Suuuuuuuure.malecord wrote:My two cents. Logistic bots are evil only because they are not "realistic". In the sense that they occupy no space and so are collision free. And this allows them to defeat physic and achieve impossible throughput. You can buff belts as much as you like but they will never match logistic bots throughput simply because bots have no throughput limits. They scale infinitely in addition to be extremely flexible (as they should be).
Give them collision box, force them to respect safe distance from each other and you will have brought them in the factorio spirit where you have to take in account numbers and designs. They will still have their use, be part of smart Logistic designs but they won't be anymore the brainless solution for all the problems in the game.
Don't get me wrong. I utterly and completely agree with your opinion. Bots are stupidly OP, and they should get a nerf, and a mean one at that. Your idea is, in fact, more than accurate, it totally goes to the point and, according to me, totally agrees with the rest of Factorio's logic.
But seeing how people reacted when you take away only a little bit of the comfort they got used to and took for granted (the barrels nerf), and how they immediately screamed "megabase murder", suggesting to delete or even nerf logistic bots sounds a bit like this :
I told them I'd delete/nerf bots, and watched the forums burn