[16.x] What does Bob's Enemies do?

Some mods, made by Bob. Basically streaks every Factroio-area.

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[16.x] What does Bob's Enemies do?

Post by PTTG »

I'd like to have some idea what it changes before I install it....
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Re: [16.x] What does Bob's Enemies do?

Post by bobingabout »

Adds elemental enemies (Biters and spitters) from big to leviathan. there's 6 tiers in total with behemoth being the 4th, so there are bigger enemies.
Adds elemental types of worm too
Also adds bigger worms.

Elemental damage types are.... Fire, Poison, Electric, Piercing, Acid and Explosive.

It also adds alien artifacts back in, plus rainbow artifacts that correspond to the elemental types, for use in my warfare mod, and science packs and a lab for using them as research too.
There are options you can change, I might recomend turning off small artifacts, as while they offer a steady stream of artifacts for making ammo and research without having to go blow up bases, it also clutters the map with them.
Creator of Bob's mods. Expanding your gameplay since version 0.9.8.
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Re: [16.x] What does Bob's Enemies do?

Post by BlueTemplar »

Hi, enjoying your mod, but there might be a bug in the default settings :
bob_mod_enemies_alien_artifact_bug.png (195.4 KiB) Viewed 7974 times
Shouldn't these two be inverted?

I don't seem to have any alien artifacts in my game, how can I enable them during the game?
BobDiggity (mod-scenario-pack)
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Re: [16.x] What does Bob's Enemies do?

Post by bobingabout »

Turn it on, and it should effect existing games.

And, they're out of sequence simply because there is no order tags on the options (Because when I wrote them, things were still very much guesswork), so they're listed purely alphabetically order, by their internal name.

I could go and add order tags to them all.
Creator of Bob's mods. Expanding your gameplay since version 0.9.8.
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