[MOD 0.16] Realistic Reactors

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[MOD 0.16] Realistic Reactors

Post by IngoKnieto »

*** Version 2 was a major overhaul with a ton of new functions. Read this updated post for more information. ***

Mod name: RealisticReactors
Version: 2.0.0
Factorio version: 0.16.x
Authors: IngoKnieto, OwnlyMe
Download from mod portal: https://mods.factorio.com/mods/Ingo/RealisticReactors
Source code: https://github.com/IngoKnieto/factorio- ... c-reactors (outdated)

Special thanks go to GotLag for his original Reactors mod, which this mod is based on, and also a big thanks to Sigma1 for providing the new awesome picture for the cooling tower.


Feedback is welcome, if you have any idea how to improve this mod, or if you find any bugs, please let us know here.

Short description
Long description
Details about the dynamic power output and fuel efficiency
Details about the core meltdown
Known issues
Version history
Last edited by IngoKnieto on Fri Oct 19, 2018 9:40 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Realistic Reactors

Post by BHakluyt »

This seems awesome! My idea of what vanilla reactors should be like. Will download and play asap. Please consider to rename your mod and especially the research to something more fitting inside the milieu of the game, like Advanced Nuclear Reactor, Nuclear Reactor Mk2, Ingo's Reactor or so. To see the word realistic inside a game mess with the immersion and fun of it. Please consider it man.

edit - Ah man upload it! While I'm still young please! LOL Rushed to the PC, couldn't find it on the mod portal and then only saw you said so. How about giving this reactor a bonus to the vanilla one so that is sort of an "mk 2 version." You can do this by having it be able to run longer/produce more heat with a single fuel cell. Would be really cool to have infinite research for this ratio which must cost borderline insane, but in total still give like 1% improvement on the whole story or even 0.5%. So make like it like level one starts at 1 million of each bottle and increase the efficiency ratio with 0.25% And not sure about your current research, but make that require white science too. We need more reasons to launch more rockets.

Abstergo Industries' Top Secret Reactor?
Kashiwazaki-Kariwa X3000?
Zwentendorf Phoenix (Zwentendorf - Apparently a reactor built in 1975 buit never started up...?)
Chernobyl 2
Vladivostok 369 - is very fckng fine.
FEFR (Factorio Experimental Fast Reactor) [CEFR - Chinese Experimental Fast Reactor (65 MWt, 20 MWe, sodium cooled fast-spectrum neutron reactor). Located at CIAE Beijing, construction started May 2000, first criticality July 2010.]
Nauvis - NEFR (see above)
Or give it a mythological god's name. The Thor 3000 or the Zeusinator
or Oya (goddess of hurricanes, consort of Shango in Yoruba religion)
Cthulu's Fountain
Anubis, guardian of the dead and the afterlife in ancient Egyptian religion. (Anubis is kinda metaphorical for a reactor, guarding your life with keeping lazers firing but also can take your life.)
I would go for Xolotl - Aztec god of sunset, fire, lightning, and death

edit 2 - You're the man! I see you put it on the portal while editing my post just now.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Realistic Reactors

Post by IngoKnieto »

Yeah, the mod portal was a little bitchy at first, but you could have downloaded it from the github link ;)

I agree on the name thing, it's probably not the best name, however renaming the mod now would be too much of an effort. Although some of your name suggestions are cool, maybe I just rename the reactor... And I am planning to add a little more realism in later versions, if that works out I hope the name of the mod will be more fitting.

I am also planning on adding some research based boni, however an infinite research will probably not be possible. There is currently now way (afaik) to modify the power output and fuel effectivity of an existing reactor, the way I am doing it now is this: there are actually several reactor buildings in the mod, and when the output of a reactor changes, I delete the reactor, create a new one, and copy the content (fuel cells etc.) from old to new reactor. You can actually see this for example when you start a reactor: there'll be the little dust cloud around it, you also get when you place a building.
So an infinite research for a production bonus would require an infinite number of reactor buildings...
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Realistic Reactors

Post by BHakluyt »

HAHA! Dude, you're a joker! That
science requirement!
Anyways, yes keep mod name, just give the reactor itself a cool name.

Maybe make the reactor recipe require a normal vanilla reactor plus other stuffies. That way we can recycle a bit.

Finally getting a moment to test it out. Unfortunately there is no uranium up on my game yet...
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Realistic Reactors

Post by Light »

After two hours of playing with it, I've made a nice compact 1.1GW setup that's perfectly stable. When the reactors are under 10% utilization, the temperatures will reach my specified scram threshold to shut down only the affected reactors and auto-restart those reactors once the scram ends. I'm aware the remedy is to vent excess steam into the cooling towers rather than let it idle in the turbines, but by the time reactors are researched that 110MW requirement isn't a problem.

It was rather fun to rig all the circuit networking to automate the reactor functions to sustain itself, which is why I believe I'll be using this mod permanently to replace the simple "place and forget" vanilla reactors.

There is one thing that needs fixing though - The cooling tower shares the same name as Angel's cooling tower so both mods won't load together.

I'm thankful you went through the effort to make this mod, since I've been waiting almost a year for Fatmice to accomplish this same thing with his mod. I had long given up hope for his mod being finished, so both this and SigmaOne's Nuclear Fuel mod will satisfy the itch quite nicely. Especially since the reactors slowly consume fuel even when idle, thus increasing the importance of fuel creation which SigmaOne's mod already makes a bit difficult to upkeep with his higher cost. The only thing missing is the exceptionally complex MOX fuel reprocessing chain Fatmice had... for now.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Realistic Reactors

Post by DofD »

Awww yeah.
I waited a long time for this! Thank you fir porting and extending the mod from GotLag!
If you now make it Angels/Bobs compatible i will allways love you! ;)
Klasse gemacht! (ka ob man hier GEr schreiben darf ;) )
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Realistic Reactors

Post by ZombieMooose »

I have a few questions.

Does this override the vanilla reactor, or are they in the game together?

Is the maximum productivity bonus capped at 4, or can it go higher?

Third do you have any interest in making complex "realistic" nuclear fuel production chains, like in Uranium Power?

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Re: [MOD 0.16] Realistic Reactors

Post by IngoKnieto »

I'm glad you guys like it :)

I just published version 1.0.1, here I added compatibility with custom nuclear fuel cells. You should now be able (for example) to use the MOX fuel cells from SigmaOne's Nuclear mod, or the plutonium fuel cells from GotLags Nuclear fuel mod.

I will also work on the compatibility to Angel's cooling tower, probably I should have given my tower a unique name from the beginning. I just have to find out how to do a mod update with a changed entity name, if anyone can point me in the right direction, I'll appreciate that...

To answer your questions:
ZombieMooose wrote:I have a few questions.

Does this override the vanilla reactor, or are they in the game together?

Is the maximum productivity bonus capped at 4, or can it go higher?

Third do you have any interest in making complex "realistic" nuclear fuel production chains, like in Uranium Power?

The reactor works together with the vanilla one. The productivity bonus is capped at 4 at the moment, I might add more later, however it's a bit of an effort - see my last post.
And I think I won't add a nuclear fuel production chain, the two mentioned mods above for example do this, so as long as my mod is compatible with mods like these I don't see any need for my own fuel production chain.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Realistic Reactors

Post by BHakluyt »

Be warned, this might be a possible spoiler. And sometimes my spoiler tags don't work. So close your eyes and calmly scroll down...
Last edited by BHakluyt on Fri Jan 19, 2018 9:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Realistic Reactors

Post by steinio »

Use the spoiler tag
Just want to inform the creator of this mod, that the cooling-tower interfers with the Angel's cooling-tower so both mods can't be used together.

Greetings, steinio.

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Re: [MOD 0.16] Realistic Reactors

Post by IngoKnieto »

BHakluyt wrote: ... so before I comment further on my thought, is this your todoing?
Yes, this is what's happening in this mod. Speaking in game terms: the meltdown is not an explosion, it only creates a cloud, similar to the one you get when you throw a poison capsule (altough this cloud is affected by wind). So the mushroom cloud mod does nothing here.

And I think you are mixing up a nuclear explosion and a nuclear meltdown. :)
In a nuclear meltdown, the nuclear chain reaction of the fission material will not happen all at once like in a nuclear bomb. If cooling fails the fission material will get too hot, it will melt through it's containment vessel in the reactore core, and "fall down" into the reactor. During this process the material will spread out in the reactor, and there is simply not enough fission material together in one place, so that a big enough chain reaction like in a nuclear bomb can occur.
The explosion you see during a reactor meltdown - like for example in Fukushima - is caused by the primary coolant in the reactor core. That's usually water (or heavy water in certain reactors), and if the temperature in the reactor core gets too hot, it will transform into steam (thus increasing the pressure inside the core) and also react with the metal of the core corrosing it and creating hydrogen, which in contact with normal air will explode (I'm a little inaccurate here, but that's the gist...).
And the hydrogen explosion is in fact in the mod, but it's only destroying the reactor building an not damaging anything else around it.

I'm sorry if that is not what you were expecting, but I still hope I could clear this up for you...
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Realistic Reactors

Post by BHakluyt »

Ok cool, thanks for the reply. SO my thoughts then, if I may...

Tell me about concrete and ratios and mix designs and standards and skyscrapers and stuff and I am like a sponge in water, never bothered going into the details of nuclear. More interested in what carbon nano-tube re-inforced concrete might hold for the future of construction and humanity... So with that said, I wanted a game. With that said, you make booboo - big splodey. I anticipated that I will have damage for about 10km radius and pollution to the brink of stopping my CPU. Okay, I did not let your cloud go far, but it has to go very far compared to how much it moved in about a minute. Okay thats all rambling...

How about this:
I have a feature request for the coolest reactor mod ever, and by reading what others have to say I am not the only one who waited for finicky splodey circuitry required nuclear reactors; please make it EXPLODE! Like 20km radius please, yes 40km diameter. I want to ask for bigger but lets not be greedy... After the big shroom went out and destroyed everyting we get **several** of your "radioactive clouds" causing mayhem some hours more....
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Realistic Reactors

Post by IngoKnieto »

Update 1.0.2 is ready, it fixes the incompatibility with Angels mods.

Important note
This new version will break existing savegames with version 1.0.1. I'm afraid I can't provide a proper migration script here, because then it would break existing games with Angels mods (forever).

So you either have to start a new game, or (if you want to update your 1.0.1 savegame) you have to use this following workaround:
- Go to the Github and download the update fix version I provided here (the green "clone or download" button): https://github.com/IngoKnieto/factorio- ... _1.0.2_fix
- You should get a zip fiel named factorio-realistic-reactors-Update_1.0.2_fix.zip. Rename it to RealisticReactors_1.0.2.zip and put it in your factorio mod folder (remove other versions of my mod first).
- Load your savegame and save it again.
- Remove the zip from you mod folder, and continue with the regualr 1.0.2 version from the mod portal

I'm sorry for the inconveniance. Damn double entity names...
Last edited by IngoKnieto on Thu Jan 18, 2018 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Realistic Reactors

Post by BHakluyt »

Hi Ingo

I think I found a typo:
The image
Tooltip reads what it does on image. I think it should be:

"Contains the water to directly *cool* down the reactor core."

On another note, regarding
BHakluyt wrote:How about this:
I have a feature request
Could you please make a option for your mod in the settings to choose what type of damage the reactor does. Then the explosion type you can perhaps just copy the vanilla nuclear bomb and make it a bit more hectic...?

Please please please Ingo.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Realistic Reactors

Post by IngoKnieto »

Thanks for the typo, I'll fix that in the next update.

And rearding the nuclear explosion, I totally understand it, we all need big explosions 8-)
However I think it does not fit within this mod. My intention is to keep the reactor as close as possible to a real reactor, while still fitting in the Factorio world.

But if you really can't live without it, you can replace the fallout cloud with the default nuclear explosion yourself. It's pretty simple, you just have to edit the entities.lua file in the mod with a text editor, and replace the part where the fallout cloud is defined with the following code.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Realistic Reactors

Post by steinio »

IngoKnieto wrote:Update 1.0.2 is ready, it fixes the incompatibility with Angels mods.

Important note
This new version will break existing savegames with version 1.0.1. I'm afraid I can't provide a proper migration script here, because then it would break existing games with Angels mods (forever).

So you either have to start a new game, or (if you want to update your 1.0.1 savegame) you have to use this following workaround:
- Go to the Github and download the update fix version I provided here (the green "clone or download" button): https://github.com/IngoKnieto/factorio- ... _1.0.2_fix
- You should get a zip fiel named factorio-realistic-reactors-Update_1.0.2_fix.zip. Rename it to RealisticReactors_1.0.2.zip and put it in your factorio mod folder (remove other versions of my mod first).
- Load your savegame and save it again.
- Remove the zip from you mod folder, and continue with the regualr 1.0.2 version from the mod portal

I'm sorry for the inconveniance. Damn double entity names...
Thank you and sorry for all who suffer from this change. It's better for all now.

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Re: [MOD 0.16] Realistic Reactors

Post by BHakluyt »

NOW I have a problem...
Thanks Ingo! Keep up the good work! Think about adding those other reactors since your mod name refer to them in the plural. Can't wait...

edit - using nuclear reactors to generate electricity is too mainstream. The arty has lost its farty... Next step - clearing biters by using mismanaged power plants.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Realistic Reactors

Post by BHakluyt »

Hi there. Again.

Just wanted to clarify something... You said:
The reactor works together with the vanilla one.
Did I misinterpret that or is my config wrong
How about naming your first explosion type reactor the Tsar Bomba?

edit - in order to not make another post and getting us to the next page. Now doesn't this look pretty? Would like to see other's reactors too...
A bit of RR
Last edited by BHakluyt on Sun Jan 21, 2018 10:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Realistic Reactors

Post by Sigma1 »

This is absolutely perfect! One thing I wish you'd do is disable the vanilla reactor and replace it with this one.

I'm totally recommending this on the mod portal page of my fuel mod!
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Realistic Reactors

Post by Light »

There's an odd bug involving bottleneck and the cooling tower.

When loading a game, the green dot appears on the middle which isn't indicative of the actual tower status. It's no big deal, but I felt like bringing it to your attention.
BHakluyt wrote:How about naming your first explosion type reactor the Tsar Bomba?
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