Decreasing the Sync Time of Steam - Optimization

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Decreasing the Sync Time of Steam - Optimization

Post by opencircut74 »

Hello, I am here to see if the time it takes from you exit the game to the time it takes to sync with the steam cloud could be optimized.

On a regular day, when I hop on Factorio, I play around for maybe an hour, optimizing layouts, re-working assembly lines, ect. When I close the game, it is by far the slowest game to sync, even though it is my smallest game. It usually gets stuck at a specific percentage and upload rate for a good 5 mins before it jumps to the next one. Because of this, I cannot play a game after I exit Factorio for a good 20 minutes. If this could be optimized, it would increase the amount of time you can play Factorio before hopping off, and it would be a better experience, since you are no longer waiting extended periods of time for the game to sync.


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Re: Decreasing the Sync Time of Steam - Optimization

Post by Rseding91 »

Steam sync is dependent on your internet speed and is nothing we control.
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Re: Decreasing the Sync Time of Steam - Optimization

Post by looney »

The only way to reduce sync time, is to reduce save game size.
Saves are already zipped, which should give reasonable compression. A custom compression routine might be able to do better. But would add complexity to the game, adding another potential source of bugs. And take time to build, time which is probably better spent by adding features...
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Re: Decreasing the Sync Time of Steam - Optimization

Post by E-37 »

If you aren't playing on any other computers, you could just turn off steam cloud save or you could copy the saves and mods (and settings if you have custom ones) to a thumb drive and copy them to the computer and back thumb drive when you are done.
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