gigantic "script.dat" on save

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gigantic "script.dat" on save

Post by slay_mithos »


With mod packs not being updated to newer versions and wanting to play a bit, I went through 50 pages of the mod portal and got 58 mods out of it.

The games starts way faster than what I was used to (quite a while ago, so it might be the version 0.15 or 0.16 that did this), the map preview is a time saver, I double check some options and I figured why not start the map now and play a bit to check if everything is working.

The problem comes when the game does its first auto-save, as the game still seems to be responsive but the save takes forever and semi-freezes the computer.
After saving manually and looking at the resources, it seems like that the game first uses up the vast majority of my 16GB of Ram, before writing high amount of data.

So I go to the save folder, see two zipped filed of 140 000+ KB and finding it odd for a brand new world I open it.
level.dat is slightly heavy but I suppose that it's due to the new generation that generated chunks way farther than before.
The problem is script.dat, the file is 140 000+ KB packed and over 1GB unpacked.

Obviously I can't open it like a Lua file, so I have no clue on what is causing such a massive file in a world that barely started, but before going around trying to figure out which mod(s) are responsible I would like to know if it's now a common thing or a bug of some sort.
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Re: gigantic "script.dat" on save

Post by orzelek »

You'd need to look through script.dat to search for mod names - you'll find out which mod creates such huge strcture on game start.
It's really strage that it would use so much storage on new game.
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Re: gigantic "script.dat" on save

Post by slay_mithos »

I would love to, but notepad and scite just close complaining that the file is too big, and notepad++ has frozen (but still doing work and eating 10GB of ram as well as 10% CPU) for a few minutes now so I don't think I will be able to open it.

I'll go the good old brute force way of removing/adding chunks of the mod list at a time and slowly pinpoint the mod(s), now that I have confirmation that it's not normal, thanks.
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Re: gigantic "script.dat" on save

Post by slay_mithos »

After investigating it, it turns out that it is a mod called "production chain" (no space on the mod portal) that was the sole responsible for it.

I didn't dig into the mod itself, but I observed how it made the file larger and larger with more mods added, so I would guess that it is doing its recipe builder in a way that causes the game to write all of it in the save file.

I reported it over there, but I figured I should write it down here too in case someone else is hit by this problem.
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