This.Selvek wrote:Clearing biter bases late game is a chore, not a challenge or fun. Nukes offset the pointlessness of the time required to clear out biters. They required a massive infrastructure investment to mass produce, so they are only available very late game in useful quantities.
No nerf is needed IMO.
Every time there is an advantageous way to clear out biters, someone screams it makes it too easy. Too easy would be when I can finally automate clearing out biter removal. I don't particularly want to waste too much time mobbing, so anything that makes it less painful is fine by me. I haven't had the chance to use arty trains but it does sound like you might finally have a way to automate biter removal, which is a good thing.
I could completely see how if you were doing PvP, you'd probably just want to disable nukes completely. I can only imagine how chaotic it would be with 10 people running around with nukes.