is art!

Personally, I would never be able to build such master piece of engeneering. Just to manage this rather chaos is incredible.
I would like to be able to build a factory like this, eventhough I think I will never be.

Great work V435000!
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Re: Friday Facts #236 - Building a rollup

Post by Krazykrl »

huhn wrote:my answer would be:

no offense against this highly valued game of yours. a picture is bad to describe a complex game like this at least to me. a player understand the "icons" and builds a person that doesn'T play the game will be able to understand the easy the stuff like the train and the rocket but the rest looks a little bit like dwarf fortress.

As long as that fantastic timelapse is someplace nearby, the timelapse is a good story behind that monstrosity.

I'd imagine there are demo computers to play a bit on; where someone looking at the rollups would go "what" when compared to their few burner miners and stone furnaces.
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Re: Friday Facts #236 - Building a rollup

Post by WarpShuffle »

Please, please tell me that the feature to save a massively-high-res., lossless-compressed (.tiff) screenshot of your entire factory is implemented and available for us to use. And automatically hooked up to the instant of first-rocket-launch? That thing looks great.
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Re: Friday Facts #236 - Building a rollup

Post by Nexarius »

WarpShuffle wrote:Please, please tell me that the feature to save a massively-high-res., lossless-compressed (.tiff) screenshot of your entire factory is implemented and available for us to use. And automatically hooked up to the instant of first-rocket-launch? That thing looks great.
Its not hooked up to a rocket lauinch but its in the game with commands. (image file size is INSANE)
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Re: Friday Facts #236 - Building a rollup

Post by yohannc »

My point of view.
A friend of mine, if he saw that, maybe he wouldn't buy the game.
2 reasons :
- It would look like too complicated for him.
- He like killing biters, destroying enemy bases, there you only show a big factory.

I think it's good for hardcore gamer, but for "normal gamer", it's too "brain fucking" ?.

What about something like this ? (for example from left to right):
1/3 factory with walls/sentry, defending against biters (with the new beautiful lasers), and artillery train
1/3 forest, cliff, ore, natural things ...
1/3 biter base

I think there you could show all facets of the game.
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Re: Friday Facts #236 - Building a rollup

Post by P4pst »

Great poster!

In my opinion it shows everthing what Factorio is about.
The mess, the belts and differents designs, no limits and hight creativity!

When i bought the game in 2014, i get caught by the pictures and Trailers and they have the same kind of builds.

Great job!!!!

I would definitely stop at the poster and just look at it for about 5 mins and get caught by it.

Btw: I would love the get a save replay of the base, i love how V453000 builds his bases and it fascinates me every time.
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Re: Friday Facts #236 - Building a rollup

Post by Andrzejef »

My response? "Where the hell do I sign up?", or something along these lines, especially when combined with timelapse vid playing on the other screen :)
Or "Why didn't you show me that earlier?".

Or, if it were to happen now - "You're too late."
And, I need that for my wall :P
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Re: Friday Facts #236 - Building a rollup

Post by TheRaph »

Nice picture :) nice factory :)
But I agree to yohannc, the bitters are missing ... and shooting laser guns too.
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Re: Friday Facts #236 - Building a rollup

Post by eradicator »

I still remember my first contact with factorio. It was a video of some guy explaining how to build furnace rows with coal/ore on each side of the belt. Because it was linked from ...somewhere, i don't remember that part. But i remember that my reaction to that video was "Wtf is this boring ugly shit, why would *anybody* *ever* want to play this?". And that's after playing several hundret hours of heavily modded minecraft and having "finished" most popular tech mods available at the time, including a GregTech Fusion reactor. Only after actually seeing the game in action at a friends place did i get interested in it. And now i'm here. Having my own mods and stuff. And still no rocket science :P.

So yea. A huge complicated pictures is probably the worst method to introduce the game. As contrary to stuff like Sim City or Cities: Skylines there's no familiar elements. There's no roads or houses or people. The only thing that an outstander might recognize would be the train tracks, but even the train itself has no similarities to any real-world train. On the other hand if you need some large picture...there aren't that many other options. :/ (And just to be clear: As a now active factorian i very much like that factory of course, even though i'd never want to build like that myself.).

AndrewIRL wrote:The problem with the display in Taipei is that it wasn't denoted anywhere that the game was available on Steam.
If legally possible I would suggest adding a LARGE Steam logo.
Personally I wouldn't have purchased the game if it wasn't on Steam.
I'd prefer something like "also available on steam", as only the logo would suggest it's steam exclusive.
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Re: Friday Facts #236 - Building a rollup

Post by befzz »

imgur album link is broken at steam post

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Re: Friday Facts #236 - Building a rollup

Post by Ohz »

I don't care to buy a Factorio tee shirt to be honest,

But I want a factorio poster, please.
I'm not english, sorry for my mistakes
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Re: Friday Facts #236 - Building a rollup

Post by meganothing »

I think it would be impossible to entice me with a picture. Only hands-on game play could ever convince me.

Actually what convinced me to try out Factorio was that it was the game with the best user rating on steam and I just wanted to find out if that rating was deserved. I got actually hooked only by playing it.

So my advise would be to make a demo version. One can grasp the faszination of playing Factorio only through playing Factorio. Pictures, videos, reviews, descriptions just don't cut it.
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Re: Friday Facts #236 - Building a rollup

Post by ColonelWill »

I would say "your doing it all wrong"
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Re: Friday Facts #236 - Building a rollup

Post by Light »

meganothing wrote:I think it would be impossible to entice me with a picture. Only hands-on game play could ever convince me.

Actually what convinced me to try out Factorio was that it was the game with the best user rating on steam and I just wanted to find out if that rating was deserved. I got actually hooked only by playing it.

So my advise would be to make a demo version. One can grasp the faszination of playing Factorio only through playing Factorio. Pictures, videos, reviews, descriptions just don't cut it.
Considering the vast amount of games out there today, simple pictures or even a demo video isn't really enough anymore to judge a game properly. Especially when game mechanics are the draw and not the visuals.

I too was only enticed to play because it was highly rated on Steam but also because the reviewers did far more justice than anything I saw. Let's Plays were dull as hell because they were very slow to even automate anything, so I instantly said "No thanks, I have no need for such a dull game." But thanks to the high praise of the reviews I pirated the game before I learned it had a demo (Demos are such a rarity these days) and after launching my first rocket and testing the vast array of mods, I decided it was worth the asking price and here I am over 1,000 hours later.

So I agree that a giant factory poster that may intimidate isn't going to help much. It is visually striking to get people to the table perhaps, but hands on experience and guidance will be the major factor to show just how deep the rabbit hole truly is.
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Re: Friday Facts #236 - Building a rollup

Post by meganothing »

Ooops, right, there already is a demo! Forgot that completely. So I'll adjust my advise: Advertise the fact that it was the best-rated game on steam for x months and at game fairs distribute CDs (or usb-sticks) with the demo game to anyone who looks interested
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Re: Friday Facts #236 - Building a rollup

Post by Floaf »

Nice poster!

If using default settings, the down left corner would consist of a lot of dead trees though.
I always play without pollution nowdays since I like having non-dead trees around the base.

That might be a feature request too! Make it so we somehow can make dead trees undead (ok alive) again. either by supply clean air or automatically replant dead trees with robots or something.
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Re: Friday Facts #236 - Building a rollup

Post by Avezo »

What about new trailer then? I remember buying this game after seeing old one, but it's outdated by now with all graphic updates and whatnots.
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Re: Friday Facts #236 - Building a rollup

Post by steinio »

Avezo wrote:What about new trailer then? I remember buying this game after seeing old one, but it's outdated by now with all graphic updates and whatnots.
It's planned for 1.0.

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