Tilable Oil Production

Circuit-free solutions of basic factory-design to achieve optimal item-throughput.
Involving: Belts (balancers, crossings), Inserters, Chests, Furnaces, Assembling Devices ...
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Circuit-free solutions of basic factory-design to achieve optimal item-throughput
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Tilable Oil Production

Post by Teridus »

Since my Oil production was a mess beyond saving I designed a few new builds i wanted to share.
Little heads up: Most of the screens will miss power poles. I was testing it in creative mode and added them after taking the screens. They are included in the blueprints however.
Cracking Down Oil
And last but not least :
I currently use sulfur setups from other people so that concludes my oil design for now

All blueprints:
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Re: Tilable Oil Production

Post by Aeternus »

Some suggestions:
Add Production Mods to the Plastic production, extend to 12 length to compensate for the slower production. Saves 30% materials. Total output would be 21.5 per row, so this should fully compress, the bottom factory will be idling periodically. With a 1 second recipe, adding speedmods there seems pointless.
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Re: Tilable Oil Production

Post by eradicator »

Why do you use that complicated pipe contraption for heavy/light/gas instead of just a normal bus? (Hm, unless you absolutely despise the idea of shifting one row of refineries to the side i guess :P)
Also personally i've had great success with direct cracking:
direct.jpg (200.89 KiB) Viewed 14424 times
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Re: Tilable Oil Production

Post by Teridus »

Aeternus wrote:Some suggestions:
Add Production Mods to the Plastic production, extend to 12 length to compensate for the slower production. Saves 30% materials. Total output would be 21.5 per row, so this should fully compress, the bottom factory will be idling periodically. With a 1 second recipe, adding speedmods there seems pointless.
yeah the screen is just the base version to start with. i already added productivity modules and changed the belts to bot chests. and are you sure about the speed modules? If you have 2 rows of chem plants you would save modules with speed beacons. (2 speed vs 3 productivity).
Even the increased energy cost is not as high as it first seems, since i need fewer chem plants with prod 3 that would also eat up energy.

eradicator wrote:Why do you use that complicated pipe contraption for heavy/light/gas instead of just a normal bus?
I dont know :D
I am currently in the process of figuring out how many beacons are really optiimal. i am FAAAR from struggling for UPS so that is a nonfactor. So my thought process was: if I can keep the refineries close together, I will have every beacon cover as many of them as possible and save modules while maintining the same throughput that i would have with more refineries .The reason why I seperated the cracking is that I did not want to mess with different building sizes.

Edit: I am thankful for tips and critique, but right now I rather build stuff myself instead of copying some blueprints without knowing how or why they work. So if my stuff doesnt work out or is strictly inferior, feel free to tell my why. It is a learning process after all, so if i know what I did wrong / overcomplicated I might be able to avoid these pitfalls in the future.
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Re: Tilable Oil Production

Post by eradicator »

Teridus wrote: I am currently in the process of figuring out how many beacons are really optiimal.
As many as you can fit. And then one more :P. Refineries tile better with beacons if you leave a space between them (5+1 = 2*3 width). For me it mostly depends on how much power i have available. With rows it's quite easy to get 10 beacons per refinery, if you put 3 additional beacons inbetween refineries you can get a whooping 16 beacons per refinery. But if UPS is no concern then you're probably in a stage where you don't yet need to spam beacons like crazy to save UPS and can do any number you like.
onemore.jpg (204.86 KiB) Viewed 14399 times
Teridus wrote: Edit: I am thankful for tips and critique, but right now I rather build stuff myself instead of copying some blueprints without knowing how or why they work. So if my stuff doesnt work out or is strictly inferior, feel free to tell my why. It is a learning process after all, so if i know what I did wrong / overcomplicated I might be able to avoid these pitfalls in the future.
Self-doing is always the best and most fun =). The pic i posted first was built when i didn't have any modules so beacons were not a consideration. And with beacons in-place cracking would be weird because the ratios go wrong. Meh.
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Re: Tilable Oil Production

Post by Teridus »

More is definitly faster, but my module production is rather slow, so I currently try to have || prod 3- speed beacon - prod 3 || setup so that the whole beacon radius gets used, instead of "wasting" half its radius. But I will definitly keep that in mind for later.

Guess I will either completly rebuild or even restart. By base is built in such a way that odysseus went right back to sea because it was the straighter way home. Hell even will o' wisps get lost in there.

Didnt consider for neither beacons nor trains. Neither did I give enough space for my iron and copper lanes. Since my factories were in the way my new iron lines could not go straight and are now constantly attracting krakens that want to take them out on a rendezvous.

Factorio is hard. But even harder to put down.
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Re: Tilable Oil Production

Post by vanatteveldt »

Yeah, wasting half a beacon is like murdering kitties by stepping on them with high heels. I would link the youtbube but not sure it's SFW :)

It's hard to deal with refinery output while keeping within the blueprint straitjacket. However, you can add the cracking in the row above the refineries and then it is possible to have full efficiency from the beacons.

Note that since prod and speed is multiplicative both too many beacons and too few beacons amounts to wasting modules. Assuming everything is free except for modules (which is mostly true) you want to maximize throughput per module, which means maximizing output while minimizing cost, ergo maximizing beacons per refinery *and* refineries per beacon. Since beacons are 3 tiles it can be more advantageous to put a tile in between refineries so the grids line up (and you might need to tile to deal with pipes). Note that you want to stagger the beacon and refinery rows so beacons aren't wasted.

Happy puzzling :)
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Re: Tilable Oil Production

Post by eradicator »

vanatteveldt wrote:Yeah, wasting half a beacon is like murdering kitties by stepping on them with high heels. I would link the youtbube but not sure it's SFW :)

It's hard to deal with refinery output while keeping within the blueprint straitjacket. However, you can add the cracking in the row above the refineries and then it is possible to have full efficiency from the beacons.

Note that since prod and speed is multiplicative both too many beacons and too few beacons amounts to wasting modules. Assuming everything is free except for modules (which is mostly true) you want to maximize throughput per module, which means maximizing output while minimizing cost, ergo maximizing beacons per refinery *and* refineries per beacon. Since beacons are 3 tiles it can be more advantageous to put a tile in between refineries so the grids line up (and you might need to tile to deal with pipes). Note that you want to stagger the beacon and refinery rows so beacons aren't wasted.

Happy puzzling :)
On a megafactory scale the only relevant cost is UPS, everything else is free. As beacons are significantly cheaper than additional assemblers the whole concept of "assemblers per beacon" ceases to exist and only beacons per assembler remains relevant. Though even on smaller scales you'll always have to leave that space between refineries otherwise you can't get 10 beacons per refinery. Btw it's possible to have the cracking-down chemplants share the refinery beacons, but you'll neeed to be creative with the pipes ;).
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Re: Tilable Oil Production

Post by vanatteveldt »

eradicator wrote: On a megafactory scale the only relevant cost is UPS, everything else is free. As beacons are significantly cheaper than additional assemblers the whole concept of "assemblers per beacon" ceases to exist and only beacons per assembler remains relevant. Though even on smaller scales you'll always have to leave that space between refineries otherwise you can't get 10 beacons per refinery. Btw it's possible to have the cracking-down chemplants share the refinery beacons, but you'll neeed to be creative with the pipes ;).
Yup, that's what I was referring to (pipe creativity).

I play a different metagame, I guess. I try to optimize for certain things depending on the base. UPS is interesting but in the end the seconds are yours, so even the UPS are "free" - and everything is pointless. Which is why I love the game, I guess :)
train of thoughts
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Re: Tilable Oil Production

Post by train of thoughts »

A little late to the party, but a few days ago I came up with this tilable solution (screenshot is missing power poles, blueprints has them):
refinery_beacon.png (4.06 MiB) Viewed 11778 times

Code: Select all

If you want to add more beacons and/or want to use it for a longer line you can use this version:
refinery_beacon2.png (4.13 MiB) Viewed 11778 times

Code: Select all

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