[0.16.24] Reproducible crash (broken save attached)

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[0.16.24] Reproducible crash (broken save attached)

Post by Mini-Me »

Long story of background information:
I was just in the process of rebuilding my base from a starter base with many messy "quick solutions" to a large scale base. Setting up a new train station for ore loading I changed my mind on how I want to configure circuit network conditions to disable the train station.
I had been using "copper ore >= 4,000" in my blueprint, but figured "anything >= 4,000" might require less adjustments when pasting it down, so I changed it on one train stop, copied it over to the other. I then also copied it to another train stop further east that loads iron, not keeping in mind it'd also change the name. When I realized my starved copper train starting I hastily changed the name of the station back, but *something* went wrong that the game didn't like. I still have autosave delay set to 1 minute since I last fought biters, so the last autosave wasn't long ago. If I load that autosave and wait for some 20 seconds the game crashes reproducibly.
Crash Screenshot
Copying and pasting train stop circuit network conditions and reverting the change quickly while a train approached somehow corrupted a save.

I have attached the corrupt save. I have no mods installed in the latest steam build of the game. Loading the previous autosave it doesn't crash.
Feel free to move this to "one off" if you think it fits there :D .

N.B.: I have also been playing around with blueprints and used Autotorio to mirror a blueprint horizontally. While I expected it to fail on i.e. train stops or signals I was surprised to see the game printed an error message:
Error while importing string:
Unknown item name: curved-rail
Unknown item name: straight-rail
Not sure what it finds wrong about these...
Just in case you find something you can't explain in the save ;-)
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Re: [0.16.24] Reproducible crash (broken save attached)

Post by Mini-Me »

That sounds like it. Thanks for linking, didn't find it in my search ;) .
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