Graphing the percent capacity of accumulators would show when more accumulators are needed, and how close you were to running out on previous nights.
The user could check a box that would add the graph to the power chart, always scaled to 100% (top) and 0% (bottom), overlaid on the production chart. Alternatively, it could be without a checkbox and have its own chart.
To go even further, an extension of this idea would be to also track total stored steam or total combined heatpipe and nuclear core heat energy, but these are a little more complex to utilize for the user.
It's very easy to forget to check accumulator charge at night, and you have to check at the exact right moment when it is at a minimum (sometime in early morning, if you are using solar). A graph would help users to manage power in an intuitive way, and they could plan and design their power network on their own time, without having to check the accumulator charge every single night or else overbuild. Overall, it would be a nice quality of life feature that fits in with the other charts available in Factorio.
Accumulator charge % in Electric network info
Moderator: ickputzdirwech
Re: Accumulator charge % in Electric network info
+1 for a basic accumulator graph somewhere.
Re: Accumulator charge % in Electric network info
Or, maybe something different - possibility to output ANY logic signal into some kind on panel from Combinator.
Each Combinator should have such checkbox. When checked, it shows it's output in the panel, in graph form.
As Acumulator already has signal output, You just connect it to this Combinator and check the checkbox.
On the panel signals are added, but You of course may just set different output names on each combinators to avoid this.
Each Combinator should have such checkbox. When checked, it shows it's output in the panel, in graph form.
As Acumulator already has signal output, You just connect it to this Combinator and check the checkbox.
On the panel signals are added, but You of course may just set different output names on each combinators to avoid this.
Re: Accumulator charge % in Electric network info
I totally agree. Accumulator charge graph would be really useful.
Re: Accumulator charge % in Electric network info
What when you have built advanced power controls and accumulators don't charge equally through entire base? Or you have multiple separate power networks?
Re: Accumulator charge % in Electric network info
Hi there.
It will be quite difficult to account for lots of different networks and batteries and stuff. Currently the game does show a (total?) storage graph on the electric network info *of the particular power pole* you click on... Adding a small percentage next to that would be great to gauge more precisely.
Anyhow, this is how it works for me: use this BP and connect whatever to long yellow arrow and devide accordingly to have a percentage/multiple of 100. So for an accu just connect and set to A all is fine. Blue arrows can change the speed of graph... and remember to switch the O combinator (green arrow) on and off for graph to work after construction completed.
It will be quite difficult to account for lots of different networks and batteries and stuff. Currently the game does show a (total?) storage graph on the electric network info *of the particular power pole* you click on... Adding a small percentage next to that would be great to gauge more precisely.
Anyhow, this is how it works for me: use this BP and connect whatever to long yellow arrow and devide accordingly to have a percentage/multiple of 100. So for an accu just connect and set to A all is fine. Blue arrows can change the speed of graph... and remember to switch the O combinator (green arrow) on and off for graph to work after construction completed.
The magic digits
Used to monitor minimal accusol needed for one radar in yellow block
Dude I wanted a percentage
I love spoiler tags want sum grafs
Re: Accumulator charge % in Electric network info
I have been meaning to suggest this for a loooong time, but as it only affects me when I am running out of power it doesn't pop into my head very often.
so... +1
so... +1
Re: Accumulator charge % in Electric network info
I +1 the panel, signals can be sent to. This is maybe worth a separate feature request.mp0011 wrote:Or, maybe something different - possibility to output ANY logic signal into some kind on panel from Combinator.
Each Combinator should have such checkbox. When checked, it shows it's output in the panel, in graph form.
As Acumulator already has signal output, You just connect it to this Combinator and check the checkbox.
On the panel signals are added, but You of course may just set different output names on each combinators to avoid this.