[.16] Inline compressing steel smeltery block. Red output.

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[.16] Inline compressing steel smeltery block. Red output.

Post by SQLek »

I'm using 2x24 steel smelters from almost beginning, to past first few rockets. But original design had problem in .16 "compression".

Design is compact and tileable, also works in .16. I attach left and right fueling variant.
Setup needs some heat up time, where upper furnaces build buffer and lower one-two partially starve.

I hope somebody will find it useful.
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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Joined: Fri Sep 08, 2017 4:59 am

Re: [.16] Inline compressing steel smeltery block. Red output.

Post by spaghetti335 »

Does this work consistently? I've been playing around with combinator-controlled compression, but I always seem to get spontaneous decompression (an item on the belt jumps forwards several spaces) making it impossible.

I'm not doubting that the *logic* of your build is sound, but with the bugs I just can't get it to work consistently.
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