[0.10.1][kovarex] Error loading save

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( Tchey )
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Re: [0.10.1] Error loading save

Post by ( Tchey ) »

Same here, i wanted to come back to Factorio today, gniiiiiii !

Win7 64bits. I can't change the .zip it's already open to write and read.
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Re: [0.10.1] Error loading save

Post by Sander Buruma »

disabling replay functionality seems to do it.
Current workaround is to save a game in 0.10.0 and reload in 0.10.1
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Re: [0.10.1] Error loading save

Post by ponypharmacist »

Same, win 7 64-bit.
Also another bug prompted me to try save and load, I couldn't cancel current task at assebler factory. The selection window just wouldn't go away no matter what.
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Re: [0.10.1] Error loading save

Post by Mordred »

Sander Buruma wrote:disabling replay functionality seems to do it.
Current workaround is to save a game in 0.10.0 and reload in 0.10.1

Is there a way to "downgrade" a savegame to .10? Because i cannot load a .10.1 game, and it just makes Little sense to Import a savegame from .10 at all if you cannot use the new savegame from .10.1 :(.

Or is there a way to disable the replay stuff? If yes --> can you please explain how?
Last edited by Mordred on Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [0.10.1] Error loading save

Post by Marconos »

Same issue here ... windows 8.1
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Re: [0.10.1] Error loading save

Post by Sander Buruma »

saves that were originally saved in 0.10.0 and are re-saved in 0.10.1 continue to work for me.
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Re: [0.10.1] Error loading save

Post by Mordred »

Sander Buruma wrote:saves that were originally saved in 0.10.0 and are re-saved in 0.10.1 continue to work for me.
Ah nice, i didn't think of that. It seems to work well. Thanks for giving that hint!
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Re: [0.10.1] Error loading save

Post by Ohlmann »

Gammro wrote:Have you checked if the file is set to read only? Because the error seems to indicate that.

Go to the save, right click, choose properties and check if the read only tick is set.

btw, Are you Semtex from GoT? :P

The somewhat more informative linux message imply very strongly that it's not a file permission problem :
21:23:03 Error None: Package lock (read) is active on /home/ohlmann/Games/factorio/saves/BASTON.zip

(also, the fact that litteraly everybody have permission to litteraly do anything on thoses files)
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Re: [0.10.1] Error loading save

Post by Blackence »

Ohlmann wrote:The somewhat more informative linux message
According to the screenshot in the first post, it's actually exactly the same error message- Just saying. :-)

I agree it seems very unlikely that this is a permission problem.
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Re: [0.10.1] Error loading save

Post by kovarex »

Resolved for 0.10.2
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Re: [0.10.1] Error loading save

Post by Drizzt321 »

kovarex wrote:Resolved for 0.10.2
Next Friday? So we can't start any new games and expect to be able to load them up from a save until then?
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Re: [0.10.1] Error loading save

Post by Vin »

Drizzt321 wrote:Next Friday? So we can't start any new games and expect to be able to load them up from a save until then?
Download 0.9.8 from the website, create a new game, and then load it in 0.10.1. Because the save was created in an older version replay functionality is disabled and you can save/load from that file normally.
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Re: [0.10.1] Error loading save

Post by MisterSpock »

One solution:

Create a Savegame in 0.9.8 and it will work.

All Savegames from 0.9.8 are still working in 0.10.1
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Re: [0.10.1] Error loading save

Post by Kazuar »

It might be obvious to some, but for completeness' sake:

Adding a mod to your load order allows you to recover a "corrupted" save. Good reason on its own to check for some quality mods :D

Edit says: Removing a mod which was active when the game was created also allows for recovery of "corrupted" saves.

Note that while I say "corrupted", I am aware the saves are not actually , in any way, damaged.
[Note: I'm actually sorry if my posts come off as rude; english is not my native language, and I'm not aware of all it's nuances. Please do point out my misadoptions in tone!]
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Re: [0.10.1] Error loading save

Post by ShivaFang »

I am also getting this error. I would like to note that the directory in question IS read-only, however the error isn't affecting saving files, only loading them (which is a 'read' process). Also, the current stable version of factorio (0.9.8 or whatever it is) saves and loads just fine even though the directory is read-only. (I also can't unset read only on windows 7 - I think it's a system thing)
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Re: [0.10.1] Error loading save

Post by Creat »

Kazuar wrote:It might be obvious to some, but for completeness' sake:

Adding a mod to your load order allows you to recover a "corrupted" save. Good reason on its own to check for some quality mods :D

Edit says: Removing a mod which was active when the game was created also allows for recovery of "corrupted" saves.

Note that while I say "corrupted", I am aware the saves are not actually , in any way, damaged.
Thanks, this was basically the simplest way to recover my save from yesterday. Works fine and I used it as an excuse to install the rail layer mod (though I'm not anywhere near using trains in that save).

Is there even any other way to recover saves? I'd like to be able to start new games without using an older version just to create the world. Yes, I know it'll be fixed in about a week or so, but still ;)
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Re: [0.10.1] Error loading save

Post by Kazuar »

Creat wrote:
Kazuar wrote:It might be obvious to some, but for completeness' sake:

Adding a mod to your load order allows you to recover a "corrupted" save. Good reason on its own to check for some quality mods :D

Edit says: Removing a mod which was active when the game was created also allows for recovery of "corrupted" saves.

Note that while I say "corrupted", I am aware the saves are not actually , in any way, damaged.
Thanks, this was basically the simplest way to recover my save from yesterday. Works fine and I used it as an excuse to install the rail layer mod (though I'm not anywhere near using trains in that save).

Is there even any other way to recover saves? I'd like to be able to start new games without using an older version just to create the world. Yes, I know it'll be fixed in about a week or so, but still ;)
I did a few more tests: If you create a new game under 10.1 with the rail layer mod (or any other mod) active, it will refuse to load as well. In that case, deactivating the mod will "restore" the save. Really, as long as the game notices a difference between the current gamedata and the gamedata used for the save (as noticed and caused by mods or patches[?]), it will skip the erronous package lock.

If someone knew how to mod Factorio, I'm sure one could make a 'dummy mod' that changes exactly nothing, but would still get recognized as mod (and cause the important skip).
[Note: I'm actually sorry if my posts come off as rude; english is not my native language, and I'm not aware of all it's nuances. Please do point out my misadoptions in tone!]
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Re: [0.10.1] Error loading save

Post by MaxStrategy »

I'm also experiencing this issue :(
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Re: [0.10.1] Error loading save

Post by CreeperDaReeper »

I'm getting this issue as well.

64x Version
Windows 7 64x Professional

Though thanks to the other posts here I have found a way to play them anyway.

Download & install at least one mod.
Start a map, save it, exit to menu.
Deactivate the mod. Load the save. The save won't load/game will crash.
Reactivate the mod. Load the save. Save should now work.
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Re: [0.10.1] Error loading save

Post by kovarex »

It is internal Factorio problem related to replay saving, it is fixed for 0.10.2 now.
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