Train loading

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Long Handed Inserter
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Train loading

Post by CzBuCHi »

Probably stupid question, but is there better way to fill train with warious stuff than what im doing? Because now i need to expand it and ... meh :(

BTW: it looks pretty at least :)


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Re: Train loading

Post by Jap2.0 »


That depends. You could use bots and requester chests. You could merge the belts into a sushi belt earlier. You could have the train stop at multiple stations (nearer to the production of each group of item) to get supplied. The best solution for this is probably bots - they were made for high-variety/convenience, low throughput transport. (Note to others: don't turn this into a bots vs. betls thing. Please. There's a thread for that.)
What are you using this for, and what exactly do you need to expand? If you're using it for something like outpost construction, you probably only need about half of those items. If this is just a general purpose do-everything train, I'd suggest you move to several more specialized trains.
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Long Handed Inserter
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Re: Train loading

Post by CzBuCHi »

Im still learning the game at this point (still processing what is unlocked by red+green science - didnt start with oil yet..) so i have no idea, what i will actually need .... so im grabbing random stuff, that looks like i may need it ...

I think i will go with more smaller trains and multiple stations ...


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Re: Train loading

Post by Serenity »

You mean a building train? At the beginning you don't really need one or you can fill a car manually for smaller projects. By the time you need one you have access to robots. So just build some requester chests that request about a stack of stuff. But one chest per item type! If you request multiple item types, the inserters will get stuck if they pick up more than they can put in the train. For high volume items like rails, walls or belts you can use multiple chests to speed things up.

Then filter slots in the train car for what you need and it will keep filling them. Slots you don't use can be set to something you won't load, like a rocket silo. That way you can adjust items and amounts as needed. But do so out of the station, as the inserters will start going if you accidentally open a slot for a second
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Re: Train loading

Post by Manron »

i'm using a setup with combinators that compares what is in the train to the values i set in a constant combinator. There is just one requester chest and one stack inserter loading the train. as this will most likely load too many items i also placed a filter inserter to simultaniously unload the excessive stuff.

at my building outposts i use a reverse setup to fill a provider chests with the items i want/need.

this is meant for building outposts only, the throughput is rather limited, so i would not advice to use it for production lines. On the other hand it is very flexible, as you just have to set your numbers in the constant combinator and dont need to fiddle around with filtered slots in the wagons.

i'm not at home right now, so i cant post pictures or BP string, but i hope you get the idea.

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