Multiplayer for Workers

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Multiplayer for Workers

Post by TheoMarque »

Hey, I'm new on forum but not in Factorio. (but my lang skills might be forgotten)
Play game few times, starting vanillia game or vanillia server but... Now me and my friends are bored doing the same things.
In vanillia, game after launching rocket is only massive extension development.

But. we will try something new. You say about mods, right? Yes, of course but...

- we work day by day and our free time is very variable. Typical situation is 1-2 player online from all 10-15. Rarely more than 4. so we looking for mod for players who have different amount of time for Factorio.
- in coexistence from above, we have different playstyle - from small, beautiful factories with trees, water and low efficient chain production - to enormous, max effective factory producing items in milions on flatland. This situation we solved by playing in islolated terrain on map and not connecting power and logistic networks (only rail). Is very good idea and we don't leave this idea of playing together
- we tried to fight with enemies. Peaceul bored us, but vanillia enemies destoring friend factory, who is not online and can't be online for few days.
- life after rocket - we looking for mods enabling more fun after rocket or change game little to more fun - of course are know bob's or angels mod but.. are too large and had too many game changing elements for new players. ( and mods are often ugly!)

How You can help us? Play isolated (we thinking about islands surrounded by water), with biters (water again?), more complexity (research and production more expensive), with goals in endgame (achievements or shipping items by rocket) and balance between fast and slow paced gamers (every player will have own research tree tech?).

Any ideas? Any scenarios? We use own VPS machine with unlimited RAM and NVMe space.
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Re: Multiplayer for Workers

Post by HurkWurk »

if you want silly levels of complexity, load the full set of bobs mods. its soo massively different from the base game, and getting enough resources to handle the biter issue is more of a problem.
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Re: Multiplayer for Workers

Post by Deadly-Bagel »

Yeah, I'd say Bob's Mods with peaceful mode. Took me like 100 hours to finish my first game --- well, the rocket is actually laughably easy compared to some of the stuff he adds, so "finish" is used here in a broad sense --- and the ridiculous complexity will have you feeling like newbie scrubs dropped in the deep end all over again, even without biter aggression. I recommend some kind of Void Chest, it's not necessary but it makes certain bits less stupid.

If a game can have a complexity of 1 to 10, I'd say Factorio is around a 12. When you install Bob's Mods, it becomes about 40. Have fun ^^
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Re: Multiplayer for Workers

Post by TheoMarque »

Thanks for respond but I wrote, we are not interested making game much more complexity as Bob's or Angels mod do. They have high entry level for casual players.

After dig deep in mods portal I found these mods:

- TeamCoop
- Bottleneck
- OffWorldShippingCo
- Noxys_Waterfill
- Resource Spawner Overhaul - but how to preview resources distribution? and how to set resources amout?
- Far Reach
- AutoDeconstruct
- Beautiful Bridge Railway

Additionality we think about:
- Bio_Industries
- Fully Automated Rail Layer
- aai-programmable-vehicles

Is OK? May be better? There are conflicts?
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Re: Multiplayer for Workers

Post by Deadly-Bagel »

Dunno, try 'em and find out.

Typically though the rocket isn't really what you play the game for, if you're bored with that then just adding random mods won't really change anything. You need an objective, a reason to play, but something that you can work on cooperatively with players who may not be on as often or for as long.

To be honest Factorio isn't really ideal for this kind of play, especially for new players. If you're working on the same base, you're going to have one player do a bunch of stuff and then the second player's going to log on and have no idea what's happening or what to do next. I figured if this was kind of how you were playing, and were all already too familiar with vanilla, Bob's Mods would be the next step.

The alternative would be to find a new objective. Get those 20million Electronic Circuits, but build a science setup to consume them. Infinite Science! You're going to need a lot of rockets too for that. With some but not complete familiarity of the base game, I'd say achievement-hunting would be the next step. Or maybe try a different kind of base? Build modular, have an outpost that makes Electronic Circuits and dump them on a train to be used by other outposts to make other stuff.

RSO just requires a bit of trial and error, firstly look up a command to reveal the map, then start a game and use it. If the map is good, you can get the Map String from the Save window I think so you can use it to start again without busting your achievements.
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Re: Multiplayer for Workers

Post by TheoMarque »

Random mods? Most of them are connected with our playstyle.

Our cooperate is... everyone build own base but we exchange ideas, resources and get some goas (recently we had a goal: launch 100 rocket per hour...). Is this the answer for different pace of playing.

Bobs mod are:

Too complex, taking too much time to achieve tools for quality creating (slots, building bots, vehicles, transportation system) and - something incomprehesible for most of factorio lovers - these mods are ugly, with bad, simply, low-effort textures without high resolution support. No localisation is little barrier for non-english players.

We do most standard objectives for multiplayer game, but quanity objectives are only extensive factory building.
Build modular, have an outpost that makes Electronic Circuits and dump them on a train to be used by other outposts to make other stuff.
We build modular, dissolving factory stages on whole map.
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Re: Multiplayer for Workers

Post by nevniv »

His third bullet point is something I have wondered about as well

"- we tried to fight with enemies. Peaceul bored us, but vanillia enemies destoring friend factory, who is not online and can't be online for few days. "

I would like to host a multiplayer server for my friends/coworkers sometime and have separate bases, but when one person gets way ahead of the other you end up with biters potentially destroying someone else's underdeveloped base while they're offline.
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Re: Multiplayer for Workers

Post by HurkWurk »

try just this limited set of bobs and others to get your started. its bobs without the massive complexity:

name: auto-research,
automatically starts the next research... press SHIFT + T to control which science packs are used.
name: better_offshore_pump,
Adds a new pump that can be placed anywhere that also has higher water output. means not having to have water sources near where you are doing things that need water.
name: BigBags,
changes the stack sizes and content sizes of bags.
name: bobassembly,
new machines
name: bobenemies,
different enemies including some with different attacks, etc
name: bobinserters,
controllable inserters and upgraded versions. press SHIFT + R to set inserter angles.
name: boblibrary,
needed for bobs
name: boblogistics,
new robots and stuff
name: bobmining,
new miners
name: bobpower,
new power plants
name: bobwarfare,
new weapons
name: Bottleneck,
a dot on machines to show which arent running (red they need materials, yellow they need output space)
name: bullet-trails,
graphic improvement
name: Electric Furnaces,
furnaces that do not need coal, and use electricity instead. no module slots.
name: epic_mining_and_crafting_speed_research,
personal crafting and mining speed increases
name: Factorissimo2,
factory buildings. you build things inside.
name: Laser_Beam_Turrets,
lasers look like lasers.
name: LoaderRedux,
loaders to aid in full speed belt loading and unloading.
name: m3modules,
rank 4 modules.
name: MiningTools,
ability to spawn resources by making explosives to place them where you want them.
name: ProgressiveRunning,
makes running speed delayed a second or so. you can move normally when you need to, even with many exoskeletons
name: ShinyBobGFX,
better colorization for bobs stuff.
name: Squeak Through,
move around factory buildings easily
name: upgrade-planner2,
allows you to mass replace things. this is a must with bobs, since it adds a lot of "mark 1-5" versions of the same thing. now you can just select and replace them all and not have to rebuild.
name: Warehousing,
very large storage chests, they store a lot and allow you to connect many loaders to get stuff in and out of them.
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Re: Multiplayer for Workers

Post by TheoMarque »

HurkWurk, thank for your list, you show me more mods for new server, usage for explosives is very interesting :)
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Re: Multiplayer for Workers

Post by TheoMarque »

I started server with Team Coop but wehave a problem with forces.
Everyone is in different forces ant not see anyone view, and cant access to their chests or trains. Is not the style what we will get.

Of course, I can merge forces but we lose spawn points and individual research tree tech.

How to create forces to be friendly but with individual tree tech?
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