Idea is to bring to the game new type of transportation that is is hybrid of belts, bots and trains.
Idea base on autonomous carts that runs on one-way monorails (rails placed like belts) and deliver one stack of items between logistic chests.
- Monorails are 1x1 entities placed like belts. So there is only one item that can be rotate to build monorail network.
- Monorails require dedicated stations (something like roboport) that store carts and provide electricity to the monorails. Station don't have range but how much rails can power and how much carts can store. Connecting more rails to the loop then station can handle cause that all catrs on that loop slow down. Cart that don't have task and don't have space in Station will stop on monorail show proper info "No docking space in stations".
- Carts are autonomous like bots. It don't need schedule or additional setup. Just place carts in station and they will go to work.
- Carts interact which logistic chests placed next to the monorail. They interact just like bots (take items from one chest and place in another).
- Cart moving on monorails occupy one tile. Cart can move to the next tile if that tile is free (each tile is like rail block in train system).
Example (step by step)
Green - free tile
Orange - reserved tile
Red - occupied tail
- Cart can carry entire stack.
Example usage: