enable gzip

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Contact: enable gzip

Post by Jon8RFC »

I've noticed that the multiplayer data is about a megabyte, and it's sent uncompressed.

I've always thought it was the multiplayer server being a bit unresponsive, but I'm betting it's just that it's a massive download which isn't using gzip. A quick peek at shows that the 904k page could be reduced to 177k with gzip. This will only get larger over time. It would certainly make the multiplayer refreshing feel more responsive as a whole.

It seems like Factorio already has the framework in place to interpret and decompress with gzip, because utilizes gzip without a hitch, and my update today to 0.16.28 was detected and installed properly, as always.

Is there a specific reason why it's not enabled?
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Re: enable gzip

Post by HanziQ »

Yeah, I have no idea why it's not enabled. Matching server will be probably completely rewritten this week though, so lots of things are gonna change. I'll keep this on my mind.
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Re: enable gzip

Post by HanziQ »

Ok, I set up gzip for the current one also.
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Re: enable gzip

Post by Jon8RFC »

Wow, that was quick! It feels like it's about half the time loading a refresh. I wanted to check if it was my imagination, and it actually loads up in about 1/3 of the time!

Will we get a notice on what all is being done with that? Just curious, even if it's way above my head.

Thanks a bunch!
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