An idea I noted in: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=10315
While concrete slabs make for a fair surface, large industrial areas also frequently use Asphalt as a surface paving. Could this perhaps be implemented, with a speed bonus similar to Concrete?
I'd suggest a recipy of 5x Stone (representing Grind) + 30x Heavy Oil = 2x Asphalt - requiring a Chemical plant. This provides another use for Heavy Oil, which doesn't have many other non-combat functions at the moment (Lubrication or cracking to light is commonly the use for it).
Suggestion: New tile type: Asphalt
Moderator: ickputzdirwech
Re: Suggestion: New tile type: Asphalt
There is a mod for that (c)
Re: Suggestion: New tile type: Asphalt
Factorio don't need asphalt, not even a little bit. Even some highways IRL are build from concrete, our buggy car and tank don't need more than that. Concrete it's the best industrial surface, nothing else makes sense without trucks, forklifts, cisterns, better cars etc.
Re: Suggestion: New tile type: Asphalt
Got it, solved by mod already.