It would be cool to see him in military outfit to match this...but I understand the friendlier appeal of the new model

Well, we have been talking about the story and endgame goal a lot, and all I can say now is, that it will change.Malkasphia wrote:I love the new model however...isn't the backstory for the main character that he is a captain of earth's fleet and got separated/marooned on the alien planet...but now he is preparing the fleet to come and colonize the planet?
It would be cool to see him in military outfit to match this...but I understand the friendlier appeal of the new model
Please, one thing: Don't have one million open questions at the end of the game. Some are okay, but most things should be answered. Many games I did play just feel like they stopped at the last part of the story and never finished it. And don't forget to explain the biters / creepers. Why do they attack us? Yeah, we pollute their planet, but is there more? Why do we think we have the right to go to their planet and just use it? The colonists are Americans, are they?kovarex wrote:Well, we have been talking about the story and endgame goal a lot, and all I can say now is, that it will change.
Saving the human world is too lame goal for Factorio
I was thinking about this: What if the natives were somewhat normal (and maybe peaceful) and our pollution mutated them into what they are now, biters/worms. So maybe at the start, you can stand right next to a soon-to-be-biter and it wouldn't attack. I'm picturing some animals like deer, horses, zebras... basically animals we don't really consider dangerous. Obviously they we're on an alien planet, so they would be different animals. When we start to build things and create pollution, they mutate and become aggressive towards us. I suppose the mutation can be contagious to spread biters throughout the map. They are attracted to pollution because they feed on it and want more and more and more.Nova wrote:And don't forget to explain the biters / creepers. Why do they attack us? Yeah, we pollute their planet, but is there more? Why do we think we have the right to go to their planet and just use it? The colonists are Americans, are they?
The community showed more than often in the past, that it can handle that.Rahjital wrote:Excellent, so the very first thing you write is an insult to all of us here, and then you continue to attack someone for asking about a female character too even to the point of being sexist and completely disregarding the female part of the playerbase.aka13 wrote:You know, I hate forums. I am disgusted by the whole idea of forums. But you guys actually do manage to get me write a reply.
Please, ssilk or anyone from the dev team, could you delete the comment? Factorio has a very nice community that does not deserve to be tainted by such hate-overflowing rants.
I wouldn't mind it. ;DSilentSam wrote:One thing I am specifically notarguing for is skimpy armor and pink bow ribbons - I don't think anyone wants that.
Because let's face it: Over 80% of the player base and all (but one?) of the developers in the field of programming and graphics is male. Also it's harder to make a neutral model because you can't use reference material. The number of gender neutral people is pretty low.Tardan wrote:Why no one calls for a female model for the WIP model? Why only a male model or neutral model? Think about it.
This comment made my daycube wrote:... From the top-down perspective and at 16px height you wouldn't be able to notice any boobs even if it was Lara Croft...