Instead of bots being able to do anything and automatically, i propose you have to program bots on what to doWhat?
Looking at last week's and the week before that's Friday fact, this is my idea of how bots could be nerfed, instead of there being 5 different chest types, i think there should only be 1 chest type. you can now go into a robot's menu when it's in your inventory, in this menu, is a map of the area covered by Robo-Ports. you can click on any chest on the map, and when you do, you can choose to;A: Have a variable equal how much of a specified item is in there.
B: Take a specified item out of the chest and into the robot
C: Drop a specified item from the robot and into the chest
robots can also have variables shared between robots
robots can have if statements, and defining variable statements.
you get the point.