Many people (myself included) think that logistic bots are overpowered. Personally I try to avoid using them at all costs on every my playthrough.Twinsen wrote:Don't worry, logistics bots won't be removed from the game, mostly because it's a feature that has been developed and polished quite a lot. Also many players love the feature, and we've all become used to it over the years.
However even being kinda biased fan of belts I am glad bots are here.
Yes bots are cheaty but sometimes even best engeneers want to have a shortcut.
I am glad that bots were moved high in tech tree so you need to deal with belts for quite a long time.
However bots are totally irreplaceble on megabase scale. I will point out several things.
On megabase scale outpost creation is really boring repetetive thing so there is almost NO option other from bot based mining. It is only a question of deployment time. Laying belts/balancers is fine for early/mid game but it is totally unacceptible for megabases.
Bots have their simplicity. But they also do have better throughput and are more UPS friendly. What can be done here? You can't change simplicity and you will not make them more UPS hungry so we are looking at throughput here. You can either lower throughput of bots or buff throughput of belts. Or both.
Currently bots have nearly unlimited throughput so that you can just mitigate everything by throwing more bots in. However for continuous throughput (like super dense beaconed factories) throughput IS limited by the amount of charge pads available so at some point if you lower bot carry capacity or increase charge time they will start to suffer forcing a player to spend more space placing more roboports which is totally fine by me.
Another thing here is belt capacity and/or difficulty of usage. Surely you should solve all current belt problems making them harder to use. Compression, sideloading, splitter inconsistencies etc.
But you mentioned overcompression. Maybe it is really good idea to think this way. I remember many suggestions about increasing belt throughput by introducing stuff like packaging (stacking items into a single package taking 1 slot on belt) and loaders. One idea is having something like Klonan's belt buffer which could accept such packages via inserter and unload them to belt and vice versa. Simple and cool. Or just accept items on one side and offload packages on another.
Maybe it would be a nice idea to unlock something like that really late game to counter bots? Maybe some supercompressed belt which can only be handled by loaders?
One more thing to look at is beacons. I can clearly state that namely beacons and the way they effect production is forcing players to go super compact and make bots overwhelm belts. While I do like to design belt based beaconed setups myself I can clearly see why bots dominate belts.