Changes that should be made to how work Nukes in general
First off: the nuke's recipe should to be changed by converting the 30 uranium that it already costs, into 60 uranium to discourage mass production and to increase the time to 120 seconds.Second off: When launching a nuke, I don't believe it can be done with a rocket launcher in your hand: "about the size of a conventional Mk.81 250-pound (110 kg) bomb, 11.8 inches (30 cm) in diameter and 31.4 inches (80 cm) long, and only slightly heavier at about 290 pounds (130 kg)"-Wikipedia. What I propose to solve this would be a sort of rocket launcher that would kind be placed on the ground, then that turret will be loaded and you will manually select the destination of the target explosion area.
Changes in the explosions of nukes/aftermath of nukes
1. Would be kinda cool to see a mushroom cloud after explosions in the vanilla game like this mod: Mushroom Cloud by: Arcitos2. After the nuke explodes, there would be a cloud of radioactive that "escapes" and creates a radiation cloud in the shape of a sphere with a diameter of 35 tiles (about twice as little as the original explosion's diameter) which will rapidly expand and move in the general wind direction (like poison capsules). This cloud would be tinted light transparent green and will harm the player; however, it will mutate any biter, worm, spitter, and nest that it crosses paths with. These mutation will cause random benefits for the entity, for example: additional health (x1.5, x2, x5), resistance (or weakness) to certain types of attack, the ability to breath fire, have large area-effect jaws, etc., but will cause harm and pain to the player, (perhaps there could be a suit to protect this or have some resistance). (if this is not inputted into the vanilla version, I'd love to see it as a mod)
3. The trees for a couple chunks outside of the blast radius would ripple from the shock-wave of the blast (perhaps could be implemented with grenades, mines, and the other rockets too)