[MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

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[MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Post by MadClown01 »

  • Adds research facility for generation of science packs from AngelBob fluids + electricity
  • Adds particle accelerator for randomized generation of science pack from huge amounts of raw electricity
  • Adds alternative recipes to every science pack ingame. These aim to give options for earlier-than-typical generation of particular science packs in exchange for slightly lower yield and high metallurgical complexity
  • Name: Clowns-Science
  • Latest Release: v0.1.4, February 22nd 2018
  • Factorio Version: 0.16
  • Download: Here
Long Description
Screenshot of Research Facility in action
Screenshot of Research Facility in action
20180201215422_1.jpg (402.95 KiB) Viewed 19856 times
Last edited by MadClown01 on Thu Feb 22, 2018 2:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Post by SqFKYo »

I like the idea of having varied recipes for SPs. Have you considered making it support also omnipacks from omniscience? https://mods.factorio.com/mods/EmperorZ ... er_science
Is the by design that logistic science pack has only two recipes, SP2 three and the rest four, or perhaps some interaction from my other mods?
I'm assuming the balancing might be bit of an issue as well, so good luck with that :-D I'll give it a spin for now :-)
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Post by MadClown01 »

SqFKYo wrote:I like the idea of having varied recipes for SPs. Have you considered making it support also omnipacks from omniscience? https://mods.factorio.com/mods/EmperorZ ... er_science
Is the by design that logistic science pack has only two recipes, SP2 three and the rest four, or perhaps some interaction from my other mods?
I'm assuming the balancing might be bit of an issue as well, so good luck with that :-D I'll give it a spin for now :-)
I'll look into adding omnipack support asap.

Yes that is by design, honestly there just weren't too many alternatives for science pack 2 recipes that actually added meaningful gameplay options. If you can think of an appropriate recipe I'm all ears :p

The balancing shouldn't be too terrible, as long as the vanilla recipes remain the most long-term efficient ways of producing science for a typical factory I should be good
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Post by SqFKYo »

MadClown01 wrote:I'll look into adding omnipack support asap.
The balancing shouldn't be too terrible, as long as the vanilla recipes remain the most long-term efficient ways of producing science for a typical factory I should be good

EDIT: Take what is below with a grain of salt, as Zelos seemed to love the idea, and probably wants to do something similar for us all to enjoy, so I wouldn't put much work into balancing.

I mostly meant balancing from the pov of omniscience, since it also changes the late game omnipacks a bit by adding extra materials to them if omnicrystal is present as well.
Here's a list of what they require with that combo:

SP3 (blue):
1x Electronic circuit board
1x Engine unit
1x Battery
1x Bronze plate
1x Basic crystallonics

Production SP:
1x Electric furnace 1
1x Electric mining drill
1x Oscillo-crystallonic

Logistic SP:
1x Express transport belt
1x Flying robot frame
1x Steel chest
1x Express inserter
1x Oscillo-crystallonic

2x High tech science pack:
3x Electronic logic board
1x Speed module 1
1x Electric engine unit
1x Lithium-ion battery
2x Silicon nitride
1x Oscillo-crystallonic

As a quick fix, I'd recommend adding those crystallonics in case omni-crystal is present to your alternative recipes as well so they won't become trivial. I'll ask Zelos if he'd want to tinker some with compatibility to not make things too easy too :-D I'd guess that the gas recipes might be too easy, but not sure how to fix them in this setup.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Post by MadClown01 »

SqFKYo wrote:...
I see. Thanks heaps for the information/suggestion - I'll implement it immediately. I haven't used the omni mods before so I'll have a play around with them so I know what's going on :lol:

Also, the whole point of the facility is that it provides an option for science packs to have simple but demanding production requirements. Each requires 720 MJ as well as large amounts of fluids. Facility production is neither easy nor efficient.

*Gets in game* What is all this madness???

Mod updated :D
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Post by SqFKYo »

MadClown01 wrote:EDIT:
*Gets in game* What is all this madness???

Mod updated :D
Seems you're enjoying yourself :D And thanks!

EDIT: Omniscience changes the purple icon to be omnipacks (since it's purple) and changes production packs to orange. Any chance this could be reflected in the alt icons / tech page when omniscience is present?
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Post by Kabaril »

There is a problem when loading this mod:
It says "angels-plate-lead" doesnt exist. (In recipe: "alt2-science-pack-1")
Im unsure what is causing this, but one way to fix this is to check if the item exists before adding the recipe:

Code: Select all

if data.raw.item["angels-plate-lead"] then
//add recipe
//add recipe that uses different item (or not)
Same probem at recipe "alt2-production-science-pack" for item "angels-plate-manganese"

Now that I think of it, you could be missing a dependency.

Dont forget that you cant use data.raw in data.extend
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Post by MadClown01 »

SqFKYo wrote:...
Kabaril wrote:...
Thanks both of you, both issues fixed for next release. Dependency will be added on Angel's Smelting.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Post by SqFKYo »

Seems you're missing bob's warefare from prereqs list as well. Removed it since the last test and now it can't find sniper turret.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Post by MadClown01 »

SqFKYo wrote:...
Fixed, thanks
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Post by MadClown01 »

Just noting for the future: The alternate science pack recipes will ALL be rewritten to compliment Angel's Industries when that is released. Until then, I don't plan on rebalancing them.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Post by Light »

I like the idea of multiple recipes for science packs; But I especially like the particle accelerator creating science for high power and pollution late game. It makes for a good power sink when you generate too much electricity and want something from it.

It would be a bit more balanced to have the percentages vary depending on their difficulty, such as:
25% - Red/Green
20% - Blue/Grey
15% - Purple/Pink
10% - Gold
0.2% - White

I do feel that space science packs should be added as a very rare but alternative method of getting them outside of just rockets alone. Naturally nothing will surpass launching rockets, but there are those times where a few obtained over time would be greatly beneficial to get a small head start or help get the remaining 5% of an infinite tech done. I feel this is one of the few times that idea would really fit.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Post by MadClown01 »

Light wrote:...
Cheers, I will implement more particle accelerator options for 0.1.4, your recipe suggestion seems like an excellent middle-ground recipe.

Space science pack production is controversial, I think I'll implement it but make it opt-out via game settings

Interestingly, they were originally intended for mid-game but after extensive playtesting, my friend and I started relying on them too much xD
It's way too easy to take something that kinda works and optimize power generation!

Originally I copied the code from my shaft mines (out in a few weeks as part of my mineral extension) and they put out the same amount of pollution as them.
I launched a new world to test them, and the evolution factor just went nuts, something like 1% a second for using ONE of them. I think I've already brought the factor down 100 times!
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Post by MadClown01 »

Big update!

Added more Particle Accelerator recipes, added opt-out space science pack generation, fixed icons, fixed Particle Accelerator being craftable from the start of the game. Rebalanced Particle Accelerator stats - doubled power use, eliminated pollution. Added MK2 Particle Accelerator, added MK2 & MK3 Facility. Many small icon, tech and category changes.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Post by Rendigo »

Two bugs that prevents the mod from loading:

1. In data-final-fixes, I'm assuming you forgot to rename "facility" to "facility-1" since you changed the name of the technology so I assume it should be this to fix one bug.

Code: Select all

if data.raw.recipe["omni-pack"] and data.raw.fluid["omniston"] then
	table.insert(data.raw["technology"]["facility-1"].effects, {type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "facility-omni-pack"})
2. In prototypes/recipes/particle-accelerator, results is nil and cannot load the game with the mod but is the only inconsistency in the recipes so I assume it should be results_1 like this to fix the other bug.

Code: Select all

if data.raw.recipe["omni-pack"] the
	table.insert(results_1, {type="item", name="omni-pack", amount=amount_param, probability=0.4})
Both changes solved both errors and allowed the mod to load. I'm not experienced with lua, but it works.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Post by MadClown01 »

Rendigo wrote:Bug
Whoops, thanks for reporting!

I really need to start testing with Omni before releasing lmao

EDIT: Bugfix released
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Post by Sir_Cherry »

Interesting idea but with Angels, Bobs, Bob's Extended and Omnimods, this mod is overpowered.



If it's not too much to ask I'd like to see much more advanced recipes in the future. :)
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Post by MadClown01 »

Sir_Cherry wrote:Interesting idea but with Angels, Bobs, Bob's Extended and Omnimods, this mod is overpowered.



If it's not too much to ask I'd like to see much more advanced recipes in the future. :)
Damn those are some nasty raw production numbers. I really want to do the crafting / energy calculations to see if it really is op, but that would take forever, and I can guess the results!

I'll investigate further when I can
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Post by Sir_Cherry »

I'll try playing with this, adding and removing ingredients as I play.
This is by no means balanced yet, but it'll do for me for now.
Once I add more recipes I'll message you or post it here so others can add it themselves.

If the one reading this would like to add some difficulty to their game, add this to the end of prototypes/overrides.lua

Code: Select all

if mods["omnimatter"] then
	omni.lib.add_recipe_ingredient("alt1-science-pack-1", "engine-unit")
	omni.lib.add_recipe_ingredient("alt1-science-pack-1", "omnicium-iron-alloy")
	omni.lib.add_recipe_ingredient("alt1-science-pack-1", "omnicium-steel-gear-box")
	if mods["aai-industry"] then
		omni.lib.add_recipe_ingredient("alt2-science-pack-1", "burner-lab")
		omni.lib.add_recipe_ingredient("alt2-science-pack-1", "electric-motor")
	if mods["KaoExtended"] then
		omni.lib.add_recipe_ingredient("alt2-science-pack-1", "advsci-component-3")
		omni.lib.add_recipe_ingredient("alt1-science-pack-2", "simple-io")
	omni.lib.add_recipe_ingredient("alt1-science-pack-2", "electric-engine-unit")
	omni.lib.add_recipe_ingredient("alt1-science-pack-2", "steam-engine")
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] MadClown01's Science

Post by SqFKYo »

Sir_Cherry wrote:Interesting idea but with Angels, Bobs, Bob's Extended and Omnimods, this mod is overpowered.
I think the main issue here is that bob's extended and omniresearch both want to make SPs quite punishing, and you're combining the two here, so they're somewhat insane :D

...altough omnimods + pymods is still more insane with wood/glass/water needed for early SPs.
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