I have a train stacker issue. On the below screenshot you can see the copper train decided to choose the path already occupied by the iron train. This problem only happens every once in a while. 95% of the time the trains behave correctly here, they choose free stacker lanes. All lanes on the stacker are signalled the same way. This same problem occurs on many different stackers on this map, even though those stackers are somewhat different in shape and size.
Anyway, it's kind of annyoing, because this train blocks all incoming traffic until the train in front of it decides to exit the stacker. If it takes too long, the train queue will be so long it will reach the exit and deadlock.
Is this a known issue? Is it a bug? Is there any workaround? Currently I have circuit logic set up there to alert me if that signal has been red for longer than 10 seconds, and then I click the train and send it to that train stop to the right for just a second, after which it will choose a correct lane by itself. It is not an automated solution though and this keeps happening every 5-10 minutes randomly.
Can someone help with this stacker problem?
Re: Can someone help with this stacker problem?
This happens to me a lot. I have 3 groups of 3 x 6 or 7 stackers, and it seems to happen for no reason.
+1 !
+1 !
Re: Can someone help with this stacker problem?
Very nice! Thanks, Zavian. There are several workarounds posted in that thread, I used this one and it worked. Nice to see my factory fully automated now.