Deadlock Technologies have done it again, bringing a new kind of special loving to belts. Try the incredible Stacking Beltbox, an inline 5x electric stacker that doesn't require crates, barrels, or pallets, and doesn't even need to be configured. Just plonk it down between belt loaders and away it goes. Repeat just before your assembling lines to unstack again. Wave goodbye to those 32-lane buses.Resent that single tile of wasted space required by 1x2 loaders? Try our stylish Compact Loaders - all the brute force abandonware features of vanilla loaders in half the space!
Maintained and updated by shanemadden and others. Original mods and graphics by Deadlock989.
Mod portal links
- Main mod: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/deadlock- ... es-loaders
- Legacy support for third party mods: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/deadlock-integrations
- Experimental add-ons: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/deadlock-experiments
Mods with built-in support
- Yuoki Industries by Yuoki: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Yuoki/downloads
Third-party add-ons
These mods provide a "bridge" add-on, which lets you use beltboxes with other mods (they may not be up to date).- Stacking for Pyanodon's mods by TheGhost: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Deadlocks ... orPyanadon
- Stacking for Bob's mods by orzelek and OhChirpy: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/deadlock- ... ating-bobs
- Stacking for Omnimatter by Thordus: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/DeadlockOmnimatter
- Stacking for Space Exploration by Mernom: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Deadlock-SE-bridge
- Stacking for AAI Industry by Mernom: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Deadlock-AAII-bridge
- billbo99 has also made numerous supporting mods that enable stacking: https://mods.factorio.com/user/billbo99
Stacking tips
- Loaders are recommended. Vanilla inserters can work but you will have difficulty compressing the faster belts.
- Beltboxes require power. Low tier beltboxes are dirty.
- Beltboxes can be disabled in the mod settings if you only want to use the loaders.
- Research is required to progress the finesse and speed of beltboxes.
- Only raw resources and some intermediate products can be stacked (unless another mod enabled more).
- Each tier of beltbox can handle a fully compressed belt of the same tier.
- Beltboxes don't need to have a recipe set. If they get blocked by stray items getting onto the belt, open them and remove the blocking item.
- Stacked items don't work in crafting recipes (unless by third party mod).
- Stacked fuels do work as fuel. There's no bonus from that, except not having to unstack them.
- Stacks do not increase inventory density (e.g. chests, trains, player inventory).
Loader tips
- DCL does not replace vanilla loaders, so it can be used alongside other loader mods in existing saves.
- Snapping can be turned off in per-player settings. Loaders can also be disabled entirely, if you want to use another loader mod instead.
- Deadlock's Compact Loaders do not work with cargo wagons. If you insist on that, I recommend Miniloaders.
Inter-mod support
If you want to make a mod's items stackable in Stacking Beltboxes, or automatically generates a matching beltbox and loader for any given belt tier that another mod provides, an easy-to-use pack of functions is exposed to do it for you automatically. See the documentation on the github pages (link on the mod portal).FAQs
Will you add support for [other mod]?DSB provides a whole bunch of shared functions which make it easy for other mod creators to ask DSB to work with their items - see above.
Why can't I stack [vanilla item X]?
Probably because there's no point. This mod's aim is to reduce hassle, cut down on bus space, and improve UPS/FPS in big bases. If you ever had an enormous multi-lane bus carrying only that resource, then this mod already handles it. If it's something you don't ship around on multi-lane belts then stacking it would increase your hassle and lower your efficiency. There are third party add-ons which expand the items available for stacking.
Why doesn't stacking increase the amount of items I can hold in my inventory?
Because this is a mod about belt throughput, nothing more, nothing less. If you want to boost your inventory capacity or create huge storage facilities, there are many, many other mods that have options for you.
Will you add cargo wagon support to the loaders?
No. There is no good way to do it without killing UPS. If you want loaders that work with trains, ask Wube to sort it out. Alternatively the mod Miniloaders provides "fake loaders" which work with invisible inserters, which are cargo wagon compatible.
Can you stop loaders from filling up machines with hundreds/thousands of items?
No. That behaviour is inherited from vanilla loaders. Loaders were intended to quickly fill mass inventories such as chests. If they are used to fill a machine, they will keep filling it until they reach the item's stack size. If this is some item from another mod that's been given an enormous stack size for some reason, the loader doesn't care. If this is a problem and you want the behaviour of inserters (i.e. you only want to fill up the machine to a small multiple of the recipe's amount), use inserters.